'use strict'
const { createScript } = require('poppy-robot-core')
const { createYargsHelper } = require('../cli-helper')
const { createPoppy } = require('../../lib/ext-poppy-factory')
const COMMAND_OPTIONS_LABEL = 'Command Options:'
module.exports = [{
cmd: 'compliant',
desc: 'Set state of selected motor(s) to compliant (i.e. handly drivable).',
builder: (yargs) => {
const helper = createYargsHelper(yargs)
helper.addOptions(['motor'], COMMAND_OPTIONS_LABEL)
'$0 compliant',
'Set state of all motors to compliant.'
'$0 compliant -m m4 m6',
'Only set state of motors m4 and m6 to compliant.'
handler: (argv) => exec('compliant', argv.motor)
}, {
cmd: 'stiff',
desc: 'Set state of selected motor(s) to stiff (i.e. programmatically drivable).',
builder: (yargs) => {
const helper = createYargsHelper(yargs)
helper.addOptions(['motor'], COMMAND_OPTIONS_LABEL)
'$0 stiff',
'Set state of all motors to stiff.'
'$0 compliant -m m4 m6',
'Only set state of motors m4 and m6 to stiff.'
handler: (argv) => exec('stiff', argv.motor)
}, {
cmd: 'speed <value>',
desc: 'Set the rotation speed of the selected motor(s).\n' +
'Value must be in the [0, 1023] range',
builder: (yargs) => {
const helper = createYargsHelper(yargs)
helper.addOptions(['motor'], COMMAND_OPTIONS_LABEL)
'$0 speed 100',
'Set the rotation speed of all motors to 100 (slower).'
'$0 speed 500 -m m1 m2',
'Set the rotation speed of the motors m1 and m2 to 500 (quicker).'
handler: (argv) => exec('speed', argv.motor, { speed: argv.value })
}, {
cmd: 'rotate <value>',
desc: 'Rotate the target motor(s) by x degrees',
builder: (yargs) => {
const helper = createYargsHelper(yargs)
const flags = ['motor', 'duration', 'wait']
helper.addOptions(flags, COMMAND_OPTIONS_LABEL)
'$0 rotate -30 -m m1 m2 -w',
'Rotate the motors m1 and m2 by -30 degrees and wait until wait until the end of the movement.'
'$0 rotate 30 -m m6 -d 2.5',
'Rotate the motor m6 by 30 degrees in 2.5s.'
handler: (argv) => exec('rotate', argv.motor, { angle: argv.value, duration: argv.duration, wait: argv.wait })
}, {
cmd: 'goto <value>',
desc: 'Set the target position of the selected motor(s)',
builder: (yargs) => {
const helper = createYargsHelper(yargs)
const flags = ['motor', 'duration', 'wait']
helper.addOptions(flags, COMMAND_OPTIONS_LABEL)
'$0 goto 0 -m m1 m2 -w',
'Move the motors m1 and m2 to 0 degree and wait until the end of the movement.'
'$0 goto 90 -m m6 -d 2.5',
'Move the motor m6 to position 90 degrees in 2.5s.'
handler: (argv) => exec('goto', argv.motor, { position: argv.value, duration: argv.duration, wait: argv.wait })
}, {
cmd: 'led [value]',
desc: 'Set the led color of the selected motor(s)',
builder: (yargs) => {
const helper = createYargsHelper(yargs)
helper.addOptions(['motor'], COMMAND_OPTIONS_LABEL)
'$0 led',
'Turn off the led of all motors.'
'$0 led green -m m3',
'Set the led color of motor \'m3\' to \'green\'.'
handler: (argv) => exec('led', argv.motor, { led: argv.value })
// ////////////////////////////////
// Execute simple command
// ////////////////////////////////
const exec = async (action, motors, options = {}) => {
const poppy = await createPoppy()
// Create a poppy script...
const script = createScript(motors)
// ... and execute it
await poppy.exec(script)