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 * Copyright 2016 Nicolas JUHEL <>.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

namespace SwaggerValidator\Common;

 * Description of FactorySwagger
 * @author Nicolas JUHEL<>
 * @version 1.0.0
class FactorySwagger

     * Primitive Type
    const TYPE_STRING  = 'string';
    const TYPE_NUMBER  = 'number';
    const TYPE_BOOLEAN = 'boolean';
    const TYPE_INTEGER = 'integer';
    const TYPE_ARRAY   = 'array';
    const TYPE_FILE    = 'file';
    const TYPE_OBJECT  = 'object';

     * Specific Key
    const KEY_ADDPROPERTIES    = 'additionalProperties';
    const KEY_ADDITEMS         = 'additionalItems';
    const KEY_ALLOF            = 'allOf';
    const KEY_ALLOWEMPTYVALUE  = 'allowEmptyValue';
    const KEY_ANYOF            = 'anyOf';
    const KEY_COLLECTIONFORMAT = 'collectionFormat';
    const KEY_CONSUMES         = 'consumes';
    const KEY_DEFAULT          = 'default';
    const KEY_DEFINITIONS      = 'definitions';
    const KEY_ENUM             = 'enum';
    const KEY_EXAMPLE          = 'example';
    const KEY_EXCLUSIVEMINIMUM = 'exclusiveMinimum';
    const KEY_EXCLUSIVEMAXIMUM = 'exclusiveMaximum';
    const KEY_EXTERNALDOCS     = 'externalDocs';
    const KEY_FLOW             = 'flow';
    const KEY_FORMAT           = 'format';
    const KEY_HEADERS          = 'headers';
    const KEY_IN               = 'in';
    const KEY_ITEMS            = 'items';
    const KEY_MAXITEMS         = 'maxItems';
    const KEY_MAXLENGTH        = 'maxLength';
    const KEY_MAXIMUM          = 'maximum';
    const KEY_MINITEMS         = 'minItems';
    const KEY_MINLENGTH        = 'minLength';
    const KEY_MINIMUM          = 'minimum';
    const KEY_MULTIPLEOF       = 'multipleOf';
    const KEY_NAME             = 'name';
    const KEY_NOT              = 'not';
    const KEY_ONEOF            = 'oneOf';
    const KEY_PARAMETERS       = 'parameters';
    const KEY_PATHS            = 'paths';
    const KEY_PATTERN          = 'pattern';
    const KEY_PRODUCES         = 'produces';
    const KEY_PROPERTIES       = 'properties';
    const KEY_REQUIRED         = 'required';
    const KEY_REFERENCE        = '$ref';
    const KEY_RESPONSES        = 'responses';
    const KEY_SCHEMA           = 'schema';
    const KEY_SCOPE            = 'scopes';
    const KEY_TYPE             = 'type';
    const KEY_TAGS             = 'tags';
    const KEY_UNIQUEITEMS      = 'uniqueItems';

     * Constant for identify custom properties
    const KEY_CUSTOM_PATTERN = 'x-';

     * location parameters
    const LOCATION_HEADER = 'header';
    const LOCATION_PATH   = 'path';
    const LOCATION_QUERY  = 'query';
    const LOCATION_BODY   = 'body';
    const LOCATION_FORM   = 'formData';

     * The default list of matching key and type
     * Empty value must have a specific build part
     * @var array
    private static $keyToObject = array(
        'contact'             => 'Contact',
        'definitions'         => 'Definitions',
        'externalDocs'        => 'ExternalDocs',
        'headers'             => 'Headers',
        'info'                => 'Info',
        'license'             => 'License',
        'paths'               => 'Paths',
        'parameters'          => 'Parameters',
        'responses'           => 'Responses',
        'schema'              => '',
        'security'            => 'Security',
        'securityDefinitions' => 'SecurityDefinitions',
        'oneOf'               => 'TypeCombined',
        'anyOf'               => 'TypeCombined',
        'allOf'               => 'TypeCombined',
        'not'                 => 'TypeCombined',
        'properties'          => 'TypeObject',
        'scopes'              => '',

     * The default list of matching origin Type and child type
     * Empty value must have a specific build part
     * @var array
    private static $originObjectToChildObject = array(
        'Headers'             => '',
        'PathItem'            => 'Operation',
        'Paths'               => 'PathItem',
        'Parameters'          => '',
        'Responses'           => 'ResponseItem',
        'SecurityDefinitions' => '',
        'Security'            => 'SecurityItem',
        'TypeArray'           => '',

     * The list of origin object type that need matching scope key
     * @var array
    private static $securityObjectHasScope = array(
        'OAuth2AccessCodeSecurity', 'OAuth2ApplicationSecurity', 'OAuth2ImplicitSecurity', 'OAuth2PasswordSecurity'

     * @var \SwaggerValidator\Common\FactorySwagger
    private static $instance;

     * Private construct for singleton
    private function __construct()


