'use strict'
const { DEFAULT_SETTINGS } = require('poppy-robot-core')
// first, check 'alias'. On a second hand, use 'key' (for positional)
const get = (name) => ARGS.find(arg => arg.opt?.alias === name || arg.key === name)
const LEDs = [
const ARGS = [{
key: 'm',
opt: {
alias: 'motor',
type: 'array',
default: 'all',
choices: ['all'], // overriden by cliBuilderHelper.init(poppy)
describe: 'Name of the target motor(s). Type \'all\' to select all available motors.'
}, {
key: 'r',
opt: {
alias: 'register',
type: 'array',
default: [
choices: [
describe: 'Select register value(s).'
}, {
key: 'I',
opt: {
alias: 'invert',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
describe: 'Invert table presentation.'
}, {
key: 't',
opt: {
alias: 'tree',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
describe: 'Display result as tree.'
}, {
key: 'speed_positional', // positional
opt: {
type: 'number',
describe: 'Set the rotation speed of the selected motor(s).' +
' Value must be in the [0,1023] range.'
}, {
key: 'rotate', // positional
opt: {
type: 'number',
describe: 'Rotate the selected motor(s) by x degrees.'
}, {
key: 'goto', // positional
opt: {
type: 'number',
describe: 'Move the selected motor(s) to a given angle.'
}, {
key: 'd',
opt: {
alias: 'duration',
type: 'number',
describe: 'Set-up duration of the movement (in s.)'
}, {
key: 'w',
opt: {
alias: 'wait',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
describe: 'Wait until this command is finished.'
}, {
key: 'led', // positional
opt: {
type: 'string',
default: 'off',
choices: LEDs,
describe: 'The led color (or turn-off) value.'
}, {
key: 's',
opt: {
alias: 'speed',
type: 'number',
default: 150,
describe: 'Set speed of all motors.'
}, {
key: 'a',
opt: {
alias: 'angle',
type: 'number',
default: 10,
describe: 'Value of the angle for rotation actions.'
}, {
key: 'l',
opt: {
alias: 'light',
type: 'string',
choices: LEDs,
default: 'blue',
describe: 'Activate led of selected motor(s).'
}, {
key: 'H',
opt: {
alias: 'host',
nargs: 1,
type: 'string',
describe: 'Hostname/IP of targeted Poppy.'
}, {
key: 'p',
opt: {
alias: 'port',
type: 'number',
nargs: 1,
default: DEFAULT_SETTINGS.port,
describe: 'Set the port of the pypot REST API.'
}, {
key: 's',
opt: {
alias: 'save',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
describe: 'Save connection settings to .poppyrc file'
}, {
key: 'M',
opt: {
alias: 'structure',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
describe: 'Display the robot structure (aliases and motors) and check connection to each motors.'
}, {
key: 'D',
opt: {
alias: 'details',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
describe: 'Display details about motor'
}, {
key: 'api', // positional
opt: {
type: 'string',
default: 'reset',
choices: [
describe: 'Start/Reset/Stop robot API.'
// ////////////////////////////////
// ////////////////////////////////
// Public API
// ////////////////////////////////
// ////////////////////////////////
module.exports = { get }