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title: Drive Command

# Drive

## Overview

This command allows to simply drive the robot using keyboard.

poppy drive [-h] [-a angle] [-s speed] [-l color] [-H hostname] [-P port]

Below the "commands"/shorcuts for a Poppy Ergo Jr

![Key binding for Ergo Jr](/drive-ergo.png)

## Options

  | desccription | value | default | mandatory
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
-a/--angle | Rotation value (in degree) for rotation keys | integer | 10 | no
-s/--speed | Set the 'goal_speed' register of all motors | an integer in the [0, 1023] range | 150 | no
-l/--light | Activate led of selected motors | off \| red \| green \| blue \| yellow \| cyan \| pink \| white | blue | no
-H/--host | Set the Poppy hostname/IP | string | poppy.local | no
-p/--port | Set the REST API port on Poppy | integer | 8080 | no
-h/--help | Display help about this command | boolean | false | no

## Examples

- Deactivate led on motor selection:
poppy drive -l off