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= resque-state

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resque-state is an extension to the resque queue system that provides simple trackable jobs.

== About

resque-state provides a set of simple classes that extend resque's default
functionality (with 0% monkey patching) to give apps a way to track specific
job instances and their state. It achieves this by giving job instances UUID's
and allowing the job instances to report their state from within their iterations.

== Installation

Ruby 2.2.2+ and JRuby 9.1+ are supported.

resque-state <b>requires Redis >= 1.1</b> (though I recommend getting the latest stable version).
You can download Redis here: or install it
using homebrew (brew install redis).

Install the resque-state gem (which will pull in the dependencies).

  gem install resque-state

With newer Rails add this to your Gemfile:

  # Gemfile
  gem 'resque-state'

Then in an initializer:

  # config/initializers/resque.rb
  Resque.redis = "your/redis/socket" # default localhost:6379
  Resque::Plugins::State::Hash.expire_in = (24 * 60 * 60) # 24hrs in seconds

== Usage

The most direct way to use resque-state is to create your jobs using the
Resque::Plugins::State module. An example job would look something like:

  class SleepJob
    include Resque::Plugins::State

    def perform
      total = (options['length'] || 1000).to_i
      total.times do |i|
        num = i+1
        at(num, total, "At #{num} of #{total}")

One major difference is that instead of implementing <tt>perform</tt> as a
class method, we do our job implementation within instances of the job class.

In order to queue a SleepJob up, we also won't use <tt>Resque.enqueue</tt>, instead
we'll use the <tt>create</tt> class method which will wrap <tt>enqueue</tt> and
creating a unique id (UUID) for us to track the job with.

  job_id = SleepJob.create(length: 100)

This will create a UUID enqueue the job and pass the :length option on the SleepJob
instance as options['length'] (as you can see above).

Now that we have a UUID its really easy to get the state:

  state = Resque::Plugins::State::Hash.get(job_id)

This returns a Resque::Plugins::State::Hash object, which is a Hash (with benefits).

  state.pct_complete #=> 0
  state.status #=> 'queued'
  state.queued? #=> true
  state.working? #=> false
  state.time #=> Time object
  state.message #=> "Created at ..."

Once the worker reserves the job, the instance of SleepJob updates the state at
each iteration using <tt>at()</tt>

  state = Resque::Plugins::State::Hash.get(job_id)
  state.working? #=> true
  state.num #=> 5 #=> 100
  state.pct_complete #=> 5

If an error occurs within the job instance, the state is set to 'failed' and then
the error is re-raised so that Resque can capture it.

Its also possible to get a list of current/recent job statuses:

  Resque::Plugins::State::Hash.statuses #=> [#<Resque::Plugins::State::Hash>, ...]

=== Passing back data from the job

You may want to save data from inside the job to access it from outside the job.

A common use-case is web-triggered jobs that create files, later available for
download by the user.

A Status is actually just a hash, so inside a job you can do:

    set_status(filename: "myfilename")

Also, all the status setting methods take any number of hash arguments. So you could do:

    completed('filename' => '/myfilename')

=== Kill! Kill! Kill!

Because we're tracking UUIDs per instance, and we're checking in/updating the status
on each iteration (using <tt>at</tt> or <tt>tick</tt>) we can kill specific jobs
by UUID.


The next time the job at job_id calls <tt>at</tt> or <tt>tick</tt>, it will raise a <tt>Killed</tt>
error and set the status to killed.

=== Hold up: Pausing

Since we perhaps might want to just have a job sit and wait a bit rather than have it die
completely there's pause. This tells the job to sleep for 10 seconds before checking in


The next time the job at job_id calls <tt>at</tt> or <tt>tick</tt>, it will start a while
loop with a 10 second sleep until Resque::Plugins::State::Hash.unpause is called.

As of 1.1 pause! can be called from the job itself with an optional string argument
that allows you to set a specific status along with the paused state if you'd like.

=== Back it up

Perhaps you want a job to be able to undo what it did. Well; that's what revert is 
all about. Jobs that support on_revert can be told to revert and will run insructions
in that method to undo whatever they might need to. While you could do similar things
with on_failure on_revert was added to provide a separate status for reverting and
reverted cases so you can see later which jobs failed (probably due to an error) or
which ones might have been intentionally reverted by a user or automation.


This is all you need to tell that job to go back and undo it's work. For jobs that
do not support on_revert those jobs will pause themeslves and leave a note to the user
that the job doesn't allow that functionality. This lets the user decide if the job
should be killed or let continue.

=== Percent Complete and setting the message

Use <tt>at</tt> or <tt>tick</tt> to show progress in your job's <tt>perform</tt> function
(which is displayed on the resque-web state tab). This will also be where <tt>Killed</tt>
is raised if the job is killed.

  at(steps_completed, total_steps, "${steps_completed} of #{total_steps} steps completed!")

=== Expiration

Since Redis is RAM based, we probably don't want to keep these statuses around forever
(at least until @antirez releases the VM feature). By setting expire_in, all statuses
and their related keys will expire in expire_in seconds from the last time theyre updated:

  Resque::Plugins::State::Hash.expire_in = (60 * 60) # 1 hour

=== Testing

Recent versions of Resque introduced <tt>Resque.inline</tt> which changes the behavior to
instead of enqueueing and performing jobs to just executing them inline. In Resque
itself this removes the dependency on a Redis, however, <tt>Resque::State</tt> uses Redis
to store information about jobs, so though <tt>inline</tt> "works", you will still need
to use or mock a redis connection. You should be able to use a library like alongside <tt>inline</tt> if you really want to
avoid Redis connections in your test.

=== resque-web

Though the main purpose of these trackable jobs is to allow you to surface the status
of user created jobs through your apps' own UI, I've added a simple example UI
as a plugin to resque-web. This adds a State tab to resque-web

To use, you need to setup a resque-web config file:

  # ~/resque_conf.rb
  require 'resque/state_server'

Then start resque-web with your config:

  resque-web ~/resque_conf.rb

If you're using Rails you can just require 'resque/state_server' in your resque
initializer or application.rb.

== More

* Source:
* API Docs:
* Examples:
* Resque:

== Thanks

Resque is awesome, @defunkt needs a shout-out.

== Note on Patches/Pull Requests

PRs are welcome. Please always include relevant tests and ensure your changes follow
Ruby style conventions as much as possible.

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2016 Nathan V.

Copyright (c) 2010 Aaron Quint.

MIT licensed. See LICENSE file for details.