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Test Coverage
<%= status_view :state_styles, :layout => false %>

<h1 class='wi'>Statuses</h1>

<%unless @statuses.empty?%>
  <form method="POST" action="<%= u(:state) %>/clear" class='clear-failed'>
    <input type='submit' name='' value='Clear Statuses' onclick='return confirm("Are you absolutely sure? This cannot be undone.");' />
  <form method="POST" action="<%= u(:state) %>/clear/completed" class='clear-failed'>
    <input type='submit' name='' value='Clear Completed Statuses' onclick='return confirm("Are you absolutely sure? This cannot be undone.");' />
  <form method="POST" action="<%= u(:state) %>/clear/failed" class='clear-failed'>
    <input type='submit' name='' value='Clear Failed Statuses' onclick='return confirm("Are you absolutely sure? This cannot be undone.");' />

<p class='intro'>These are recent jobs created with the Resque::Plugins::State class</p>
<table class="vertically-top">
    <th>Last Updated</th>
    <th class="progress">% Complete</th>
  <% unless @statuses.empty? %>
    <% @statuses.each do |status| %>
      <td><a href="<%= u(:state) %>/<%= status.uuid %>"><%= status.uuid %></a></td>
      <td><%= %></td>
      <td class="status status-<%= status.status %>"><%= status.status %></td>
      <td class="time"><%= status.time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %z") %></td>
      <td class="progress">
        <div class="progress-bar" style="width:<%= status.pct_complete %>%">&nbsp;</div>
        <div class="progress-pct"><%= status.pct_complete ? "#{status.pct_complete}%" : '' %></div>
      <td><%= status.message %></td>
      <td><% if status.killable? %><a href="<%= u(:state) %>/<%= status.uuid %>/kill" class="kill">Kill</a><% end %></td>
    <% end %>
  <% else %>
    <td colspan="7" class='no-data'>No Statuses right now...</td>
  <% end %>

<% unless @statuses.empty? %>
  <%= partial :next_more, :start => @start, :size => @size, :per_page => per_page %>
<% end %>

<%= status_poll(@start) %>

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
  jQuery(function($) {

    $('a.kill').click(function(e) {
      var $link = $(this),
          url = $link.attr('href'),
          confirmed = confirm("Are you sure you want to kill this job? There is no undo.");
      if (confirmed) {
        $link.animate({opacity: 0.5});
          url: url,
          type: 'post',
          success: function() {
      } else {
        return false
