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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import defusedxml

from libnmap.objects import NmapHost, NmapService, NmapReport


class NmapParser(object):
    def parse(cls, nmap_data=None, data_type="XML", incomplete=False):
            Generic class method of NmapParser class.

            The data to be parsed does not need to be a complete nmap
            scan report. You can possibly give <hosts>...</hosts>
            or <port> XML tags.

            :param nmap_data: any portion of nmap scan result. \
            nmap_data should always be a string representing a part \
            or a complete nmap scan report.
            :type nmap_data: string

            :param data_type: specifies the type of data to be parsed.
            :type data_type: string ("XML"|"JSON"|"YAML").

            :param incomplete: enable you to parse interrupted nmap scans \
            and/or incomplete nmap xml blocks by adding a </nmaprun> at \
            the end of the scan.
            :type incomplete: boolean

            As of today, only XML parsing is supported.

            :return: NmapObject (NmapHost, NmapService or NmapReport)

        nmapobj = None
        if data_type == "XML":
            nmapobj = cls._parse_xml(nmap_data, incomplete)
            raise NmapParserException(
                "Unknown data type provided. "
                "Please check documentation for "
                "supported data types."
        return nmapobj

    def _parse_xml(cls, nmap_data=None, incomplete=False):
            Protected class method used to process a specific data type.
            In this case: XML. This method is called by cls.parse class
            method and receives nmap scan results data (in XML).

            :param nmap_data: any portion of nmap scan result can be given \
            as argument. nmap_data should always be a string representing \
            a part or a complete nmap scan report.
            :type nmap_data: string

            This method checks which portion of a nmap scan is given \
            as argument.
            It could be:

                1. a full nmap scan report;
                2. a scanned host: <host> tag in a nmap scan report
                3. a scanned service: <port> tag
                4. a list of hosts: <hosts/> tag (TODO)
                5. a list of ports: <ports/> tag

            :param incomplete: enable you to parse interrupted nmap scans \
            and/or incomplete nmap xml blocks by adding a </nmaprun> at \
            the end of the scan.
            :type incomplete: boolean

            :return: NmapObject (NmapHost, NmapService or NmapReport) \
                    or a list of NmapObject

        if not nmap_data:
            raise NmapParserException(
                "No report data to parse: please " "provide a valid XML nmap report"
        elif not isinstance(nmap_data, str):
            raise NmapParserException(
                "wrong nmap_data type given as " "argument: cannot parse data"

        if incomplete is True:
            nmap_data += "</nmaprun>"

            root = defusedxml.cElementTree.fromstring(nmap_data)
            raise NmapParserException("Wrong XML structure: cannot parse data")

        nmapobj = None
        if root.tag == "nmaprun":
            nmapobj = cls._parse_xml_report(root)
        elif root.tag == "host":
            nmapobj = cls._parse_xml_host(root)
        elif root.tag == "ports":
            nmapobj = cls._parse_xml_ports(root)
        elif root.tag == "port":
            nmapobj = cls._parse_xml_port(root)
            raise NmapParserException("Unpexpected data structure for XML " "root node")
        return nmapobj

    def _parse_xml_report(cls, root=None):
            This method parses out a full nmap scan report from its XML root
            node: <nmaprun>.

            :param root: Element from xml.ElementTree (top of XML the document)
            :type root: Element

            :return: NmapReport object

        nmap_scan = {"_nmaprun": {}, "_scaninfo": {}, "_hosts": [], "_runstats": {}}

        if root is None:
            raise NmapParserException("No root node provided to parse XML " "report")

        nmap_scan["_nmaprun"] = cls.__format_attributes(root)
        for el in root:
            if el.tag == "scaninfo":
                nmap_scan["_scaninfo"] = cls.__parse_scaninfo(el)
            elif el.tag == "host":
            elif el.tag == "runstats":
                nmap_scan["_runstats"] = cls.__parse_runstats(el)
            # else:
            #    print "struct pparse unknown attr: {0} value: {1}".format(
            #        el.tag,
            #        el.get(el.tag))
        return NmapReport(nmap_scan)

    def parse_fromstring(cls, nmap_data, data_type="XML", incomplete=False):
            Call generic cls.parse() method and ensure that a string is \
            passed on as argument. If not, an exception is raised.

            :param nmap_data: Same as for parse(), any portion of nmap scan. \
            Reports could be passed as argument. Data type _must_ be a string.

            :type nmap_data: string

            :param data_type: Specifies the type of data passed on as argument.

            :param incomplete: enable you to parse interrupted nmap scans \
            and/or incomplete nmap xml blocks by adding a </nmaprun> at \
            the end of the scan.
            :type incomplete: boolean

            :return: NmapObject

        if not isinstance(nmap_data, str):
            raise NmapParserException(
                "bad argument type for " "xarse_fromstring(): should be a string"
        return cls.parse(nmap_data, data_type, incomplete)

    def parse_fromfile(cls, nmap_report_path, data_type="XML", incomplete=False):
            Call generic cls.parse() method and ensure that a correct file \
            path is given as argument. If not, an exception is raised.

