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# Link Preview
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Open Graph, Twitter Card, Oembed preview. Shows visual cards that mimics link previews in social media like facebook, twitter, vk, viber and other sites that support link preview.

# Motivation
 There are already tools from facebook ( and twitter( that does the work of debugging the link preview. But we also wanted Oembed standard testing and various other debugging. We wanted a tool for our development environment that supports all kind of link preview standards. So Link Preview was made to solve these problems.It is an all in one debugger. It shows visual link previews for OpenGraph, Twitter Card and Oembed protocol. With this tool you can get somewhat similar link preview in sites like facebook, twitter, medium, etc.

# Requirements

  1. Node.js v10.16.0

  nvm install v10.16.0

# Installation

    npm i -g @namchey/linkpreview
    //starts a server in localhost:8080

# Development

1. Clone this repo
  git clone

2. Install Dependencies
  npm i

3. Copy `.env.example` ---> `.env` if you want custom env vars

4. Webpack Build

  npm run build:dev

  npm run app-dev-server


5. Run in Development mode
  npm run dev
  //open app in browser, default is http://localhost:4040

# Production

  1. Build
  npm run build

  2. Run
  npm run start

  # Libraries Used for Scraping

   - [cheeriojs/cheerio](

   - [MattMcFarland/SUq](