     * get the singleton of this collection
     * @return \SwaggerValidator\Common\FactorySwagger
    public static function getInstance()
        if (empty(self::$instance)) {
            self::$instance = new static();

        return self::$instance;

     * replace the singleton of this collection
    public static function setInstance(\SwaggerValidator\Common\FactorySwagger $instance)
        self::$instance = $instance;

     * prune the singleton of this collection
    public static function pruneInstance()
        self::$instance = null;

     * Var Export Method
    protected function __storeData($key, $value = null)
        if (property_exists($this, $key)) {
            $this->$key = $value;
        else {
            parent::__storeData($key, $value);

    public static function __set_state(array $properties)

        foreach ($properties as $key => $value) {
            self::$instance->__storeData($key, $value);

        return self::getInstance();

    public function jsonUnSerialize(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context, $originType, $originKey, &$jsonData)
        $keyType   = self::KEY_TYPE;
        $keyCustom = self::KEY_CUSTOM_PATTERN;
        $notCustom = array(
            'Parameters', 'ParameterBody', 'Headers'

        if (!empty($originType) && !empty($originKey) && !in_array($originType, $notCustom) && substr($originKey, 0, strlen($keyCustom)) === $keyCustom) {
            return $jsonData;
        elseif (empty($originType) && !empty($originKey) && substr($originKey, 0, strlen($keyCustom)) === $keyCustom) {
            return $jsonData;

        if (!empty($originKey) && array_key_exists($originKey, self::$keyToObject)) {
            return $this->buildObjectFromOriginKey($context, $originType, $originKey, $jsonData);

        if (!empty($originType) && array_key_exists($originType, self::$originObjectToChildObject)) {
            return $this->buildObjectFromOriginObject($context, $originType, $originKey, $jsonData);

        if (is_object($jsonData) && property_exists($jsonData, $keyType)) {
            return $this->buildPrimitive($context, $originType, $originKey, $jsonData);

        if (is_object($jsonData) && property_exists($jsonData, self::KEY_REFERENCE)) {
            return $this->returnBuildObject($context, \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->Reference, $originType, $originKey, $jsonData);

        if (!is_object($jsonData)) {
            return $jsonData;

        if ($originType === 'Swagger') {
            return $jsonData;

        if ($originType === 'TypeObject' || (empty($originType) && property_exists($jsonData, self::KEY_PROPERTIES))) {
            return $this->returnBuildObject($context, \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->TypeObject, $originType, $originKey, $jsonData);

        $context->throwException('Cannot identify the object builder for the given JSON Data', array('originType' => $originType, 'originKey' => $originKey, 'context' => $context, 'JsonData' => $jsonData), __FILE__, __LINE__);

    protected function returnBuildObject(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context, \SwaggerValidator\Common\CollectionSwagger $object, $originType, $originKey, &$jsonData)
        $object->jsonUnSerialize($context, $jsonData);
        $missingKey = $object->checkMandatoryKey();

        if ($missingKey !== true) {
            $context->throwException('Missing Key "' . $missingKey . '" from this original type "' . $originType . '" and key "' . $originKey . '"', array('context' => $context, 'SwaggerObject' => $object), __FILE__, __LINE__);

        return $object;

    protected function buildObjectFromOriginObject(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context, $originType, $originKey, &$jsonData)
        $keyIn   = self::KEY_IN;
        $keyName = self::KEY_NAME;
        $object  = null;

        if (!empty(self::$originObjectToChildObject[$originType])) {
            $object = \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->get(self::$originObjectToChildObject[$originType]);

        switch ($originType) {
            case 'Parameters':
                if (!is_object($jsonData) || !property_exists($jsonData, $keyIn)) {
                    $context->throwException('Parameters Item have no "in" keys', array('context' => $context, 'JsonData' => $jsonData), __FILE__, __LINE__);

                if ($jsonData->$keyIn == self::LOCATION_BODY) {
                    $object = \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->ParameterBody;
                else {
                    $objectType       = $this->getPrimitiveType($context, $jsonData);
                    $object           = \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->$objectType;
                    $object->$keyName = $originKey;

            case 'Headers':
                $object           = \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->HeaderItem;
                $object->$keyName = $originKey;

            case 'SecurityDefinitions':
                $object = $this->SecurityDefinition($context, $jsonData);

            case 'TypeArray':
                if ($originKey === 'items') {
                    $object = \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->TypeArrayItems;
                else {
                    return $jsonData;

        if (empty($object)) {
            $context->throwException('Cannot build an empty object from this original type "' . $originType . '" and key "' . $originKey . '"', array('context' => $context, 'JsonData' => $jsonData), __FILE__, __LINE__);

        return $this->returnBuildObject($context, $object, $originType, $originKey, $jsonData);

    protected function buildObjectFromOriginKey(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context, $originType, $originKey, &$jsonData)
        $object = null;

        if (!empty(self::$keyToObject[$originKey])) {
            $object = \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->get(self::$keyToObject[$originKey]);