            :param nmap_data: Same as for parse(). \
            Any portion of nmap scan reports could be passed as argument. \
            Data type _must be a valid path to a file containing \
            nmap scan results.

            :param data_type: Specifies the type of serialization in the file.

            :param incomplete: enable you to parse interrupted nmap scans \
            and/or incomplete nmap xml blocks by adding a </nmaprun> at \
            the end of the scan.
            :type incomplete: boolean

            :return: NmapObject

            with open(nmap_report_path, "r") as fileobj:
                fdata =
                rval = cls.parse(fdata, data_type, incomplete)
        except IOError:
        return rval

    def parse_fromdict(cls, rdict):
            Strange method which transforms a python dict \
            representation of a NmapReport and turns it into an \
            NmapReport object. \
            Needs to be reviewed and possibly removed.

            :param rdict: python dict representation of an NmapReport
            :type rdict: dict

            :return: NmapReport

        nreport = {}
        nmapobj = None
        if list(rdict.keys())[0] == "__NmapReport__":
            r = rdict["__NmapReport__"]
            nreport["_runstats"] = r["_runstats"]
            nreport["_scaninfo"] = r["_scaninfo"]
            nreport["_nmaprun"] = r["_nmaprun"]
            hlist = []
            cname = "__NmapService__"
            for h in r["_hosts"]:
                slist = [
                    for s in h["__NmapHost__"]["_services"]
                nh = NmapHost(
            nreport["_hosts"] = hlist
            nmapobj = NmapReport(nreport)
        return nmapobj

    def __parse_scaninfo(cls, scaninfo_data):
            Private method parsing a portion of a nmap scan result.
            Receives a <scaninfo> XML tag.

            :param scaninfo_data: <scaninfo> XML tag from a nmap scan
            :type scaninfo_data: xml.ElementTree.Element or a string

            :return: python dict representing the XML scaninfo tag

        xelement = cls.__format_element(scaninfo_data)
        return cls.__format_attributes(xelement)

    def _parse_xml_host(cls, scanhost_data):
            Protected method parsing a portion of a nmap scan result.
            Receives a <host> XML tag representing a scanned host with
            its services.

            :param scaninfo_data: <host> XML tag from a nmap scan
            :type scaninfo_data: xml.ElementTree.Element or a string

            :return: NmapHost object

        xelement = cls.__format_element(scanhost_data)
        _host_header = cls.__format_attributes(xelement)
        _hostnames = []
        _services = []
        _status = {}
        _addresses = []
        _host_extras = {}
        extra_tags = [
        for xh in xelement:
            if xh.tag == "hostnames":
                for hostname in cls.__parse_hostnames(xh):
            elif xh.tag == "ports":
                ports_dict = cls._parse_xml_ports(xh)
                for port in ports_dict["ports"]:
                _host_extras["extraports"] = ports_dict["extraports"]
            elif xh.tag == "status":
                _status = cls.__format_attributes(xh)
            elif xh.tag == "address":
            elif xh.tag == "os":
                _os_extra = cls.__parse_os_fingerprint(xh)
                _host_extras.update({"os": _os_extra})
            elif xh.tag == "hostscript":
                _host_scripts = cls.__parse_host_scripts(xh)
                _host_extras.update({"hostscript": _host_scripts})
            elif xh.tag in extra_tags:
                _host_extras[xh.tag] = cls.__format_attributes(xh)
            # else:
            #    print "struct host unknown attr: %s value: %s" %
            #           (h.tag, h.get(h.tag))
        _stime = ""
        _etime = ""
        if "starttime" in _host_header:
            _stime = _host_header["starttime"]
        if "endtime" in _host_header:
            _etime = _host_header["endtime"]
        return NmapHost(
            _stime, _etime, _addresses, _status, _hostnames, _services, _host_extras

    def __parse_hostnames(cls, scanhostnames_data):
            Private method parsing the hostnames list within a <host> XML tag.

            :param scanhostnames_data: <hostnames> XML tag from a nmap scan
            :type scanhostnames_data: xml.ElementTree.Element or a string

            :return: list of hostnames

        xelement = cls.__format_element(scanhostnames_data)
        hostnames = []
        for hname in xelement:
            if hname.tag == "hostname":
        return hostnames

    def _parse_xml_ports(cls, scanports_data):
            Protected method parsing the list of scanned services from
            a targeted host. This protected method cannot be called directly
            with a string. A <ports/> tag can be directly passed to parse()
            and the below method will be called and return a list of nmap
            scanned services.

