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Hierarchical configuration with files and environment variables for node and the browser.

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## Install

npm i --save configo

## Usage

<span>1. Create a `config` folder at the root of your project.  Within it, create a `default` folder.</span>
mkdir config
mkdir config/default
<span>2. Within the `default` folder, create a [`private.js`]( file that exports an `Object` containing your private configuration variables.  Once that's done, create a [`public.js`]( file that does the same but for your publicly accessible configuration variables. </span>
// ./config/default/private.js
module.exports = {
  WHO_IS_BATMAN: 'Bruce Wayne'
// ./config/default/public.js
module.exports = {
  NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV
<span>3. Require `configo` on the server and in browsers (using [browserify]( and easily access your configuration variables.</span>
// On the server
var conf = require('configo');

console.log(conf.get('WHO_IS_BATMAN')); // Bruce Wayne
console.log(conf.get('NODE_ENV'));      // production
// In browsers
var conf = require('configo');

console.log(conf.get('WHO_IS_BATMAN')); // undefined
console.log(conf.get('NODE_ENV'));      // production

_NOTE: Your private configuration variables are not included in the outputted browserify file._

## Functions

### get(key)
Retrieves a key from your config.

- `key` - The variable you want to retrieve from your configuration.

var conf = require('configo');


### set(key, value)
Overwrites a variable in your configuration or sets a new one if the variable doesn't exist.

- `key` - The name of the variable you want to overwrite or sets it on your configo instance.
- `value` - The value you want to store.

var conf = require('configo');

conf.set('FOO', 'bar');
console.log(conf.get('FOO')); // bar