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Test Coverage
- require 'cgi'

  - if change_requests_enabled?(@ontology.acronym)
    %div#addProposalDropdownDiv{class: 'd-flex flex-row-reverse'}
        = button_tag('Add a proposal', id: 'addProposalDropdown', class: 'btn btn-sm btn-primary dropdown-toggle',
                     type: 'button', 'data-bs-toggle': 'dropdown',  'aria-haspopup': 'true', 'aria-expanded': 'false')
        %div.dropdown-menu{'aria-labelledby': 'addProposalDropdown'}
          = link_to('Deepen class', '#', class: 'dropdown-item disabled')
          = link_to('Delete class', '#', class: 'dropdown-item disabled')
          = link_to('Obsolete class',
                    change_requests_node_obsoletion_path(concept_id:, concept_label: @concept.prefLabel,
                                                         ont_acronym: @ontology.acronym),
                    class: 'dropdown-item', remote: 'true')
          = link_to('Rename class',
                    change_requests_node_rename_path(concept_id:, concept_label: @concept.prefLabel,
                                                     ont_acronym: @ontology.acronym),
                    class: 'dropdown-item', remote: 'true')

  %table.minimal.concept_details{cellpadding: "0", cellspacing: "0", width: "100%"}
      %td Preferred Name
        %p= @concept.prefLabel({:use_html => true}).html_safe
      %td Synonyms
        - for synonym in @concept.synonym
          %p= synonym
          = add_synonym_button
          = remove_synonym_button
    - unless @concept.definition.nil? || @concept.definition.empty?
        %td Definitions
          %p= @concept.definition.join(" ")
      %td ID
    - if @concept.obsolete?
        %td Obsolete
          %p true

    - concept_properties = concept_properties2hash( # see concepts_helper.rb
    - keys = concept_properties.keys
    - top_keys=["description", "comment"]
    - bottom_keys=["disjoint", "subclass", "is_a", "has_part"]
    - top_set=[]
    - bottom_set=[]
    - leftover=[]
    - for key in keys
      - key = key.to_s
      - top=false
      - bottom=false
      - top_keys.each do |top_key|
        - if key.downcase.include?(top_key)
          - top_set << key
          - top=true
      - bottom_keys.each do |bottom_key|
        - if key.downcase.include?(bottom_key)
          - bottom_set << key
          - bottom=true
      - if !top && !bottom
        - leftover << key
    - leftover.sort! {|x,y| x.downcase <=> y.downcase }

    -# TOP set of properties
    - for key in top_set
      - key = key.to_s
      - next if exclude_relation?(key)
      - if concept_properties[key]
        - data = concept_properties[key]
        - full_key = data[:key]
        - values = data[:values]
          %td= "#{remove_owl_notation(key)}"
            -# Note: get_link_for_cls_ajax is in application_helper.rb, it calls auto_link when necessary.
            - ajax_links = {|v| get_link_for_cls_ajax(v, @ontology.acronym, '_blank') }
            = "<p>#{sanitize(ajax_links.join('</p><p>'))}</p>".html_safe
            -# auto_link("<p>#{sanitize(values.join("<br/>")).split("||%||").join("<\/p><p>")}</p>", :all, :target => "_blank")

    -# LEFTOVER set of properties
    - for key in leftover
      - next if exclude_relation?(key, @ontology)
      - if concept_properties[key]
        - data = concept_properties[key]
        - full_key = data[:key].to_s # handle symbols
        - values = data[:values]
          %td= "#{remove_owl_notation(key)}"

            -# NCBO-648 Note: a property with complex values might return an array of nils from the REST-API client code.
            -# If we use values.compact or values.any? we may miss exceptions on data that should be handled better.

            -# Note: get_link_for_cls_ajax is in application_helper.rb, it calls auto_link when necessary.
            - ajax_links = {|v| get_link_for_cls_ajax(v, @ontology.acronym, '_blank') }
            = "<p>#{sanitize(ajax_links.join('</p><p>'))}</p>".html_safe
            -# auto_link("<p>#{sanitize(values.join("<br/>")).split("||%||").join("<\/p><p>").gsub("%ONT%", @ontology.acronym)}</p>", :all, :target => "_blank")

    -# BOTTOM set of properties
    - for key in bottom_set
      - next if exclude_relation?(key)
      - if concept_properties[key]
        - data = concept_properties[key]
        - full_key = data[:key]
        - values = data[:values]
          %td= "#{remove_owl_notation(key)}"
            -# Note: get_link_for_cls_ajax is in application_helper.rb, it calls auto_link when necessary.
            - ajax_links = {|v| get_link_for_cls_ajax(v, @ontology.acronym, '_blank')}
            = "<p>#{ajax_links.join('</p><p>')}</p>".html_safe
            -# auto_link("<p>#{values.split("||%||").join("<\/p><p>").gsub("%ONT%", @ontology.acronym)}</p>", :all, :target => "_blank")


    // Ajax globals and functions are in  "/javascripts/bp_ajax_controller.js"
    // Note: bind any 'responsive elements' to the ajax_proces_halt() function, e.g.
    jQuery("#facebox a.close").click(function(event){ ajax_process_halt(); });
    // Initiate ajax calls to resolve class ID to prefLabel.
    ajax_process_init();  // see bp_ajax_controller.js