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# page-chatter

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A simple library to facilitate chatter between web-apps running on the same page

## How to Use

### Directly from a web page

One can use *page-chatter* directly from a web-page by attaching the *page-chatter.js* to the DOM.

    <!-- Attaching the page-chatter script -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/library/page-chatter.js"></script>

    <!-- Usage -->
    <script type="text/javascript">

### With [Webpack](, [Browserify]( or [RequireJS](

Install *page-chatter* from NPM

    npm install page-chatter --save-dev

Consume as an ES6 module

    import * as pageChatter from 'page-chatter';


    import { init, listen, talk } from 'page-chatter';

Consume as a CommonJS module

    var pageChatter = require('page-chatter');

Consume as an AMD

    require(['page-chatter'], function (pageChatter) {
        // Consume pageChatter

Note: You may have to use [Babel]( for ES6 transpilation.

### Simple usage

1. Import *page-chatter* functions

        import { init, listen, talk, broadcast, terminate } from 'page-chatter';

2. Initialize *page-chatter*


    The above line should be placed in the parent-most app, the one that can host *page-chatter* in a way that it can be accessed from any other contained app participating in the chatter. 

3. Listen to chatter from an app on the page

            'sub-app1', // Own Id
            ({ event, payLoad }) => {
                // TODO: Consume messages

    The first argument to `listen` needs to be an identifier for the current participating app and the second is a handler that receives messages with an `event` and a `payLoad` (if at all there's one).

4. Talk to another app participating in the chatter

            'sub-app2', // Id of the recipient
            'get-sum', // Event identifier
                num1: 2,
                num2: 3
            } // Message data

    The first argument to `talk` is the identifier of the recipient, the second is the `event` for the recipient to know the nature of the message and the third is the `payLoad`.

5. Talk to all other participants at once

            'he-is-here' // Event identifier
                who: 'someone'
            } // Message data

    The arguments to `broadcast` are the same as `talk` but there is no `id` for the recipient, as all participants can listen.

6. [Optional] Terminate the chatter


    A call to `terminate` releases *page-chatter*'s control from the page and returns everything back to normal.

## Demo

You can view a demo [here](

## To-do

* Write unit-tests