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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import warnings
from libnmap.objects.cpe import CPE

class OSFPPortUsed(object):
        Port used class: this enables the user of NmapOSFingerprint class
        to have a common and clear interface to access portused data which
        were collected and used during os fingerprint scan

    def __init__(self, port_used_dict):
            self._state = port_used_dict["state"]
            self._proto = port_used_dict["proto"]
            self._portid = port_used_dict["portid"]
        except KeyError:
            raise Exception("Cannot create OSFPPortUsed: missing required key")

    def state(self):
            Accessor for the portused state (closed, open,...)
        return self._state

    def proto(self):
            Accessor for the portused protocol (tcp, udp,...)
        return self._proto

    def portid(self):
            Accessor for the referenced port number used
        return self._portid

class NmapOSMatch(object):
        NmapOSMatch is an internal class used for offering results
        from an nmap os fingerprint. This common interfaces makes
        a compatibility between old nmap xml (<1.04) and new nmap
        xml versions (used in nmapv6 for instance).

        In previous xml version, osclass tags from nmap fingerprints
        were not directly mapped to a osmatch. In new xml version,
        osclass could be embedded in osmatch tag.

        The approach to solve this is to create a common class
        which will, for older xml version, match based on the accuracy
        osclass to an osmatch. If no match, an osmatch will be made up
        from a concat of os class attributes: vendor and osfamily.
        Unmatched osclass will have a line attribute of -1.

        More info, see issue #26 or

    def __init__(self, osmatch_dict):
        _osmatch_dict = osmatch_dict["osmatch"]
        if (
            "name" not in _osmatch_dict
            or "line" not in _osmatch_dict
            or "accuracy" not in _osmatch_dict
            raise Exception("Cannot create NmapOSClass: missing required key")

        self._name = _osmatch_dict["name"]
        self._line = _osmatch_dict["line"]
        self._accuracy = _osmatch_dict["accuracy"]

        # create osclass list
        self._osclasses = []
            for _osclass in osmatch_dict["osclasses"]:
                    _osclassobj = NmapOSClass(_osclass)
                    raise Exception("Could not create NmapOSClass object")
        except KeyError:

    def add_osclass(self, osclass_obj):

            Add a NmapOSClass object to the OSMatch object. This method is
            useful to implement compatibility with older versions of NMAP
            by providing a common interface to access os fingerprint data.

    def osclasses(self):
            Accessor for all NmapOSClass objects matching with this OS Match
        return self._osclasses

    def name(self):
            Accessor for name attribute (e.g.: Linux 2.4.26 (Slackware 10.0.0))
        return self._name

    def line(self):
            Accessor for line attribute as integer. value equals -1 if this
            osmatch holds orphans NmapOSClass objects. This could happen with
            older version of nmap xml engine (<1.04 (e.g: nmapv6)).

            :return: int
        return int(self._line)

    def accuracy(self):
            Accessor for accuracy

            :return: int
        return int(self._accuracy)

    def get_cpe(self):
            This method return a list of cpe stings and not CPE objects as
            the NmapOSClass.cpelist property. This method is a helper to
            simplify data management.

            For more advanced handling of CPE data, use NmapOSClass.cpelist
            and use the methods from CPE class
        _cpelist = []
        for osc in self.osclasses:
            for cpe in osc.cpelist:
        return _cpelist

    def __repr__(self):
        rval = f"{}: {self.accuracy}"
        for _osclass in self._osclasses:
            rval += f"\r\n  |__ os class: {str(_osclass)}"
        return rval

class NmapOSClass(object):
        NmapOSClass offers an unified API to access data from analysed
        osclass tag. As implemented in libnmap and newer version of nmap,
        osclass objects will always be embedded in a NmapOSMatch.
        Unmatched NmapOSClass will be stored in "dummy" NmapOSMatch objects
        which will have the particularity of have a line attribute of -1.
        On top of this, NmapOSClass will have optional CPE objects

    def __init__(self, osclass_dict):
        _osclass = osclass_dict["osclass"]
        if (
            "vendor" not in _osclass
            or "osfamily" not in _osclass
            or "accuracy" not in _osclass
            raise Exception("Wrong osclass structure: missing required key")

        self._vendor = _osclass["vendor"]
        self._osfamily = _osclass["osfamily"]
        self._accuracy = _osclass["accuracy"]

        self._osgen = ""
        self._type = ""
        # optional data
        if "osgen" in _osclass:
            self._osgen = _osclass["osgen"]
        if "type" in _osclass:
            self._type = _osclass["type"]

        self._cpelist = []
        for _cpe in osclass_dict["cpe"]:

    def cpelist(self):
            Returns a list of CPE Objects matching with this os class

            :return: list of CPE objects
            :rtype: Array
        return self._cpelist

    def vendor(self):
            Accessor for vendor information (Microsoft, Linux,...)

            :return: string
        return self._vendor

    def osfamily(self):
            Accessor for OS family information (Windows, Linux,...)

