

6 days
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    Color Space : v1.25 : 2009.04.20
            XYZ <-> Luv <-> LCHuv
            XYZ <-> Lab <-> LCHab
    RGB <-> XYZ <-> xyY
    RGB <-> HSL
    RGB <-> HSV <-> RYB
    RGB <-> CMY <-> CMYK
    RGB <-> HEX <-> STRING


class ColorSpace
    private $RYB_H = [];
    private $H_RYB = [];
    private $_XYZ_RGB = [];
    private $White;
    private $_xyY;

    public function __construct()
        $wheel = [
            [0, 0],
            [15, 8], // Red
            [30, 17],
            [45, 26], // Orange
            [60, 34],
            [75, 41], // Yellow
            [90, 48],
            [105, 54], // Lime
            [120, 60],
            [135, 81], // Green
            [150, 103],
            [165, 123], // Teal
            [180, 138],
            [195, 155], // Cyan
            [210, 171],
            [225, 187], // Azure
            [240, 204],
            [255, 219], // Blue
            [270, 234],
            [285, 251], // Indigo
            [300, 267],
            [315, 282], // Purple
            [330, 298],
            [345, 329], // Pink
            [360, 0],


        for ($H = 0; $H < 360; $H++) {
            $H_ = false;
            $_H = false;

            for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
                $a = $wheel[$i];
                $b = $wheel[$i + 1];

                if ($b && $b[1] < $a[1]) {
                    $b[1] += 360;

                if (!$H_ && $a[0] <= $H && $b[0] > $H) {
                    $this->H_RYB[$H] = (($a[1] + ($b[1] - $a[1]) * ($H - $a[0]) / ($b[0] - $a[0])) % 360);
                    $H_ = true;

                if (!$_H && $a[1] <= $H && $b[1] > $H) {
                    $this->RYB_H[$H] = (($a[0] + ($b[0] - $a[0]) * ($H - $a[1]) / ($b[1] - $a[1])) % 360);
                    $_H = true;

                if ($H_ == true && _H == true) {
        $this->White = $this->illuminant('2', 'D65');
//        echo "this->White = ";
//        print_r($this->White);

    public function RYB_HSV($o)
        $n = floor($o['H']);
        $x = $n > 0 ? $o['H'] % $n : 0;
        $a = $this->RYB_H[$n % 360];
        $b = $this->RYB_H[ceil($o['H']) % 360];

        return [
            'H' => $a + ($b - $a) * $x,
            'S' => $o['S'],
            'V' => $o['V'],

    public function HSV_RYB($o)
        $n = floor($o['H']);
        $x = $n > 0 ? $o['H'] % $n : 0;
        $a = $this->H_RYB[$n % 360];
        $b = $this->H_RYB[ceil($o['H']) % 360];

        return [
            'H' => $a + ($b - $a) * $x,
            'S' => $o['S'],
            'V' => $o['V'],

    public function STRING_HEX($o)
        return 0 + ('0x'.$o);

    public function HEX_STRING($o)
        $str = sprintf('%X', $o);
        $n = strlen($str);
        while ($n < 6) {
            $str = '0'.$str;

        return $str;

    public function HEX_RGB($o)
        return [
            'R' => ($o >> 16),
            'G' => ($o >> 8) & 0xFF,
            'B' => $o & 0xFF,

    public function HEX32_RGBA($o)
        return [
            'R' => $o >> 16 & 0xFF,
            'G' => $o >> 9 & 0xFF,
            'B' => $o & 0xFF,
            'A' => $o >> 24,

    public function RGBA_HEX32($o)
        return ($o['A'] << 24 | $o['R'] << 16 | $o['G'] << 8 | $o['B']) >> 0;

    public function HEX32_rgbaa($o)
        return 'rgba('.($o >> 16 & 0xFF).','.
        ($o >> 8 & 0xFF).','.($o & 0xFF).','.
        (($o >> 24) / 255).')';

