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 * Copyright 2016 Nicolas JUHEL <>.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

namespace SwaggerValidator\Object;

 * Description of Swagger
 * @author Nicolas JUHEL<>
 * @version 1.0.0
class Swagger extends \SwaggerValidator\Common\CollectionSwagger

    public function __construct()

     * Var Export Method
    protected function __storeData($key, $value = null)
        if (property_exists($this, $key)) {
            $this->$key = $value;
        else {
            parent::__storeData($key, $value);

    public static function __set_state(array $properties)
        $obj = new static;

        foreach ($properties as $key => $value) {
            $obj->__storeData($key, $value);

        return $obj;

     * Unserialize the JSON mixed data to this swagger object type
     * @param \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context
     * @param \stdClass $jsonData
    public function jsonUnSerialize(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context, $jsonData)
        if (!is_object($jsonData)) {
            $context->throwException('Mismatching type of JSON Data received', __METHOD__, __LINE__);

        if (!($jsonData instanceof \stdClass)) {
            $context->throwException('Mismatching type of JSON Data received', __METHOD__, __LINE__);

        foreach (get_object_vars($jsonData) as $key => $value) {

            if ($key == \SwaggerValidator\Common\FactorySwagger::KEY_DEFINITIONS) {

            $value      = $this->extractNonRecursiveReference($context, $value);
            $this->$key = \SwaggerValidator\Common\FactorySwagger::getInstance()->jsonUnSerialize($context->setDataPath($key), $this->getCleanClass(__CLASS__), $key, $value);


        $context->logDecode(get_class($this), __METHOD__, __LINE__);

     * Method call when a json_encode of an instance of this object is used
     * @return \stdClass
    public function jsonSerialize()
        $keyDefinition = \SwaggerValidator\Common\FactorySwagger::KEY_DEFINITIONS;

        $doc                 = json_decode(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Collection::jsonEncode(parent::jsonSerialize()));
        $doc->$keyDefinition = json_decode(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Collection::jsonEncode(\SwaggerValidator\Common\CollectionReference::getInstance()));

        if (count(get_object_vars($doc->$keyDefinition)) < 1) {

        return $doc;

     * Validate the Request or Response
     * @param \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context
     * @return boolean
    public function validate(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context)
        if (!$this->validateBaseSwagger($context)) {
            return false;

        $keyPath = \SwaggerValidator\Common\FactorySwagger::KEY_PATHS;

        $context->logValidate(get_class($this), __METHOD__, __LINE__);
        $result = $this->$keyPath->validate($context->setDataPath($keyPath));

        if (!$result) {
            return false;

        if ($context->getMode() === \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context::MODE_PASS) {
            $context->setDataPath('CheckTooMany')->logValidate(get_class($this), __METHOD__, __LINE__);
            return true;

        return $this->validateTooMany($context);

     * Validate that there are not too many params received (in DENY Mode)
     * @param \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context
     * @return boolean
    protected function validateTooMany(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context)
        $sandBox = $context->getSandBoxKeys();

        foreach ($context->getRequestDataKeys() as $location => $list) {

            if (!array_key_exists($location, $sandBox)) {

            if ($location == \SwaggerValidator\Common\FactorySwagger::LOCATION_BODY) {
                $ctx = $context->setLocation($location)->setDataPath($location)->setDataCheck('exist');

                if ($ctx->isDataExists() && !$sandBox[$location]) {
                    $ctx->setValidationError(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context::VALIDATION_TYPE_TOOMANY, 'Body is given and not expected', __METHOD__, __LINE__);


            foreach ($list as $key) {

                if (in_array($key, $sandBox[$location])) {

                $ctx->setDataPath($key)->setValidationError(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context::VALIDATION_TYPE_TOOMANY, $key . ' is given and not expected', __METHOD__, __LINE__);

        $context->setDataPath('CheckTooMany')->logValidate(get_class($this), __METHOD__, __LINE__);
        return true;

     * Check the base of swagger (swagger version, base path, produce, consume, ...)
     * @param \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context
     * @return boolean
    protected function validateBaseSwagger(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context &$context)


        $ctxPath = $this->checkBasePath($context->setDataPath('basePath')->setDataValue($context->getBasePath()));

        if (!is_object($ctxPath) || !($ctxPath instanceof \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context)) {
            return false;


        if ($context->getType() === \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context::TYPE_REQUEST) {
        elseif ($context->getType() === \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context::TYPE_RESPONSE) {

        return true;

     * Check the Swagger Version for validate method
     * @param \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context
     * @return boolean
    protected function checkSwaggerVersion(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context)
        if ($context->getDataValue() != '2.0') {
            return $context->setValidationError(\SwaggerValidator\CustomIOHelper::VALIDATION_TYPE_SWAGGER_ERROR, 'Bad swagger version', __METHOD__, __LINE__);

        return true;

