

Test Coverage
/* @var $this Ajde_Template_Parser_Phtml_Helper */

$updater = $this->updater;
/* @var $updater Ajde_Core_Updater */

<div class="row-fluid">
    <div class="span2">
        <?php echo $this->includeModule('admin/cms:setupmenu'); ?>
    <div class="span10">
        <div class="page-header">
                <?php echo esc(Ajde::app()->getDocument()->getTitle()); ?>

        <div class="row-fluid">

            <?php if ($updater->isUpdateable()) { ?>

                <div class="span4">

                    <h2>Update available!</h2>

                        <span class='label label-warning'>Current: <?php echo $updater->getCurrentVersion(); ?></span>
                        New version available: <?php echo $updater->getAvailableVersion(); ?>

                    <?php echo $this->ACAjaxForm('admin/system:update', 'systemUpdateForm'); ?>
                        <input type='hidden' name='step' value='start' />
                        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-large">Update now</button>

                    <div id="status" class="well">
                            Starting update...
                        <div class="progress progress-striped active">
                            <div class="bar" style="width: 0%;"></div>


                <div class="span8">


                    <?php echo $this->ACMarkdown(array('text' => $updater->getChangelog())); ?>


            <?php } else { ?>

                <div class="span12">

                    <h2>You are up to date!</h2>

                        <span class='label label-success'>Current: <?php echo $updater->getCurrentVersion(); ?></span>
                        Current version is up to date.


            <?php } ?>