    function RGB_STRING($o)
        return $this->HEX_STRING($this->RGB_HEX($o));
    function RGB_rgbaa($o)
        return 'rgba('. $o['R'] .','.$o['G'].','.$o['B'].','.$o['A'].')';
    function HEX_rgba($o)
        return $this->HEX32_rgbaa($o);
    public function RGB_HEX($o)
        return $o['R'] << 16 | $o['G'] << 8 | $o['B'];

    public function RGB_CMY($o)
        return [
            'C' => 1 - ($o['R'] / 255),
            'M' => 1 - ($o['G'] / 255),
            'Y' => 1 - ($o['B'] / 255),

    public function RGB_HSL($o)
        $_R = $o['R'] / 255;
        $_G = $o['G'] / 255;
        $_B = $o['B'] / 255;
        $min = min($_R, $_G, $_B);
        $max = max($_R, $_G, $_B);
        $D = $max - $min;
        $L = ($max + $min) / 2;

        if ($D == 0) {
            $H = 0;
            $S = 0;
        } // No Chroma

        else {
            if ($L < 0.5) {
                $S = $D / ($max + $min);
            } else {
                $S = $D / (2 - $max - $min);

            $DR = ((($max - $_R) / 6) + ($D / 2)) / $D;
            $DG = ((($max - $_G) / 6) + ($D / 2)) / $D;
            $DB = ((($max - $_B) / 6) + ($D / 2)) / $D;

            if ($_R == $max) {
                $H = $DB - $DG;
            } else {
                if ($_G == $max) {
                    $H = (1 / 3) + $DR - $DB;
                } else {
                    if ($_B == $max) {
                        $H = (2 / 3) + $DG - $DR;

            if ($H < 0) {
                $H += 1;
            if ($H > 1) {
                $H -= 1;

        return [
            'H' => $H * 360,
            'S' => $S * 100,
            'L' => $L * 100,

    public function RGB_HSV($o)
        $_R = $o['R'] / 255;
        $_G = $o['G'] / 255;
        $_B = $o['B'] / 255;

        $min = min($_R, $_G, $_B);
        $max = max($_R, $_G, $_B);
        $D = $max - $min;
        $V = $max;

        if ($D == 0) {
            $H = 0;
            $S = 0;
        } // No chroma

        else { // Chromatic data

            $S = $D / $max;

            $DR = ((($max - $_R) / 6) + ($D / 2)) / $D;
            $DG = ((($max - $_G) / 6) + ($D / 2)) / $D;
            $DB = ((($max - $_B) / 6) + ($D / 2)) / $D;

            if ($_R == $max) {
                $H = $DB - $DG;
            } else {
                if ($_G == $max) {
                    $H = (1 / 3) + $DR - $DB;
                } else {
                    if ($_B == $max) {
                        $H = (2 / 3) + $DG - $DR;

            if ($H < 0) {
                $H += 1;
            if ($H > 1) {
                $H -= 1;

        return ['H' => $H * 360, 'S' => $S * 100, 'V' => $V * 100];

    public function RGB_XYZ($o)
        $M = $this->_RGB_XYZ;
        $z = [];

        $R = $o['R'] / 255;
        $G = $o['G'] / 255;
        $B = $o['B'] / 255;

        if ($this->_Space == 'sRGB') {
            $R = ($R > 0.04045) ? pow((($R + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4) : $R / 12.92;
            $G = ($G > 0.04045) ? pow((($G + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4) : $G / 12.92;
            $B = ($B > 0.04045) ? pow((($B + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4) : $B / 12.92;
        } else {
            $R = pow($R, $this->_Gamma);
            $G = pow($G, $this->_Gamma);
            $B = pow($B, $this->_Gamma);