            :param scanports_data: <ports> XML tag from a nmap scan
            :type scanports_data: xml.ElementTree.Element or a string

            :return: list of NmapService

        xelement = cls.__format_element(scanports_data)

        rdict = {"ports": [], "extraports": None}
        for xservice in xelement:
            if xservice.tag == "port":
                nport = cls._parse_xml_port(xservice)
            elif xservice.tag == "extraports":
                extraports = cls.__parse_extraports(xservice)
                rdict["extraports"] = extraports
            # else:
            #    print "struct port unknown attr: %s value: %s" %
            #           (h.tag, h.get(h.tag))
        return rdict

    def _parse_xml_port(cls, scanport_data):
            Protected method parsing a scanned service from a targeted host.
            This protected method cannot be called directly.
            A <port/> tag can be directly passed to parse() and the below
            method will be called and return a NmapService object
            representing the state of the service.

            :param scanport_data: <port> XML tag from a nmap scan
            :type scanport_data: xml.ElementTree.Element or a string

            :return: NmapService

        xelement = cls.__format_element(scanport_data)

        _port = cls.__format_attributes(xelement)
        _portid = _port["portid"] if "portid" in _port else None
        _protocol = _port["protocol"] if "protocol" in _port else None

        _state = None
        _service = None
        _owner = None
        _service_scripts = []
        _service_extras = {}
        for xport in xelement:
            if xport.tag == "state":
                _state = cls.__format_attributes(xport)
            elif xport.tag == "service":
                _service = cls.__parse_service(xport)
            elif xport.tag == "owner":
                _owner = cls.__format_attributes(xport)
            elif xport.tag == "script":
                _script_dict = cls.__parse_script(xport)
        _service_extras["scripts"] = _service_scripts

        if _portid is None or _protocol is None or _state is None:
            raise NmapParserException(
                "XML <port> tag is incomplete. One "
                "of the following tags is missing: "
                "portid, protocol or state or tag."

        return NmapService(
            _portid, _protocol, _state, _service, _owner, _service_extras

    def __parse_service(cls, xserv):
            Parse <service> tag to manage CPE object
        _service = cls.__format_attributes(xserv)
        _cpelist = []
        for _servnode in xserv:
            if _servnode.tag == "cpe":
                _cpe_string = _servnode.text
        _service["cpelist"] = _cpelist
        return _service

    def __parse_extraports(cls, extraports_data):
            Private method parsing the data from extra scanned ports.
            X extraports were in state "closed" server returned "conn-refused"
            tag: <extraports>

            :param extraports_data: XML data for extraports
            :type extraports_data: xml.ElementTree.Element or a string

            :return: python dict with following keys: state, count, reason
        rdict = {"state": "", "count": "", "reasons": []}
        xelement = cls.__format_element(extraports_data)
        extraports_dict = cls.__format_attributes(xelement)

        if "state" in extraports_dict:
            rdict["state"] = extraports_dict
        if "count" in extraports_dict:
            rdict["count"] = extraports_dict
        for xelt in xelement:
            if xelt.tag == "extrareasons":
                extrareasons_dict = cls.__format_attributes(xelt)
        return rdict

    def __parse_script(cls, script_data):
            Private method parsing the data from NSE scripts output

            :param script_data: portion of XML describing the results of the
            script data
            :type script_data: xml.ElementTree.Element or a string

            :return: python dict holding scripts output
        _script_dict = cls.__format_attributes(script_data)

        _elt_dict = {}
        for script_elem in script_data:
            if script_elem.tag == "elem":
                _elt_dict.update({script_elem.get("key"): script_elem.text})
            elif script_elem.tag == "table":
                tdict = {}
                for telem in script_elem:
                    # Handle duplicate element keys
                    tkey = telem.get("key")
                    if tkey in tdict:
                        if not isinstance(tdict[tkey], list):
                            tdict[tkey] = [
                        tdict[tkey] = telem.text
                # Handle duplicate table keys
                skey = script_elem.get("key")
                if skey in _elt_dict:
                    if not isinstance(_elt_dict[skey], list):
                        _elt_dict[skey] = [
                    _elt_dict[skey] = tdict
        _script_dict["elements"] = _elt_dict
        return _script_dict

    def __parse_host_scripts(cls, scripts_data):
            Private method parsing the data from scripts affecting
            the target host.
            Contents of <hostscript> is returned as a list of dict.

            :param scripts_data: portion of XML describing the results of the
            scripts data
            :type scripts_data: xml.ElementTree.Element or a string

            :return: python list holding scripts output in a dict
        _host_scripts = []
        for xscript in scripts_data:
            if xscript.tag == "script":
                _script_dict = cls.__parse_script(xscript)
        return _host_scripts

    def __parse_os_fingerprint(cls, os_data):
            Private method parsing the data from an OS fingerprint (-O).
            Contents of <os> is returned as a dict.

