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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from libnmap.diff import NmapDiff

class NmapReport(object):
        NmapReport is the usual interface for the end user to
        read scans output.

        A NmapReport as the following structure:

        - Scan headers data
        - A list of scanned hosts (NmapReport.hosts)
        - Scan footer data

        It is to note that each NmapHost comprised in NmapReport.hosts array
        contains also a list of scanned services (NmapService object).

        This means that if NmapParser.parse*() is the input interface for the
        end user of the lib. NmapReport is certainly the output interface for
        the end user of the lib.

    def __init__(self, raw_data=None):
            Constructor for NmapReport object.

            This is usually called by the NmapParser module.
        self._nmaprun = {}
        self._scaninfo = {}
        self._hosts = []
        self._runstats = {}
        if raw_data is not None:

    def diff(self, other):
            Calls NmapDiff to check the difference between self and
            another NmapReport object.

            Will return a NmapDiff object.

            :return: NmapDiff object
            :todo: remove is_consistent approach, diff() should be generic.
        if self.is_consistent() and other.is_consistent():
            _rdiff = NmapDiff(self, other)
            _rdiff = set()
        return _rdiff

    def started(self):
            Accessor returning a unix timestamp of when the scan was started.

            :return: integer
        rval = -1
            s_start = self._nmaprun["start"]
            rval = int(s_start)
        except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
        return rval

    def startedstr(self):
            Accessor returning a human readable string of when the
            scan was started

            :return: string
        rval = ""
            rval = self._nmaprun["startstr"]
        except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
        return rval

    def commandline(self):
            Accessor returning the full nmap command line fired.

            :return: string
        return self._nmaprun["args"]

    def version(self):
            Accessor returning the version of the
            nmap binary used to perform the scan.

            :return: string
        return self._nmaprun["version"]

    def xmlversion(self):
            Accessor returning the XML output
            version of the nmap report.

            :return: string
        return self._nmaprun["xmloutputversion"]

    def scan_type(self):
            Accessor returning a string which identifies what type of scan
            was launched (syn, ack, tcp,...).

            :return: string
        return self._scaninfo.get("type")

    def numservices(self):
            Accessor returning the number of services the
            scan attempted to enumerate.

            :return: integer
        rval = -1
            s_numsvcs = self._scaninfo.get("numservices")
            rval = int(s_numsvcs)
        except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
        return rval

    def hosts(self):
            Accessor returning an array of scanned hosts.

            Scanned hosts are NmapHost objects.

            :return: array of NmapHost
        return self._hosts

    def get_host_byid(self, host_id):
           Gets a NmapHost object directly from the host array
           by looking it up by id.

           :param ip_addr: ip address of the host to lookup
           :type ip_addr: string

           :return: NmapHost
        rval = None
        for _rhost in self._hosts:
            if _rhost.address == host_id:
                rval = _rhost
        return rval

    def endtime(self):
            Accessor returning a unix timestamp of when the scan ended.

            :return: integer
        rval = -1
            rval = int(self._runstats["finished"]["time"])
        except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
        return rval

    def endtimestr(self):
            Accessor returning a human readable time string
            of when the scan ended.

            :return: string
        rval = ""
            rval = self._runstats["finished"]["timestr"]
        except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
        return rval

    def summary(self):
            Accessor returning a string describing and
            summarizing the scan.

            :return: string
        rval = ""
            rval = self._runstats["finished"]["summary"]
        except (KeyError, TypeError):

        if len(rval) == 0:
            rval = (
                "Nmap ended at {0} ; {1} IP addresses ({2} hosts up)"
                " scanned in {3} seconds".format(
                    self.endtimestr, self.hosts_total, self.hosts_up, self.elapsed
        return rval

    def elapsed(self):
            Accessor returning the number of seconds the scan took

            :return: float (0 >= or -1)
        rval = -1
            s_elapsed = self._runstats["finished"]["elapsed"]
            rval = float(s_elapsed)
        except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
            rval = -1
        return rval

    def hosts_up(self):
            Accessor returning the numer of host detected
            as 'up' during the scan.

            :return: integer (0 >= or -1)
        rval = -1
            s_up = self._runstats["hosts"]["up"]
            rval = int(s_up)
        except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
            rval = -1
        return rval

    def hosts_down(self):
            Accessor returning the numer of host detected
            as 'down' during the scan.

            :return: integer (0 >= or -1)
        rval = -1
            s_down = self._runstats["hosts"]["down"]
            rval = int(s_down)
        except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
            rval = -1
        return rval

    def hosts_total(self):
            Accessor returning the number of hosts scanned in total.

            :return: integer (0 >= or -1)
        rval = -1
            s_total = self._runstats["hosts"]["total"]
            rval = int(s_total)
        except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
            rval = -1
        return rval

    def get_raw_data(self):
            Returns a dict representing the NmapReport object.

            :return: dict
            :todo: deprecate. get rid of this uglyness.
        return {
            "_nmaprun": self._nmaprun,
            "_scaninfo": self._scaninfo,
            "_hosts": self._hosts,
            "_runstats": self._runstats,

    def __set_raw_data(self, raw_data):
        self._nmaprun = raw_data["_nmaprun"]
        self._scaninfo = raw_data["_scaninfo"]
        self._hosts = raw_data["_hosts"]
        self._runstats = raw_data["_runstats"]

    def is_consistent(self):
            Checks if the report is consistent and can be diffed().

            This needs to be rewritten and removed: diff() should be generic.

            :return: boolean
        rval = False
        rdata = self.get_raw_data()
        _consistent_keys = ["_nmaprun", "_scaninfo", "_hosts", "_runstats"]
        if (
            set(_consistent_keys) == set(rdata.keys())
            and len([dky for dky in rdata.keys() if rdata[dky] is not None]) == 4
            rval = True
        return rval

    def get_dict(self):
            Return a python dict representation of the NmapReport object.
            This is used to diff() NmapReport objects via NmapDiff.

            :return: dict
        rdict = dict(
                (f"{_host.__class__.__name__}::{str(}", hash(_host),)
                for _host in self.hosts
                "commandline": self.commandline,
                "version": self.version,
                "scan_type": self.scan_type,
                "elapsed": self.elapsed,
                "hosts_up": self.hosts_up,
                "hosts_down": self.hosts_down,
                "hosts_total": self.hosts_total,
        return rdict

    def id(self):
            Dummy id() defined for reports.
        return hash(1)

    def __eq__(self, other):
            Compare eq NmapReport based on :

                - create a diff obj and check the result
                report are equal if added&changed&removed are empty

            :return: boolean
        rval = False
        if self.__class__ == other.__class__ and ==
            diffobj = self.diff(other)
            rval = (
                len(diffobj.changed()) == 0
                and len(diffobj.added()) == 0
                and len(diffobj.removed()) == 0
        return rval

    def __ne__(self, other):
            Compare ne NmapReport based on:

                - create a diff obj and check the result
                report are ne if added|changed|removed are not empty

            :return: boolean
        rval = True
        if self.__class__ == other.__class__ and ==
            diffobj = self.diff(other)
            rval = (
                len(diffobj.changed()) != 0
                or len(diffobj.added()) != 0
                or len(diffobj.removed()) != 0
        return rval

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{0}: started at {1} hosts up {2}/{3}".format(
            self.__class__.__name__, self.started, self.hosts_up, self.hosts_total