        $z['X'] = $R * $M[0] + $G * $M[3] + $B * $M[6];
        $z['Y'] = $R * $M[1] + $G * $M[4] + $B * $M[7];
        $z['Z'] = $R * $M[2] + $G * $M[5] + $B * $M[8];

        return $z;

    public function CMY_RGB($o)
        return [
            'R' => max(0, (1 - $o['C']) * 255),
            'G' => max(0, (1 - $o['M']) * 255),
            'B' => max(0, (1 - $o['Y']) * 255),

    public function CMY_CMYK($o)
        $C = $o['C'];
        $M = $o['M'];
        $Y = $o['Y'];
        $K = min($Y, min($M, min($C, 1)));

        $C = round(($C - $K) / (1 - $K) * 100);
        $M = round(($M - $K) / (1 - $K) * 100);
        $Y = round(($Y - $K) / (1 - $K) * 100);
        $K = round($K * 100);

        return ['C' => $C, 'M' => $M, 'Y' => $Y, 'K' => $K];

    // CMYK = C: Cyan / M: Magenta / Y: Yellow / K: Key (black)

    public function CMYK_CMY($o)
        return [
            'C' => ($o['C'] * (1 - $o['K']) + $o['K']),
            'M' => ($o['M'] * (1 - $o['K']) + $o['K']),
            'Y' => ($o['Y'] * (1 - $o['K']) + $o['K']),

    // HSL (1978) = H: Hue / S: Saturation / L: Lightess

    public function Hue_2_RGB($v1, $v2, $vH)
        if ($vH < 0) {
            $vH += 1;
        if ($vH > 1) {
            $vH -= 1;
        if ((6 * $vH) < 1) {
            return $v1 + ($v2 - $v1) * 6 * $vH;
        if ((2 * $vH) < 1) {
            return $v2;
        if ((3 * $vH) < 2) {
            return $v1 + ($v2 - $v1) * ((2 / 3) - $vH) * 6;

        return $v1;

    public function HSL_RGB($o)
        $H = $o['H'] / 360;
        $S = $o['S'] / 100;
        $L = $o['L'] / 100;

        if ($S == 0) { // HSL from 0 to 1

            $R = $L * 255;
            $G = $L * 255;
            $B = $L * 255;
        } else {
            if ($L < 0.5) {
                $_2 = $L * (1 + $S);
            } else {
                $_2 = ($L + $S) - ($S * $L);

            $_1 = 2 * $L - $_2;

            $R = 255 * $this->Hue_2_RGB($_1, $_2, $H + (1 / 3));
            $G = 255 * $this->Hue_2_RGB($_1, $_2, $H);
            $B = 255 * $this->Hue_2_RGB($_1, $_2, $H - (1 / 3));

        return ['R' => $R, 'G' => $G, 'B' => $B];

    // HSV (1978) = H: Hue / S: Saturation / V: Value

    public function HSV_RGB($o)
        $H = $o['H'] / 360;
        $S = $o['S'] / 100;
        $V = $o['V'] / 100;

        if ($S == 0) {
            $R = $G = $B = round($V * 255);
        } else {
            if ($H >= 1) {
                $H = 0;

            $H = 6 * $H;
            $D = $H - floor($H);
            $A = round(255 * $V * (1 - $S));
            $B = round(255 * $V * (1 - ($S * $D)));
            $C = round(255 * $V * (1 - ($S * (1 - $D))));
            $V = round(255 * $V);

            switch (floor($H)) {

                case 0:
                    $R = $V;
                    $G = $C;
                    $B = $A;
                case 1:
                    $R = $B;
                    $G = $V;
                    $B = $A;
                case 2:
                    $R = $A;
                    $G = $V;
                    $B = $C;
                case 3:
                    $R = $A;
                    $G = $B;
                    $B = $V;
                case 4:
                    $R = $C;
                    $G = $A;
                    $B = $V;
                case 5:
                    $R = $V;
                    $G = $A;
                    $B = $B;

        return ['R' => $R, 'G' => $G, 'B' => $B];

    // CIE (Commission International de L’Eclairage)

