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  <p>Parse CSV from to structured JSON.</p>

## Usage

### From CLI

#### Quick use

npx twinkle-parser data_from_kdb.csv

#### Global Install

# Install with NPM
npm install -g twinkle-parser

# Install with yarn
yarn add --global twinkle-parser

# Then
twinkle-parser data_from_kdb.csv

#### Use inside repo

# * Inside repo directory
# Install dependencies

# Parse
yarn run parse data_from_kdb.csv

### As API

# Install with NPM
npm install twinkle-parser

# Install with yarn
yarn add twinkle-parser

const parse = require('twinkle-parser')
const data = parse('CSV string here') // -> KDBData

### CLI options

| Option                      |                                                                   |
| --------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `-o PATH` / `--output PATH` | Export result to a file at the `PATH` instead of to stdout.       |
| `-p` / `--pretty`           | Prettify json output.                                             |
| `--fields`                  | Fields to be included (comma-separated, specifing all if not set) |
| `-h` / `--help`             | Print help & usage.                                               |
| `-v` / `--version`          | Print version info

## Output Format

  "COURSE_ID": {

    "title": "Twinkle",

    // Class type (defined value by original data)
    "type": 1,

    // Course unit
    "unit": 1,

    // Course target grades
    "targets": [1, 2],

    // Terms & Modules
    // 0 = Spring A, 1 = Spring B, ...
    "termStr": "春AB",
    "terms": [ 0, 1 ],

    // Day & Period sets
    "periodStr": "月1-3\n水4-6",
    "periods": [
      // [ Days( 0 = Sun. 1 = Mon. ... ), Periods ]
      [ [ 1 ], [ 0, 1, 2 ] ],
      [ [ 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]

    // Rooms
    "rooms": [ "7A106", "7C202" ],

    // Instructors
    "instructors": [ "筑波 太郎" ],

    // Overview & Remarks
    "overview": "",
    "remarks": ""

    // Last update in unix time
    "updatedAt": 1583390263000

## TypeScript Support

TypeScript supported! 🎉

// This will be imported with types
import parse from 'twinkle-parser'

// And types for output data are also available
import { KDBData, KDBCourse } from 'twinkle-parser'

## Contribution

Issue or PR submissions are welcome.