        switch ($originKey) {
            case self::KEY_SCHEMA:
                if (!is_object($jsonData)) {
                    $context->throwException('Cannot build an object schema with an non object JSON Data from this original type "' . $originType . '" and key "' . $originKey . '"', array('context' => $context, 'JsonData' => $jsonData), __FILE__, __LINE__);
                if (property_exists($jsonData, self::KEY_ALLOF) || property_exists($jsonData, self::KEY_ANYOF) || property_exists($jsonData, self::KEY_ONEOF) || property_exists($jsonData, self::KEY_NOT)) {
                    $object = \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->TypeCombined;
                elseif (is_object($jsonData) && property_exists($jsonData, self::KEY_TYPE)) {
                    return $this->buildPrimitive($context, $originType, $originKey, $jsonData);
                else {
                    $object = \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->TypeObject;

            case self::KEY_SCOPE:
                if (in_array($originType, self::$securityObjectHasScope)) {
                    $object = \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->OAuth2PasswordSecurityScopes;
                else {
                    return $this->jsonUnSerialize($context, $originType, null, $jsonData);

        if (empty($object)) {
            $context->throwException('Cannot build an empty object from this original type "' . $originType . '" and key "' . $originKey . '"', array('context' => $context, 'JsonData' => $jsonData), __FILE__, __LINE__);

        return $this->returnBuildObject($context, $object, $originType, $originKey, $jsonData);

    protected function buildPrimitive(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context, $originType, $originKey, &$jsonData)
        $typeObj = $this->getPrimitiveType($context, $jsonData);

        if (empty($typeObj)) {
            $context->throwException('Cannot build an empty primitive object', array('context' => $context, 'JsonData' => $jsonData), __FILE__, __LINE__);

        return $this->returnBuildObject($context, \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->$typeObj, $originType, $originKey, $jsonData);

    protected function getPrimitiveType(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context, &$jsonData)
        $keyType = self::KEY_TYPE;

        if (!is_object($jsonData) || !property_exists($jsonData, $keyType)) {
            $context->throwException('Primitive type must have a "type" key', array('context' => $context, 'JsonData' => $jsonData), __FILE__, __LINE__);

        $keyType = self::KEY_TYPE;

        switch ($jsonData->$keyType) {
            case self::TYPE_ARRAY:
                return 'TypeArray';

            case self::TYPE_BOOLEAN:
                return 'TypeBoolean';

            case self::TYPE_FILE:
                return 'TypeFile';

            case self::TYPE_INTEGER:
                return 'TypeInteger';

            case self::TYPE_NUMBER:
                return 'TypeNumber';

            case self::TYPE_OBJECT:
                return 'TypeObject';

            case self::TYPE_STRING:
                return 'TypeString';

                $context->throwException('Cannot build an empty primitive object', array('context' => $context, 'JsonData' => $jsonData), __FILE__, __LINE__);

    protected function extractReference(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context, &$jsonData)
        if (!is_object($jsonData) || !property_exists($jsonData, self::KEY_REFERENCE)) {
            return $jsonData;

        if (count(get_object_vars($jsonData)) > 1) {
            $context->throwException('External Object Reference cannot have more keys than the $ref key', array('context' => $context, 'JsonData' => $jsonData), __FILE__, __LINE__);

        $key = self::KEY_REFERENCE;
        $ref = $jsonData->$key;

        return \SwaggerValidator\Common\CollectionReference::getInstance()->get($context->setExternalRef($ref), $ref);

    protected function SecurityDefinition(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context, &$jsonData)
        $typeKey = self::KEY_TYPE;
        $flowKey = self::KEY_FLOW;

        if (!is_object($jsonData) || !property_exists($jsonData, $typeKey)) {
            $context->throwException('Security Definitions Items must having a "' . $typeKey . '" key', array('context' => $context, 'JsonData' => $jsonData), __FILE__, __LINE__);

        switch ($jsonData->$typeKey) {
            case 'basic':
                return \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->BasicAuthenticationSecurity;

            case 'apiKey':
                return \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->ApiKeySecurity;

            case 'oauth2':
                if (!property_exists($jsonData, $flowKey)) {
                    $context->throwException('Security Definitions Items as type "' . $jsonData->$typeKey . '" must having a "' . $flowKey . '" key', array('context' => $context, 'JsonData' => $jsonData), __FILE__, __LINE__);

                switch ($jsonData->$flowKey) {
                    case 'implicit' :
                        return \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->OAuth2ImplicitSecurity;

                    case 'password' :
                        return \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->OAuth2PasswordSecurity;

                    case 'application' :
                        return \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->OAuth2ApplicationSecurity;

                    case 'accessCode' :
                        return \SwaggerValidator\Common\Factory::getInstance()->OAuth2AccessCodeSecurity;

        $context->throwException('Cannot build a non unknown security definition', array('context' => $context, 'JsonData' => $jsonData), __FILE__, __LINE__);