    // CIE-XYZ (1931) = Y: Luminescence / XZ: Spectral Weighting Curves (Spectral Locus)

    public function XYZ_RGB($o)
        $M = $this->_XYZ_RGB;
        $z = [];

        $z['R'] = $o['X'] * $M[0] + $o['Y'] * $M[3] + $o['Z'] * $M[6];
        $z['G'] = $o['X'] * $M[1] + $o['Y'] * $M[4] + $o['Z'] * $M[7];
        $z['B'] = $o['X'] * $M[2] + $o['Y'] * $M[5] + $o['Z'] * $M[8];

        if ($this->_Space == 'sRGB') {
            $z['R'] = ($z['R'] > 0.0031308) ? (1.055 * pow($z['R'], 1 / 2.4)) - 0.055 : 12.92 * $z['R'];
            $z['G'] = ($z['G'] > 0.0031308) ? (1.055 * pow($z['G'], 1 / 2.4)) - 0.055 : 12.92 * $z['G'];
            $z['B'] = ($z['B'] > 0.0031308) ? (1.055 * pow($z['B'], 1 / 2.4)) - 0.055 : 12.92 * $z['B'];
        } else {
            $z['R'] = pow($z['R'], 1 / $this->_Gamma);
            $z['G'] = pow($z['G'], 1 / $this->_Gamma);
            $z['B'] = pow($z['B'], 1 / $this->_Gamma);

        return ['R' => round($z['R'] * 255), 'G' => round($z['G'] * 255), 'B' => round($z['B'] * 255)];

    public function XYZ_xyY($o)
        $n = $o['X'] + $o['Y'] + $o['Z'];

        if ($n == 0) {
            return ['x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'Y' => $o['Y']];

        return ['x' => $o['X'] / $n, 'y' => $o['Y'] / $n, 'Y' => $o['Y']];

    public function XYZ_HLab($o)
        $n = sqrt($o['Y']);

        return [
            'L' => 10 * $n,
            'a' => 17.5 * (((1.02 * $o['X']) - $o['Y']) / $n),
            'b' => 7 * (($o['Y'] - (0.847 * $o['Z'])) / $n),

    public function XYZ_Lab($o)
        $r = $this->White;

        function fu($n)
            if ($n > 0.008856) {
                return pow($n, 1 / 3);
            } else {
                return (7.787 * $n) + (16 / 116);

        $X = fu($o['X'] / $r['X']);
        $Y = fu($o['Y'] / $r['Y']);
        $Z = fu($o['Z'] / $r['Z']);

        return ['L' => (116 * $Y) - 16, 'a' => 500 * ($X - $Y), 'b' => 200 * ($Y - $Z)];

    public function XYZ_Luv($o)
        $r = $this->White;

        $U = (4 * $o['X']) / ($o['X'] + (15 * $o['Y']) + (3 * $o['Z']));
        $V = (9 * $o['Y']) / ($o['X'] + (15 * $o['Y']) + (3 * $o['Z']));

        if ($o['Y'] > 0.008856) {
            $o['Y'] = pow($o['Y'], 1 / 3);
        } else {
            $o['Y'] = (7.787 * $o['Y']) + (16 / 116);

        $_L = (116 * $o['Y']) - 16;
        $_U = (4 * $r['X']) / ($r['X'] + (15 * $r['Y']) + (3 * $r['Z']));
        $_V = (9 * $r['Y']) / ($r['X'] + (15 * $r['Y']) + (3 * $r['Z']));

        return ['L' => $_L, 'u' => 13 * $_L * ($U - $_U), 'v' => 13 * $_L * ($V - $_V)];

    // CIE-xyY (1931) = Y: Luminescence / xy: Chromaticity Co-ordinates (Spectral Locus)

    public function xyY_XYZ($o)
        return [
            'X' => ($o['x'] * $o['Y']) / $o['y'],
            'Y' => $o['Y'],
            'Z' => ((1 - $o['x'] - $o['y']) * $o['Y']) / $o['y'],

