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  %h2.pb-3 Ontology submitted successfully!
  -if @ontology.summaryOnly
    %p Thank you for submitting your metadata-only ontology to #{$SITE}.
      Users can now see
      = link_to "your ontology", ontology_path(@ontology.acronym)
      in our ontology list but they cannot explore or search it. To enable exploring and searching,
      please upload a full version of your ontology.
    -if @ontology.viewOf
      %p Thank you for submitting your ontology view to #{$SITE}.
      %p Thank you for submitting your ontology to #{$SITE}.
      We will now put your ontology in the queue to be processed. Please keep in mind that it may take up to several
      hours before #{$SITE} users will be able to explore and search your ontology.
      When your ontology is ready for viewing, it will be available here:
      = link_to ontology_url(@ontology.acronym), ontology_path(@ontology.acronym)
      If you have any questions or problems, please email the #{$SITE} support team at:
      = mail_to "#{$SUPPORT_EMAIL}", "#{$SUPPORT_EMAIL}"