            :param os_data: portion of XML describing the results of the
            os fingerprinting attempt
            :type os_data: xml.ElementTree.Element or a string

            :return: python dict representing the XML os tag
        rdict = {}
        xelement = cls.__format_element(os_data)

        os_class_probability = []
        os_match_probability = []
        os_ports_used = []
        os_fingerprints = []
        for xos in xelement:
            # for nmap xml version < 1.04, osclass is not
            # embedded in osmatch
            if xos.tag == "osclass":
                os_class_proba = cls.__parse_osclass(xos)
            elif xos.tag == "osmatch":
                os_match_proba = cls.__parse_osmatch(xos)
            elif xos.tag == "portused":
                os_portused = cls.__format_attributes(xos)
            elif xos.tag == "osfingerprint":
                os_fp_dict = cls.__format_attributes(xos)

        rdict["osmatches"] = os_match_probability
        rdict["osclasses"] = os_class_probability
        rdict["ports_used"] = os_ports_used
        rdict["osfingerprints"] = os_fingerprints

        return rdict

    def __parse_osmatch(cls, osmatch_data):
            This methods parses osmatch data and returns a dict. Depending
            on the nmap xml version, osmatch could contain an osclass

            :param osmatch_data: <osmatch> XML tag from a nmap scan
            :type osmatch_data: xml.ElementTree.Element or a string

            :return: python dict representing the XML osmatch tag
        rdict = {}
        xelement = cls.__format_element(osmatch_data)
        rdict["osmatch"] = cls.__format_attributes(xelement)
        rdict["osclasses"] = []
        for xmltag in xelement:
            if xmltag.tag == "osclass":
                _osclass_dict = cls.__parse_osclass(xmltag)
                exmsg = f"Unexcepted node in <osmatch>: {xmltag.tag}"
                raise NmapParserException(exmsg)
        return rdict

    def __parse_osclass(cls, osclass_data):
            This methods parses osclass data and returns a dict. Depending
            on the nmap xml version, osclass could contain a cpe

            :param osclass_data: <osclass> XML tag from a nmap scan
            :type osclass_data: xml.ElementTree.Element or a string

            :return: python dict representing the XML osclass tag
        rdict = {}
        xelement = cls.__format_element(osclass_data)
        rdict["osclass"] = cls.__format_attributes(xelement)
        rdict["cpe"] = []
        for xmltag in xelement:
            if xmltag.tag == "cpe":
                _cpe_string = xmltag.text
                exmsg = f"Unexcepted node in <osclass>: {xmltag.tag}"
                raise NmapParserException(exmsg)
        return rdict

    def __parse_runstats(cls, scanrunstats_data):
            Private method parsing a portion of a nmap scan result.
            Receives a <runstats> XML tag.

            :param scanrunstats_data: <runstats> XML tag from a nmap scan
            :type scanrunstats_data: xml.ElementTree.Element or a string

            :return: python dict representing the XML runstats tag

        xelement = cls.__format_element(scanrunstats_data)

        rdict = {}
        for xmltag in xelement:
            if xmltag.tag in ["finished", "hosts"]:
                rdict[xmltag.tag] = cls.__format_attributes(xmltag)
                exmsg = f"Unexcepted node in <runstats>: {xmltag.tag}"
                raise NmapParserException(exmsg)

        return rdict

    def __format_element(elt_data):
            Private method which ensures that a XML portion to be parsed is
            of type xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.
            If elt_data is a string, then it is converted to an
            XML Element type.

            :param elt_data: XML Element to be parsed or string
            to be converted to a XML Element

            :return: Element
        if isinstance(elt_data, str):
                xelement = ET.fromstring(elt_data)
                raise NmapParserException(
                    "Error while trying "
                    "to instanciate XML Element from "
                    "string {0}".format(elt_data)
        elif ET.iselement(elt_data):
            xelement = elt_data
            raise NmapParserException(
                "Error while trying to parse supplied " "data: unsupported format"
        return xelement

    def __format_attributes(elt_data):
            Private method which converts a single XML tag to a python dict.
            It also checks that the elt_data given as argument is of type

            :param elt_data: XML Element to be parsed or string
            to be converted to a XML Element

            :return: Element

        rval = {}
        if not ET.iselement(elt_data):
            raise NmapParserException(
                "Error while trying to parse supplied "
                "data attributes: format is not XML or "
                "XML tag is empty"
            for dkey in elt_data.keys():
                rval[dkey] = elt_data.get(dkey)
                if rval[dkey] is None:
                    raise NmapParserException(
                        "Error while trying to build-up "
                        "element attributes: empty "
                        "attribute {0}".format(dkey)
        return rval

class NmapParserException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg

    def __str__(self):
        return self.msg