    // Hunter-L*ab (1948) = L: Lightness / ab: Color-opponent Dimensions

    public function HLab_XYZ($o)
        $_Y = $o['L'] / 10;
        $_X = ($o['a'] / 17.5) * ($o['L'] / 10);
        $_Z = ($o['b'] / 7) * ($o['L'] / 10);

        $Y = pow($_Y, 2);
        $X = ($_X + $Y) / 1.02;
        $Z = -1 * ($_Z - $Y) / 0.847;

        return ['X' => $X, 'Y' => $Y, 'Z' => $Z];

    // CIE-L*ab (1976) = L: Luminescence / a: Red / Green / b: Blue / Yellow

    public function Lab_XYZ($o)
        $r = $this->White;

        $Y = ($o['L'] + 16) / 116;
        $X = $o['a'] / 500 + $Y;
        $Z = $Y - $o['b'] / 200;

        $Y = pow($Y, 3) > 0.008856 ? pow($Y, 3) : ($Y - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
        $X = pow($X, 3) > 0.008856 ? pow($X, 3) : ($X - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
        $Z = pow($Z, 3) > 0.008856 ? pow($Z, 3) : ($Z - 16 / 116) / 7.787;

        return ['X' => $r['X'] * $X, 'Y' => $r['Y'] * $Y, $Z => $r['Z'] * $Z];

    public function Lab_LCHab($o)
        $H = atan2($o['b'], $o['a']) * (180 / PI);

        if ($H < 0) {
            $H += 360;
        } else {
            if ($H > 360) {
                $H -= 360;

        return ['L' => $o['L'], 'C' => sqrt($o['a'] * $o['a'] + $o['b'] * $o['b']), 'H' => $H];

    // CIE-L*uv (1976) = L: Luminescence / u: Saturation / v: Hue

    public function Luv_XYZ($o)
        $r = $White;

        $Y = ($o['L'] + 16) / 116;
        $Y = (pow($Y, 3) > 0.008856) ? pow($Y, 3) : (($Y - 16 / 116) / 7.787);

        $_U = (4 * $r['X']) / ($r['X'] + (15 * $r['Y']) + (3 * $r['Z']));
        $_V = (9 * $r['Y']) / ($r['X'] + (15 * $r['Y']) + (3 * $r['Z']));

        $U = $o['u'] / (13 * $o['L']) + $_U;
        $V = $o['v'] / (13 * $o['L']) + $_V;

        $X = -(9 * $Y * $U) / (($U - 4) * $V - $U * $V);
        $Z = (9 * $Y - (15 * $V * $Y) - ($V * $X)) / (3 * $V);

        return ['X' => $X, 'Y' => $Y, 'Z' => $Z];

    public function Luv_LCHuv($o)
        $H = atan2($o['v'], $o['u']) * (180 / PI);

        if ($H < 0) {
            $H += 360;
        } else {
            if ($H > 360) {
                $H -= 360;

        return ['L' => $o['L'], 'C' => sqrt($o['u'] * $o['u'] + $o['v'] * $o['v']), 'H' => $H];

    // CIE-L*CH (1986) = L: Luminescece / C: Chromacity / H: Hue

    public function LCHab_Lab($o)
        $rad = $o['H'] * (PI / 180);

        return ['L' => $o['L'], 'a' => cos($rad) * $o['C'], 'b' => sin($rad) * $o['C']];

    public function LCHuv_Luv($o)
        $rad = $o['H'] * (PI / 180);

        return ['L' => $o['L'], 'u' => cos($rad) * $o['C'], 'v' => sin($rad) * $o['C']];

    public function adapt($o, $type)
        $r = [ // Adaption methods
            'XYZ scaling' => [
                'A' => [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
                'Z' => [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
            'Von Kries' => [
                'A' => [[0.400240, -0.226300, 0], [0.707600, 1.165320, 0], [-0.080810, 0.045700, 0.918220]],
                'Z' => [[1.859936, 0.361191, 0], [-1.129382, 0.638812, 0], [0.219897, -0.000006, 1.089064]],
            'Bradford' => [
                'A' => [
                    [0.895100, 0.26640000, -0.16139900],
                    [-0.75019900, 1.71350, 0.0367000],
                    [0.03889900, -0.0685000, 1.02960000],
                'Z' => [
                    [0.986993, -0.14705399, 0.15996299],
                    [0.43230499, 0.51836, 0.0492912],
                    [-0.00852866, 0.0400428, 0.96848699],