     * Check the scheme used in the request URL for validate method
     * @param \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context
     * @return boolean
    protected function checkSchemes(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context)
        if (!isset($this->schemes)) {
            return true;

        foreach ($this->schemes as $oneScheme) {
            if (strtolower($context->getDataValue()) && strtolower($oneScheme)) {
                return true;

        return $context->setValidationError(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context::VALIDATION_TYPE_DATAVALUE, 'Scheme requested is not allowed', __METHOD__, __LINE__);

     * Check the host used in the request URL for validate method
     * @param \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context
     * @return boolean
    protected function checkHost(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context)
        if (!isset($this->host)) {
            return true;

        if ($context->getDataValue() === null) {
            return true;

        if (strtolower($context->getDataValue()) && strtolower($this->host)) {
            return true;

        return $context->setValidationError(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context::VALIDATION_TYPE_HOSTNAME_ERROR, 'HostName requested is not allowed', __METHOD__, __LINE__);

     * Check the basePath used in the request URL for validate method
     * @param \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context
     * @return \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context
    protected function checkBasePath(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context)
        if (!isset($this->basePath) || $this->basePath == '/') {
            return $context;

        if (substr($context->getDataValue(), 0, strlen($this->basePath)) != $this->basePath) {
            return $context->setValidationError(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context::VALIDATION_TYPE_BASEPATH_ERROR, 'BasePath requested is not matching', __METHOD__, __LINE__);

        $context->setRequestPath(substr($context->getDataValue(), strlen($this->basePath)));

        return $context;

     * Check the Content-Type used in the request regarding the consume definition for validate method
     * @param \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context
     * @return boolean
    protected function checkConsume(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context)
        if (!isset($this->consume)) {
            return true;

        $headers       = $context->getRequestHeader();
        $contentType   = null;
        $contentLength = 0;

        if (array_key_exists('Content-Type', $headers)) {
            $contentType = explode(';', $headers['Content-Type']);
            $contentType = str_replace(array('application/', 'text/', 'x-'), '', array_shift($contentType));

        if (array_key_exists('Content-Length', $headers)) {
            $contentLength = (int) $headers['Content-Length'];

        if (empty($contentType) && $contentLength === 0) {
            return true;

        foreach ($this->consume as $oneContentType) {
            $oneContentType = explode(';', $oneContentType);
            $oneContentType = str_replace(array('application/', 'text/', 'x-'), '', array_shift($oneContentType));

            if (strtolower($contentType) == strtolower($oneContentType)) {
                return true;

        return $context->setValidationError(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context::VALIDATION_TYPE_DATAVALUE, 'Content-Type requested is not allowed', __METHOD__, __LINE__);

     * Check the Content-Type return in the response regarding the produce definition for validate method
     * @param \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context
     * @return boolean
    protected function checkProduce(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context)
        if (!isset($this->produces)) {
            return true;

        $headers       = $context->getResponseHeader();
        $contentType   = null;
        $contentLength = null;

        if (array_key_exists('Content-Type', $headers)) {
            $contentType = explode(';', $headers['Content-Type']);
            $contentType = str_replace(array('application/', 'text/', 'x-'), '', array_shift($contentType));

        if (array_key_exists('Content-Length', $headers)) {
            $contentLength = (int) $headers['Content-Length'];

        if (empty($contentType) && $contentLength === 0) {
            return true;

        foreach ($this->produces as $oneContentType) {
            $oneContentType = explode(';', $oneContentType);
            $oneContentType = str_replace(array('application/', 'text/', 'x-'), '', array_shift($oneContentType));

            if (strtolower($contentType) == strtolower($oneContentType)) {
                return true;

        return $context->setValidationError(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context::VALIDATION_TYPE_DATAVALUE, 'Content-Type responded is not allowed', __METHOD__, __LINE__);

     * Retrieve the Complete Version of the current API
     * @return string
    public function getApiVersion()
        return $this->info->getApiVersion();

     * Extract the Major part of the version for the current API
     * @return string
    public function getApiVersionMajor()
        $version = explode('.', $this->getApiVersion(), 4);

        return $version[0];

     * Extract the Minor part of the version for the current API
     * @return string
    public function getApiVersionMinor()
        $version = explode('.', $this->getApiVersion(), 4);

        return $version[1];

     * Extract the Build part of the version for the current API
     * @return string
    public function getApiVersionBuild()
        $version = explode('.', $this->getApiVersion(), 4);

        return $version[2];

     * Extract the Patch part of the version for the current API
     * @return string
    public function getApiVersionPatch()
        $version = explode('.', $this->getApiVersion(), 4);

        return $version[3];

     * Build a model following current definition instancied
     * @param \SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context
     * @return array
    public function getModel(\SwaggerValidator\Common\Context $context)
        $generalItems = $this->getMethodGeneric($context, __FUNCTION__);
        $paths        = \SwaggerValidator\Common\FactorySwagger::KEY_PATHS;

        $context->logModel(__METHOD__, __LINE__);
        return $this->$paths->getModel($context->setDataPath($paths), $generalItems);
