require "jekyll/typogrify/version"
require 'rubypants'
require 'typogruby'
require 'titlecase'
require 'liquid'
module Jekyll
module TypogrifyFilter
# converts a & surrounded by optional whitespace or a non-breaking space
# to the HTML entity and surrounds it in a span with a styled class.
# @param [String] text input text
# @return [String] input text with ampersands wrapped
def amp(text)
return Typogruby.amp(text.to_s)
# surrounds two or more consecutive capital letters, perhaps with
# interspersed digits and periods in a span with a styled class.
# @param [String] text input text
# @return [String] input text with caps wrapped
def caps(text)
return Typogruby.caps(text.to_s)
# Converts special characters (excluding HTML tags) to HTML entities.
# @param [String] text input text
# @return [String] input text with all special characters converted to
# HTML entities.
def entities(text)
return Typogruby.entities(text.to_s)
# main function to do all the functions from the method.
# @param [String] text input text
# @return [String] input text with all filters applied
def improve(text)
return Typogruby.improve(text.to_s)
# encloses initial single or double quote, or their entities
# (optionally preceeded by a block element and perhaps an inline element)
# with a span that can be styled.
# @param [String] text input text
# @return [String] input text with initial quotes wrapped
def initial_quotes(text)
return Typogruby.initial_quotes(text.to_s)
# Applies smartypants to a given piece of text
# @see
# @param [String] text input text
# @return [String] input text with smartypants applied
def smartypants(text)
return Typogruby.smartypants(text.to_s)
# replaces space(s) before the last word (or tag before the last word)
# before an optional closing element (<tt>a</tt>, <tt>em</tt>,
# <tt>span</tt>, strong) before a closing tag (<tt>p</tt>, <tt>h[1-6]</tt>,
# <tt>li</tt>, <tt>dt</tt>, <tt>dd</tt>) or the end of the string.
# @see
# @see
# @param [String] text input text
# @return [String] input text with non-breaking spaces inserted
def widont(text)
return Typogruby.widont(text.to_s)
# convert a given piece of text to titlecase
# @param [String] text input text
# @return [String] input text convert to titlecase
def titlecase(text)
return text.to_s.titlecase
# wraps words in a span class that can look like something else
# @param [String] text input text
# @return [String] input text with words that look strange in a span
def letter_spacing(text)
text.gsub(/(click\S*|clint\S*|final\S*|curt\S*|flick\S*)\b/im) { |str|
tag, before, word = $1, $2, $3
"#{before}<span class=\"fix-letter-spacing\">#{str}</span>"
# surrounds two or more consecutive capital letters, perhaps with
# interspersed digits and periods in a span with a styled class.
# @param [String] text input text
# @return [String] input text with caps wrapped
def jt_caps(text)
return custom_caps(text.to_s)
# converts a — (em dash) by optional whitespace or a non-breaking space
# to the HTML entity and surrounds it in a span with a styled class.
# @param [String] text input text
# @return [String] input text with em dashes wrapped
def jt_emdash(text)
return emdash(text.to_s)
# custom modules to jekyll-typogrify
# surrounds two or more consecutive capital letters, perhaps with
# interspersed digits and periods in a span with a styled class.
# @param [String] text input text
# @return [String] input text with caps wrapped
def custom_caps(text)
# $1 and $2 are excluded HTML tags, $3 is the part before the caps and $4 is the caps match
(<[^/][^>]*?>)| # Ignore any opening tag, so we don't mess up attribute values
(\s| |^|'|"|>|) # Make sure our capture is preceded by whitespace or quotes
([A-Z\d](?:(\.|'|-|&|&|&\#38;)?[A-Z\d][\.']?){1,}) # Capture capital words, with optional dots, numbers or ampersands in between
(?!\w) # ...which must not be followed by a word character.
}x) do |str|
tag, before, caps = $1, $2, $3
# Do nothing with the contents if ignored tags, the inside of an opening HTML element
# so we don't mess up attribute values, or if our capture is only digits.
if tag || caps =~ /^\d+\.?$/
elsif $3 =~ /^[\d\.]+$/
before + caps
before + '<span class="caps">' + caps + '</span>'
# converts a — (em dash) by optional whitespace or a non-breaking space
# to the HTML entity and surrounds it in a span with a styled class.
# @param [String] text input text
# @return [String] input text with em dashes wrapped
def emdash(text)
text.gsub(/(\w|\s| )—(?:mdash;|#8212;)?(\w|\s| )/) { |str|
$1 + '<span class="emdash">—</span>' + $2
}.gsub(/(\w+)="(.*?)<span class="emdash">—<\/span>(.*?)"/, '\1="\2—\3"')