        $WS = $this->_xyY;
        $WD = $this->White; // White Point Source + Destination
//        echo 'WS = ';
//        print_r($WS);
//        echo 'WD = ';
//        print_r($WD);

        $A = $r[$type]['A'];
        $Z = $r[$type]['Z']; // Load Matrices

        $CRD = $this->multiply($A, [[$WD['X']], [$WD['Y']], [$WD['Z']]]); // Convert to cone responce domain
        $CRS = $this->multiply($A, [[$WS['X']], [$WS['Y']], [$WS['Z']]]);

        $M = [
            [$CRD[0][0] / $CRS[0][0], 0, 0],
            [0, $CRD[1][0] / $CRS[1][0], 0],
            [0, 0, $CRD[2][0] / $CRS[2][0]],
        ]; // Scale Vectors

        $z = $this->multiply($Z,
            $this->multiply($M, $this->multiply($A, [[$o['X']], [$o['Y']], [$o['Z']]]))); // Back to XYZ

        return ['X' => $z[0][0], 'Y' => $z[1][0], 'Z' => $z[2][0]];

    public function f($o)
        $x = $this->xyY_XYZ($o);
//        echo 'o = ';
//        print_r($o);
//        echo 'x = ';
//        print_r($x);
        return $this->adapt($x, 'Bradford');

    public function illuminant($observer, $type)
        $o = $this->_illuminant[$type];

        $o = ($observer == 2) ? ['x' => $o[0], 'y' => $o[1], 'Y' => 1] : ['x' => $o[2], 'y' => $o[3], 'Y' => 1];


        return $this->xyY_XYZ($o);

    private $_Space;
    private $_Gamma;
    private $_White;
    private $_Matrix;

    public function profile($i)
        $m = $this->_profile[$i];

        $this->_Space = $i;
        $this->_Gamma = $m[0];
        $this->_White = $m[1];
        $this->_Matrix = $m;

        // Input Illuminant

        $this->_xyY = $this->illuminant('2', $m[1]);

        $R = $this->f(['x' => $m[2], 'y' => $m[3], 'Y' => $m[4]]);
        $G = $this->f(['x' => $m[5], 'y' => $m[6], 'Y' => $m[7]]);
        $B = $this->f(['x' => $m[8], 'y' => $m[9], 'Y' => $m[10]]);
//        print_r($R);
//        print_r($G);
//        print_r($B);

        $this->_RGB_XYZ = [$R['X'], $R['Y'], $R['Z'], $G['X'], $G['Y'], $G['Z'], $B['X'], $B['Y'], $B['Z']];
//        print_r($this->_RGB_XYZ);

        $this->_XYZ_RGB = $this->inverse($this->_RGB_XYZ);

    private $_RGB_XYZ;

