
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
- @title = "Project Listing"

%h1.tab_header Projects
  = t(".intro", site: "#{$SITE}")
  = link_to(Rails.configuration.settings.links[:help_projects], id: 'projects-help',
            'aria-label': 'View projects help') do{'aria-hidden': 'true'}

%div{:style => "padding:10px;"}
    - if session[:user].nil?
      = button_to "Create new project", login_index_path, method: :get, class: 'btn btn-primary'
    - else
      = button_to "Create new project", new_project_path, method: :get, class: 'btn btn-primary'
  %table#projects.zebra{:cellpadding => "0", :cellspacing => "0"}
        %th Project
        %th Description
        %th Contacts
        %th Institutions
        %th Ontologies
        - if current_user_admin?
          %th User
          %th Created
      - for project in @projects
          / Project name, home page, and controls for editors
          %td{:style => "vertical-align:top;", :width => "30%"}
            %strong= link_to(, project_path(project.acronym))
            %span{:style => "font-size:75%; vertical-align:bottom;"}
              = link_to("Home Page", project.homePage, target: "_blank", rel: "nofollow")
              %span.ui-icon.ui-icon-extlink{:style => "display: inline-block; vertical-align: text-bottom;"}
              - if session[:user] && (project.creator == session[:user].id || session[:user].admin?)
                = link_to("Edit", edit_project_path(project.acronym))
                / TODO_REV: Enable delete project for admins
              - if current_user_admin?
                = link_to("Delete (admin only)", project_path(project.acronym), method: :delete,
                          data: {confirm: "Are you sure?"})
          / Project description (may be truncated with a dialog)
          %td{:style => "vertical-align:top;", :width => "50%"}
            - if ! project.description.nil?
              - descLength = 250
              - if project.description.length < descLength
                = project.description
              - else
                - descShort = smart_truncate(project.description, :words => 20)
                %span{:style => "cursor:help;", :title => project.description}
                  = descShort
          / Contacts
          %td{:style => "vertical-align:top;", :width => "10%"}
            = raw project.contacts
          / Institutions
          %td{:style => "vertical-align:top;", :width => "8%"}
            = raw project.institution
          / Ontologies
          %td{:style => "vertical-align:top;", :width => "2%"}
            - ontologyCount = 0
            - ontologyLabels = ""
            - for ontology in project.ontologyUsed
              - ontologyLabels += @ontologies_hash[ontology].name + "\n" rescue next
              - ontologyCount += 1
            - if ontologyCount > 0
              %span{:style => "cursor:help;text-decoration: none; border-bottom:1px dotted;", :title => ontologyLabels}= ontologyCount
            - else
              = ontologyCount
          - if current_user_admin?
              = {|c| c.split("/").last}.join(", ")
              = project.created