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Test Coverage
- unless @error
  - @title = "#{} - #{@concept.prefLabel}"
  - @new_term_request_ontologies
  - @enable_ontolobridge = !$NEW_TERM_REQUEST_ONTOLOGIES.nil? && $NEW_TERM_REQUEST_ONTOLOGIES.include?(@ontology.acronym)
      -# Search box for class tree
      %div#qsearch{class: "input-group pb-2 pe-2"}
        %span.input-group-text Jump to:
        = text_field_tag("search_box", nil, class: "form-control rounded-end", "aria-label": "Jump to:")
        = hidden_field_tag("jump_to_concept_id")
      -# Class tree
        = loading_spinner(true)
    - if"bp_fake_root")
      / When we have an ontology with a flat hierarchy, we initially disable the tabs because we don't have a class to display
            %li#details_top.selected.first{:onclick => "return false;"}
              %a{:href => "#details", :onclick => "return false;", :style => "color: gray;"} Details
            %li#visualization_top{:onclick => "return false;"}
              %a{:href => "#visualization", :onclick => "return false;", :style => "color: gray;"} Visualization
            %li#notes_top{:onclick => "return false;"}
              %a{:href => "#notes", :onclick => "return false;", :style => "color: gray;"}
            %li#mappings_top{:onclick => "return false;"}
              %a{:href => "#mappings", :onclick => "return false;", :style => "color: gray;"}
                Class Mappings (
                %span#mapping_count= #TODO_REV: Support mapping counts for concepts @concept.mapping_count
          - if @enable_ontolobridge
            %li#request_term_top{:onclick => "return false;"}
              %a{:href => "#request_term", :onclick => "return false;", :style => "color: gray;"}
                New Term Requests
        #non_fake_tabs.tabs{:style => "display: none;"}
              %a{:href => "#details"} Details
              %a{:href => "#visualization"} Visualization

              %a{:href => "#notes"}
              %a{:href => "#mappings"}
                Class Mappings (
                %span#mapping_count>= @concept.mapping_count
          - if @enable_ontolobridge
              %a{:href => "#request_term"}
                New Term Requests
            %div{:style => "padding: 100px 0; font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"} Use the "Jump To" to find a class and display details, visualization, notes, and mappings
    - else
              %a{:href => "#details"} Details
              %a{:href => "#visualization"} Visualization
              %a{:href => "#notes"}
                  %span#note_count= @notes.length
              %a{:href => "#mappings"}
                Class Mappings (
                %span#mapping_count=  #TODO_REV: Support mapping counts for concepts @concept.mapping_count
          - if @enable_ontolobridge
              %a{:href => "#request_term"}
                New Term Requests
          - if Rails.configuration.settings.purl[:enabled]
            = link_to("#classPermalinkModal", class: "class-permalink", title: "Get a link to this page",
                      aria: {label: "Get a link to this page"},
                      data: {"bs-toggle": "modal", current_purl: "#{@current_purl}"}) do
              %i{class: "fas fa-link", aria: {hidden: "true"}}
          #details_content.tab_container= render :partial =>'/concepts/details'
          #visualization_content.tab_container.not_visible= render :partial =>'/concepts/biomixer'
          #notes_content.tab_container.not_visible= render :partial =>'/notes/list'
          #mappings_content.tab_container.not_visible= render :partial => '/mappings/concept_mappings'
          - if @enable_ontolobridge
            #request_term_content.tab_container.not_visible= render :partial =>'/concepts/request_term'
- else # found an error
  = "<div id=\"error\"><h2>#{@error}</h2></div>"