            :return: string
        return self._osfamily

    def accuracy(self):
            Accessor for OS class detection accuracy (int)

            :return: int
        return int(self._accuracy)

    def osgen(self):
            Accessor for OS class generation (7, 8, 2.4.X,...).

            :return: string
        return self._osgen

    def type(self):
            Accessor for OS class type (general purpose,...)

            :return: string
        return self._type

    def description(self):
            Accessor helper which returns a concataned string of
            the valuable attributes from NmapOSClass object

            :return: string
        rval = f"{self.type}: {self.vendor}, {self.osfamily}"
        if len(self.osgen):
            rval += f"({self.osgen})"
        return rval

    def __repr__(self):
        rval = f"{self.type}: {self.vendor}, {self.osfamily}"
        if len(self.osgen):
            rval += f"({self.osgen})"
        for _cpe in self._cpelist:
            rval += f"\r\n    |__ {str(_cpe)}"
        return rval

class NmapOSFingerprint(object):
        NmapOSFingerprint is a easier API for using os fingerprinting.
        Data for OS fingerprint (<os> tag) is instanciated from
        a NmapOSFingerprint which is accessible in NmapHost via NmapHost.os

    def __init__(self, osfp_data):
        self.__osmatches = []
        self.__ports_used = []
        self.__fingerprints = []

        if "osmatches" in osfp_data:
            for _osmatch in osfp_data["osmatches"]:
                _osmatch_obj = NmapOSMatch(_osmatch)
        if "osclasses" in osfp_data:
            for _osclass in osfp_data["osclasses"]:
                _osclass_obj = NmapOSClass(_osclass)
                _osmatched = self.get_osmatch(_osclass_obj)
                if _osmatched is not None:
        if "osfingerprints" in osfp_data:
            for _osfp in osfp_data["osfingerprints"]:
                if "fingerprint" in _osfp:
        if "ports_used" in osfp_data:
            for _pused_dict in osfp_data["ports_used"]:
                _pused = OSFPPortUsed(_pused_dict)

    def get_osmatch(self, osclass_obj):
            This function enables NmapOSFingerprint to determine if an
            NmapOSClass object could be attached to an existing NmapOSMatch
            object in order to respect the common interface for
            the nmap xml version < 1.04 and >= 1.04

            This method will return an NmapOSMatch object matching with
            the NmapOSClass provided in parameter
            (match is performed based on accuracy)

            :return: NmapOSMatch object
        rval = None
        for _osmatch in self.__osmatches:
            if _osmatch.accuracy == osclass_obj.accuracy:
                rval = _osmatch
                break  # sorry
        return rval

    def _add_dummy_osmatch(self, osclass_obj):
            This functions creates a dummy NmapOSMatch object in order to
            encapsulate an NmapOSClass object which was not matched with an
            existing NmapOSMatch object
        _dname = f"{osclass_obj.type}:{osclass_obj.vendor}:{osclass_obj.osfamily}"
        _dummy_dict = {
            "osmatch": {"name": _dname, "accuracy": osclass_obj.accuracy, "line": -1},
            "osclasses": [],
        _dummy_osmatch = NmapOSMatch(_dummy_dict)

    def osmatches(self, min_accuracy=0):
        return [
            for _osmatch in self.__osmatches
            if _osmatch.accuracy >= min_accuracy

    def osclasses(self, min_accuracy=0):
        osc_array = []
        for _osm in self.osmatches:
            for _osc in _osm.osclasses:
                if _osc.accuracy >= min_accuracy:
        return osc_array

    def fingerprint(self):
        return "\r\n".join(self.__fingerprints)

    def fingerprints(self):
        return self.__fingerprints

    def ports_used(self):
            Return an array of OSFPPortUsed object with the ports used to
            perform the os fingerprint. This dict might contain another dict
            embedded containing the ports_reason values.
        return self.__ports_used

    def osmatch(self, min_accuracy=90):
            "NmapOSFingerprint.osmatch is deprecated: "
            "use NmapOSFingerprint.osmatches",
        return [
            for _osmatch in self.__osmatches
            if _osmatch.accuracy >= min_accuracy

    def osclass(self, min_accuracy=90):
            "NmapOSFingerprint.osclass() is deprecated: "
            "use NmapOSFingerprint.osclasses() if applicable",
        os_array = []
        for osmatch_entry in self.osmatches():
            if osmatch_entry.accuracy >= min_accuracy:
                for oclass in osmatch_entry.osclasses:
                    _ftstr = "type:{0}|vendor:{1}|osfamily{2}".format(
                        oclass.type, oclass.vendor, oclass.osfamily
        return os_array

    def os_cpelist(self):
        cpelist = []
        for _osmatch in self.osmatches:
            for oclass in _osmatch.osclasses:
        return cpelist

    def __repr__(self):
        rval = ""
        for _osmatch in self.osmatches:
            rval += f"\r\n{_osmatch}"
        rval += "Fingerprints: ".format(self.fingerprint)
        return rval