    private $_profile = [ // [ Gamma, Illuminant, Matrix ]
        'Adobe (1998)' => [2.2, 'D65', 0.64, 0.33, 0.297361, 0.21, 0.71, 0.627355, 0.15, 0.06, 0.075285],
        // Adobe
        'Apple RGB' => [1.8, 'D65', 0.625, 0.34, 0.244634, 0.28, 0.595, 0.672034, 0.155, 0.07, 0.083332],
        // Apple, a.k.a. SGI
        'BestRGB' => [2.2, 'D50', 0.7347, 0.2653, 0.228457, 0.215, 0.775, 0.737352, 0.13, 0.035, 0.034191],
        // Don Hutcheson
        'Beta RGB' => [2.2, 'D50', 0.6888, 0.3112, 0.303273, 0.1986, 0.7551, 0.663786, 0.1265, 0.0352, 0.032941],
        // Bruce Lindbloom
        'Bruce RGB' => [2.2, 'D65', 0.64, 0.33, 0.240995, 0.28, 0.65, 0.683554, 0.15, 0.06, 0.075452],
        // Bruce Fraser
        'CIE RGB' => [2.2, 'E', 0.735, 0.265, 0.176204, 0.274, 0.717, 0.812985, 0.167, 0.009, 0.010811],
        // CIE
        'ColorMatch' => [1.8, 'D50', 0.63, 0.34, 0.274884, 0.295, 0.605, 0.658132, 0.15, 0.075, 0.066985],
        // Radius
        'DonRGB4' => [2.2, 'D50', 0.696, 0.3, 0.27835, 0.215, 0.765, 0.68797, 0.13, 0.035, 0.03368],
        'eciRGB'  => [1.8, 'D50', 0.67, 0.33, 0.32025, 0.21, 0.71, 0.602071, 0.14, 0.08, 0.077679],
        // European Colour Initiative
        'Ekta Space PS5' => [2.2, 'D50', 0.695, 0.305, 0.260629, 0.26, 0.7, 0.734946, 0.11, 0.005, 0.004425],
        // Joseph Holmes
        'Generic RGB'   => [1.8, 'D65', 0.6295, 0.3407, 0.232546, 0.2949, 0.6055, 0.672501, 0.1551, 0.0762, 0.094952],
        'HDTV (HD-CIF)' => [1.95, 'D65', 0.64, 0.33, 0.212673, 0.3, 0.6, 0.715152, 0.15, 0.06, 0.072175],
        // a.k.a. ITU-R BT.701
        'NTSC' => [2.2, 'C', 0.67, 0.33, 0.298839, 0.21, 0.71, 0.586811, 0.14, 0.08, 0.11435],
        // National Television System Committee (NTSC), a.k.a. Y'I'Q'
        'PAL / SECAM' => [2.2, 'D65', 0.64, 0.33, 0.222021, 0.29, 0.6, 0.706645, 0.15, 0.06, 0.071334],
        // European Broadcasting Union (EBU), a.k.a. Y'U'V'
        'ProPhoto' => [1.8, 'D50', 0.7347, 0.2653, 0.28804, 0.1596, 0.8404, 0.711874, 0.0366, 0.0001, 0.000086],
        // Kodak, a.k.a. ROMM RGB
        'SGI'        => [1.47, 'D65', 0.625, 0.34, 0.244651, 0.28, 0.595, 0.672030, 0.155, 0.07, 0.083319],
        'SMPTE-240M' => [1.92, 'D65', 0.63, 0.34, 0.212413, 0.31, 0.595, 0.701044, 0.155, 0.07, 0.086543],
        'SMPTE-C'    => [2.2, 'D65', 0.63, 0.34, 0.212395, 0.31, 0.595, 0.701049, 0.155, 0.07, 0.086556],
        // Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE)
        'sRGB' => [2.2, 'D65', 0.64, 0.33, 0.212656, 0.3, 0.6, 0.715158, 0.15, 0.06, 0.072186],
        // Microsoft & Hewlett - Packard
        'Wide Gamut' => [2.2, 'D50', 0.7347, 0.2653, 0.258187, 0.1152, 0.8264, 0.724938, 0.1566, 0.0177, 0.016875],
        // Adobe

    private $_illuminant = [ // [ x2°, y2°, x10°, y10°, CCT (Kelvin) ]

