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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from libnmap.diff import NmapDiff
from libnmap.objects.os import NmapOSFingerprint

class NmapHost(object):
        NmapHost is a class representing a host object of NmapReport

    def __init__(
        starttime: str = "",
        endtime: str = "",
        address: dict = None,
        status: dict = None,
        hostnames: list = None,
        services: list = None,
            NmapHost constructor
            :param starttime: unix timestamp of when the scan against
            that host started
            :type starttime: string
            :param endtime: unix timestamp of when the scan against
            that host ended
            :type endtime: string
            :param address: dict ie :{'addr': '', 'addrtype': 'ipv4'}
            :param status: dict ie:{'reason': 'localhost-response',
                                    'state': 'up'}
            :return: NmapHost:
        self._starttime = starttime
        self._endtime = endtime
        self._hostnames = hostnames if hostnames is not None else []
        self._status = status if status is not None else {}
        self._services = services if services is not None else []
        self._extras = extras if extras is not None else {}
        self._osfingerprinted = False
        self.os = None
        if "os" in self._extras:
            self.os = NmapOSFingerprint(self._extras["os"])
            self._osfingerprinted = True
            self.os = NmapOSFingerprint({})

        self._ipv4_addr = None
        self._ipv6_addr = None
        self._mac_addr = None
        self._vendor = None
        for addr in address:
            if addr["addrtype"] == "ipv4":
                self._ipv4_addr = addr["addr"]
            elif addr["addrtype"] == "ipv6":
                self._ipv6_addr = addr["addr"]
            elif addr["addrtype"] == "mac":
                self._mac_addr = addr["addr"]
            if "vendor" in addr:
                self._vendor = addr["vendor"]

        self._main_address = self._ipv4_addr or self._ipv6_addr or ""
        self._address = address

    def __eq__(self, other):
            Compare eq NmapHost based on :

                - hostnames
                - address
                - if an associated services has changed

            :return: boolean
        rval = False
        if self.__class__ == other.__class__ and ==
            rval = self.changed(other) == 0
        return rval

    def __ne__(self, other):
            Compare ne NmapHost based on:

                - hostnames
                - address
                - if an associated services has changed

            :return: boolean
        rval = True
        if self.__class__ == other.__class__ and ==
            rval = self.changed(other) > 0
        return rval

    def __repr__(self):
            String representing the object
            :return: string
        return "{0}: [{1} ({2}) - {3}]".format(
            " ".join(self._hostnames),

    def __hash__(self):
            Hash is needed to be able to use our object in sets
            :return: hash
        return (
            ^ hash(self.address)
            ^ hash(frozenset(self._services))
            ^ hash(frozenset(" ".join(self._hostnames)))

    def changed(self, other):
            return the number of attribute who have changed
            :param other: NmapHost object to compare
            :return int
        return len(self.diff(other).changed())

    def starttime(self):
            Accessor for the unix timestamp of when the scan was started

            :return: string
        return self._starttime

    def endtime(self):
            Accessor for the unix timestamp of when the scan ended

            :return: string
        return self._endtime

    def address(self):
            Accessor for the IP address of the scanned host

            :return: IP address as a string
        return self._main_address

    def address(self, addrdict):
            Setter for the address dictionnary.

            :param addrdict: valid dict is {'addr': '',
                                            'addrtype': 'ipv4'}
        if addrdict["addrtype"] == "ipv4":
            self._ipv4_addr = addrdict["addr"]
        elif addrdict["addrtype"] == "ipv6":
            self._ipv6_addr = addrdict["addr"]
        elif addrdict["addrtype"] == "mac":
            self._mac_addr = addrdict["addr"]
        if "vendor" in addrdict:
            self._vendor = addrdict["vendor"]

        self._main_address = self._ipv4_addr or self._ipv6_addr or ""
        self._address = addrdict

    def ipv4(self):
            Accessor for the IPv4 address of the scanned host

            :return: IPv4 address as a string
        return self._ipv4_addr or ""

    def mac(self):
            Accessor for the MAC address of the scanned host

            :return: MAC address as a string
        return self._mac_addr or ""

    def vendor(self):
            Accessor for the vendor attribute of the scanned host

            :return: string (vendor) of empty string if no vendor defined
        return self._vendor or ""

    def ipv6(self):
            Accessor for the IPv6 address of the scanned host

            :return: IPv6 address as a string
        return self._ipv6_addr or ""

    def status(self):
            Accessor for the host's status (up, down, unknown...)

            :return: string
        return self._status["state"]

    def status(self, statusdict):
            Setter for the status dictionnary.

            :param statusdict: valid dict is {"state": "open",
                                              "reason": "syn-ack",
                                              "reason_ttl": "0"}
                                'state' is the only mandatory key.
        self._status = statusdict

    def is_up(self):
            method to determine if host is up or not

            :return: bool
        return self.status == "up"

    def hostnames(self):
            Accessor returning the list of hostnames (array of strings).

