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# Steps to create the template

> All the code snippets are also stored in a [GitHub Gist](https://gist.github.com/N7K4/60e142f2b4a83a3c749b2dd54436b41d). To get the gist information use 
`curl -s -o "gits-info.json" https://api.github.com/gists/60e142f2b4a83a3c749b2dd54436b41d ` and then collect the `raw_url` inside the `files` block!

Get code with `SSH` from [GitHub](https://github.com/n13org/jekyll-plugin-template), `config git` with user data and signing

git clone git@github.com:n13org/jekyll-plugin-template.git
cd jekyll-plugin-template
git config --local user.name "N7K4"
git config --local user.email "spam-and-junk@n13.org"
git config --local user.signingkey "1234567890ABCDEF"
git config --local commit.gpgsign "true"

Add `.gitignore` file, and commit it

curl -s -o ".gitignore" https://gist.githubusercontent.com/N7K4/60e142f2b4a83a3c749b2dd54436b41d/raw/b7c56985829f2574340b26a8fb46af34588c1e1f/.gitignore
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Add .gitignore file"
git push

Create, push a workspace file and open the workspace in [VSCode](https://code.visualstudio.com/)

echo "{\"folders\": [{\"path\": \".\"}]}" > ./jekyll-plugin-template.code-workspace
git add jekyll-plugin-template.code-workspace
git commit -m "Add vscode workspace file"
git push
code -n ./jekyll-plugin-template.code-workspace

Make the project on GitHub [settings](https://github.com/n13org/jekyll-plugin-template/settings) to a `Template repository`.

![GitHub project settings - template repository](docu-img/TemplateRepository.png)

Initialize [bundler](https://bundler.io/man/bundle-gem.1.html) with a new gem. Move the content of `lib` and `test`to the root. Replace `{MyCompany}` and `{MyProject}` with your values. In the example the values were `KargWare` and `PlugInTemplate`.

bundle gem jekyll-{MyCompany}-{MyProject} --test=minitest --no-mit --no-coc --no-exe --no-ext
mv jekyll-{MyCompany}-{MyProject}/lib/ ./
mv jekyll-{MyCompany}-{MyProject}/test/ ./
git add lib/* test/*
git commit -m "Add 'bundle gem' generated files"
git push

Move the generated `gemspec` file to the root folder. Check the data, remove unused blocks and solve `TODOs` inside the `gemspec` file and push the file

mv jekyll-{MyCompany}-{MyProject}/*.gemspec ./
git add *.gemspec
git commit -m "Add generated 'gemspec' file"
git push

Add the dependency to **jekyll** to `gemspec`

Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
    spec.add_dependency 'jekyll', '>= 3.8'

git add *.gemspec
git commit -m "Set dependency to jekyll"
git push

Move the `Gemfile` to the root folder

mv jekyll-{MyCompany}-{MyProject}/Gemfile ./
git add Gemfile
git commit -m "Add Gemfile"
git push

Install `rubocop` as linting tool

bundle add rubocop --skip-instal
bundle add rubocop-minitest --skip-install
bundle add rubocop-performance --skip-install
git add Gemfile
git commit -m "Add rubocop as linting"
git push

## Folder and File Structure

The variables will be filled by the default-value. 

|Variable|Default-Value        |Note|
|FTName  |                     | Is a default variable, which is part of the extension. **My template is not using it.**|
|Company |KargWare             | The company is part of the namespaces and folder structure|
|Project |JekyllPlugInTemplate | The project is part of the namespaces and folder structure|

The file `jekyll-plugin-template.code-workspace` is part of the template and will not be generated.

In the text below are the variables wrapped with `<<VarName>>`. 

├── .gitignore
├── .rubocop.yml
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── Rakefile
├── jekyll-<<Company>>-<<Project>>.gemspec
├── lib
│   └── jekyll
│       └── <<Company>>
│           ├── <<Project>>
│           │   ├── configuration.rb
│           │   └── version.rb
│           └── <<Project>>.rb
└── test
    ├── jekyll
    │   └── <<Company>>
    │       └── <<Project>>
    │           ├── configuration_test.rb
    │           └── version_test.rb
    └── test_helper.rb

Use the [VS-Code Fast Folder Structure Extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Huuums.vscode-fast-folder-structure), [Code](https://github.com/Huuums/vscode-fast-folder-structure) and cretae the template `NewJekyllPlugInAsRubyGem`

       "customVariables": [
        "omitParentDirectory": true,