        'A'   => [0.44757, 0.40745, 0.45117, 0.40594, 2856],  // Incandescent tungsten
        'B'   => [0.34842, 0.35161, 0.3498, 0.3527, 4874],  // Obsolete, direct sunlight at noon
        'C'   => [0.31006, 0.31616, 0.31039, 0.31905, 6774],  // Obsolete, north sky daylight
        'D50' => [0.34567, 0.35850, 0.34773, 0.35952, 5003],  // ICC Profile PCS. Horizon light.
        'D55' => [0.33242, 0.34743, 0.33411, 0.34877, 5503],  // Compromise between incandescent and daylight
        'D65' => [0.31271, 0.32902, 0.31382, 0.33100, 6504],  // Daylight, sRGB color space
        'D75' => [0.29902, 0.31485, 0.29968, 0.31740, 7504],  // North sky day light
        'E'   => [0.33333, 0.33333, 0.33333, 0.33333, 5454],  // Equal energy
        'F1'  => [0.31310, 0.33727, 0.31811, 0.33559, 6430],  // Daylight Fluorescent
        'F2'  => [0.37208, 0.37529, 0.37925, 0.36733, 4230],  // Cool White Fluorescent
        'F3'  => [0.40910, 0.39430, 0.41761, 0.38324, 3450],  // White Fluorescent
        'F4'  => [0.44018, 0.40329, 0.44920, 0.39074, 2940],  // Warm White Fluorescent
        'F5'  => [0.31379, 0.34531, 0.31975, 0.34246, 6350],  // Daylight Fluorescent
        'F6'  => [0.37790, 0.38835, 0.38660, 0.37847, 4150],  // Lite White Fluorescent
        'F7'  => [0.31292, 0.32933, 0.31569, 0.32960, 6500],  // D65 simulator, day light simulator
        'F8'  => [0.34588, 0.35875, 0.34902, 0.35939, 5000],  // D50 simulator, Sylvania F40 Design
        'F9'  => [0.37417, 0.37281, 0.37829, 0.37045, 4150],  // Cool White Deluxe Fluorescent
        'F10' => [0.34609, 0.35986, 0.35090, 0.35444, 5000],  // Philips TL85, Ultralume 50
        'F11' => [0.38052, 0.37713, 0.38541, 0.37123, 4000],  // Philips TL84, Ultralume 40
        'F12' => [0.43695, 0.40441, 0.44256, 0.39717, 3000],
    ]; // Philips TL83, Ultralume 30

    public function multiply($m1, $m2)
        $ni = count($m1);
        $ki = $ni;
        $kj = count($m2[0]);
        $cols = count($m1[0]);
        $M = [];
        do {
            $i = $ki - $ni;
            $M[$i] = [];
            $nj = $kj;
            do {
                $j = $kj - $nj;
                $sum = 0;
                $nc = $cols;
                do {
                    $c = $cols - $nc;
                    $sum += $m1[$i][$c] * $m2[$c][$j];
                } while (($nc -= 1));
                $M[$i][$j] = $sum;
            } while (($nj -= 1));
        } while (($ni -= 1));

        return $M;

    public function determinant($m)
    { // 3x3

//        print_r($m);
        return $m[0] * ($m[4] * $m[8] - $m[5] * $m[7]) -
        $m[1] * ($m[3] * $m[8] - $m[5] * $m[6]) +
        $m[2] * ($m[3] * $m[7] - $m[4] * $m[6]);

    public function inverse($m)
    { // 3x3

        $d = 1.0 / $this->determinant($m);

        return [
            $d * ($m[4] * $m[8] - $m[5] * $m[7]),
            $d * (-1 * ($m[1] * $m[8] - $m[2] * $m[7])),
            $d * ($m[1] * $m[5] - $m[2] * $m[4]),
            $d * (-1 * ($m[3] * $m[8] - $m[5] * $m[6])),
            $d * ($m[0] * $m[8] - $m[2] * $m[6]),
            $d * (-1 * ($m[0] * $m[5] - $m[2] * $m[3])),
            $d * ($m[3] * $m[7] - $m[4] * $m[6]),
            $d * (-1 * ($m[0] * $m[7] - $m[1] * $m[6])),
            $d * ($m[0] * $m[4] - $m[1] * $m[3]),