            :return: array of string
        return self._hostnames

    def services(self):
            Accessor for the array of scanned services for that host.

            An array of NmapService objects is returned.

            :return: array of NmapService
        return self._services

    def get_ports(self):
            Retrieve a list of the port used by each service of the NmapHost

            :return: list: of tuples (port,'proto') ie:[(22,'tcp'),(25, 'tcp')]
        return [(p.port, p.protocol) for p in self._services]

    def get_open_ports(self):
            Same as get_ports() but only for open ports

            :return: list: of tuples (port,'proto') ie:[(22,'tcp'),(25, 'tcp')]
        return [(p.port, p.protocol) for p in self._services if p.state == "open"]

    def get_service(self, portno, protocol="tcp"):
            :param portno: int the portnumber
            :param protocol='tcp': string ('tcp','udp')

            :return: NmapService or None
        plist = [
            p for p in self._services if p.port == portno and p.protocol == protocol
        if len(plist) > 1:
            raise Exception("Duplicate services found in NmapHost object")
        return plist.pop() if len(plist) else None

    def get_service_byid(self, service_id):
            Returns a NmapService by providing its id.

            The id of a nmap service is a python tupl made of (protocol, port)
        rval = None
        for _tmpservice in self._services:
            if == service_id:
                rval = _tmpservice
        return rval

    def os_class_probabilities(self):
            Returns an array of possible OS class detected during
            the OS fingerprinting.

            :return: Array of NmapOSClass objects
        return self.os.osclasses if self.os is not None else []

    def os_match_probabilities(self):
            Returns an array of possible OS match detected during
            the OS fingerprinting

            :return: array of NmapOSMatches objects
        return self.os.osmatches if self.os is not None else []

    def os_fingerprinted(self):
            Specify if the host has OS fingerprint data available

            :return: Boolean
        return self._osfingerprinted

    def os_fingerprint(self):
            Returns the fingerprint of the scanned system.

            :return: string
        return "\n".join(self.os.fingerprints) if self.os is not None else ""

    def os_ports_used(self):
            Returns an array of the ports used for OS fingerprinting

            :return: array of ports used: [{'portid': '22',
                                            'proto': 'tcp',
                                            'state': 'open'},]
        return self._extras.get("os", {}).get("ports_used", [])

    def tcpsequence(self):
            Returns the difficulty to determine remotely predict
            the tcp sequencing.

            return: string
        return self._extras.get("tcpsequence", {}).get("difficulty", "")

    def ipsequence(self):
            Return the class of ip sequence of the remote hosts.

            :return: string
        return self._extras.get("ipidsequence", {}).get("class", "")

    def uptime(self):
            uptime of the remote host (if nmap was able to determine it)

            :return: int (in seconds)
        return int(self._extras.get("uptime", {}).get("seconds", 0))

    def lastboot(self):
            Since when the host was booted.

            :return: string
        return self._extras.get("uptime", {}).get("lastboot", "")

    def distance(self):
            Number of hops to host

            :return: int
        return int(self._extras.get("distance", {}).get("value", 0))

    def scripts_results(self):
            Scripts results specific to the scanned host

            :return: array of <script> dictionary
        return self._extras.get("hostscript", {})

    def id(self):
            id of the host. Used for diff()ing NmapObjects

            :return: string
        return self.address

    def extraports_state(self):
            dictionary containing state and amount of extra ports scanned
            for which a common state, usually, closed was discovered.

            :return: dict with keys 'state' and 'count' or None
        _xtrports = self._extras.get("extraports", None)

        if _xtrports is None:
            return None

        return {"state": _xtrports["state"], "count": _xtrports["count"]}

    def extraports_reasons(self):
            dictionnary containing reasons why extra ports scanned
            for which a common state, usually, closed was discovered.

            :return: array of dict containing keys 'state' and 'count' or None
        r = self._extras.get("extraports", {})

        if r is None:
            return None

        return r.get("reasons", None)

    def get_dict(self):
            Return a dict representation of the object.

            This is needed by NmapDiff to allow comparaison

            :return dict
        d = dict(
            [(f"{s.__class__.__name__}::{str(}", hash(s)) for s in]

                "address": self.address,
                "status": self.status,
                "hostnames": " ".join(self._hostnames),
        return d

    def diff(self, other):
            Calls NmapDiff to check the difference between self and
            another NmapHost object.

            Will return a NmapDiff object.

            This objects return python set() of keys describing the elements
            which have changed, were added, removed or kept unchanged.

            :param other: NmapHost to diff with

            :return: NmapDiff object
        return NmapDiff(self, other)