# json-cipher-value API Reference
This module is a simple (de)ciphering module based on the build-in
[crypto]( node module. It performs
**recursive** (de)ciphering of the values of an object remaining their types.
It is mainly based on the [crypto.createcipheriv](
function and corrolary to the [crypto.createdecipheriv](
one using a randomly generated initalization vector.
The entry point is the [cipher object factory](module:json-cipher-value~factory) that creates
a (de)ciphering object.
Note default settings use aes-256-crt ciphering.
**See**: []( for further information.
**Version**: 3.0.1
* [json-cipher-value](#module_json-cipher-value)
* _static_
* [.factory(secret, [options])](#module_json-cipher-value.factory) : [<code>CipherObject</code>](#module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject)
* _inner_
* [~CipherObject](#module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject)
* [new CipherObject(secret, [options])](#new_module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject_new)
* [.perform(action, value)](#module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject+perform) : <code>\*</code>
* [.cipher(value)](#module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject+cipher) : <code>string</code>
* [.decipher(cipheredText)](#module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject+decipher) : <code>string</code> \| <code>number</code> \| <code>boolean</code>
* _Typedefs_
* [~Options](#module_json-cipher-value..Options) : <code>Object</code>
<a name="module_json-cipher-value.factory"></a>
### json-cipher-value.factory(secret, [options]) : [<code>CipherObject</code>](#module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject)
Factory that creates a (de)ciphering object.
**Kind**: static method of [<code>json-cipher-value</code>](#module_json-cipher-value)
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| secret | <code>string</code> | The secret key or pawssord that will be used to create the key for (de)ciphering step. |
| [options] | [<code>Options</code>](#module_json-cipher-value..Options) | (De)Ciphering Settings. Use of default settings performs an aes-256-crt ciphering. |
import createCipherObject form 'json-cipher-value'
const secret = 'My secret password'
const object = {...} // Object to cipher
const cipherObject = createCipherObject(secret)
const cipheredObject = cipherObject.perform('cipher', object)
const decipheredObject = cipherObject.perform('decipher', cipheredObject)
<a name="module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject"></a>
### json-cipher-value~CipherObject
Object in charge to cipher both supported primitive type or values of object.
**Kind**: inner class of [<code>json-cipher-value</code>](#module_json-cipher-value)
* [~CipherObject](#module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject)
* [new CipherObject(secret, [options])](#new_module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject_new)
* [.perform(action, value)](#module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject+perform) : <code>\*</code>
* [.cipher(value)](#module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject+cipher) : <code>string</code>
* [.decipher(cipheredText)](#module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject+decipher) : <code>string</code> \| <code>number</code> \| <code>boolean</code>
<a name="new_module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject_new"></a>
#### new CipherObject(secret, [options])
Create a new Cipher object.
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| secret | <code>string</code> | The secret key or password that will be used to create key for (de)ciphering step. |
| [options] | [<code>Options</code>](#module_json-cipher-value..Options) | (De)Ciphering Settings. Note Use of default settings performs an aes-256-crt ciphering. |
import { CipherObject } from 'json-cipher-value'
const secret = 'My secret password'
const obj = {...} // Object to cipher
const cipherObject = new CipherObject(secret)
const cipheredObject = cipherObject.perform('cipher', object)
const decipheredObject = cipherObject.perform('decipher', cipheredObject)
<a name="module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject+perform"></a>
#### cipherObject.perform(action, value) : <code>\*</code>
(De)Cipher content.
Note about Ciphering case:
- Supported input are **number**, **boolean**, **string** or **object** (including **array**).
All other kind of values will be treated as string.
- An iv vector is randomly generated at each ciphering of values
_i.e._ for each object properties with a primitive type as value.
- The return value concatenates the iv vector and the ciphertext.
**Kind**: instance method of [<code>CipherObject</code>](#module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject)
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| action | <code>'cipher'</code> \| <code>'decipher'</code> | action to perform. |
| value | <code>\*</code> | Input to (de)cipher. |
<a name="module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject+cipher"></a>
#### cipherObject.cipher(value) : <code>string</code>
Cipher a primitive type.
At each call, an iv vector is randomly generated.
Supported type are **number**, **boolean**, or **string**. All other kind of values
will be treated as a string.
**Kind**: instance method of [<code>CipherObject</code>](#module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject)
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | <code>string</code> \| <code>number</code> \| <code>boolean</code> \| <code>\*</code> | value to cipher. |
import { CipherObject } from 'json-cipher-value'
const secret = 'My secret password'
const value = 'my value' // Value to cipher
const cipherObject = new CipherObject(secret)
const cipheredValue = cipherObject.cipher(value)
<a name="module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject+decipher"></a>
#### cipherObject.decipher(cipheredText) : <code>string</code> \| <code>number</code> \| <code>boolean</code>
Decipher primitive type.
**Kind**: instance method of [<code>CipherObject</code>](#module_json-cipher-value..CipherObject)
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| cipheredText | <code>string</code> | ciphered data |
import { CipherObject } from 'json-cipher-value'
const secret = 'My secret password'
const cipheredText = ...
const cipherObject = new CipherObject(secret)
const decipheredValue = cipherObject.decipher(cipheredText)
<a name="module_json-cipher-value..Options"></a>
### json-cipher-value~Options : <code>Object</code>
Settings for (de)ciphering.
**Kind**: inner typedef of [<code>json-cipher-value</code>](#module_json-cipher-value)
**Category**: Typedefs
**See**: []( for further information; in particular about
available algorithms and theirs iv lengths.
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [algo] | <code>string</code> | <code>"aes-256-crt"</code> | the algorithm to use. |
| [ivLength] | <code>int</code> | <code>16</code> | its initialization vector length. |