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Test Coverage
- @title = "Recommender" Ontology Recommender
  = t('recommender.intro').html_safe
  = link_to(Rails.configuration.settings.links[:help_recommender], id: "recommender-help",
            "aria-label": "View ontology recommender help") do
    %i.fas.fa-question-circle.fa-lg{"aria-hidden": "true"}

  -# Specify input format
    %h5 Input
      %input#radioItText.form-check-input{name: "input_type", type: "radio", value: "1", checked: "checked"}
      %label.form-check-label{for: "radioItText"} Text
      %input#radioItKeywords.form-check-input{name: "input_type", type: "radio", value: "2"}
      %label.form-check-label{for: "radioItKeywords"} Keywords (separated by commas)
  -# Specify output format
    %h5 Output
      %input#radioOtSingle.form-check-input{name: "output_type", type: "radio", value: "1", checked: "checked"}
      %label.form-check-label{for: "radioOtSingle"} Ontologies
      %input#radioOtSets.form-check-input{name: "output_type", type: "radio", value: "2"}
      %label.form-check-label{for: "radioOtSets"} Ontology sets
  -# Input text or keywords
    = text_area_tag("inputText", nil, rows: 10, class: "form-control default", placeholder: "Paste a paragraph of text or some keywords to use in calculating ontology recommendations", aria: {describedby: "inputTextHelpBlock"})
      %a#insertInputLink{href: "javascript:void(0);"} insert sample input

    %a#advancedOptionsLink{:href => "javascript:void(0);"} Show advanced options >>

  -# Advanced options
    -# Specify weights
    %h6 Weights configuration
        %label{for: "input_wc"} Coverage
        = number_field_tag("input_wc", "0.55", min: "0", step: "1", class: "form-control")
        %label{for: "input_wa"} Acceptance
        = number_field_tag("input_wa", "0.15", min: "0", step: "1", class: "form-control")
        %label{for: "input_wd"} Knowledge detail
        = number_field_tag("input_wd", "0.15", min: "0", step: "1", class: "form-control")
        %label{for: "input_ws"} Specialization
        = number_field_tag("input_ws", "0.15", min: "0", step: "1", class: "form-control")
    -# Specify ontology set size
    %h6 Maximum ontologies per set
        = number_field_tag("input_max_ontologies", "3", in: 2...5, class: "form-control")
      -# Specify ontologies
        = render(partial: "shared/ontology_picker")
    = submit_tag("Get Recommendations", id: "recommenderButton", type: "button", class: "btn btn-primary")
    = submit_tag("Edit Input", id: "editButton", type: "button", style: "display: none;", class: "btn btn-primary")
    = content_tag(:span, class: "recommenderSpinner") do
      = image_tag("spinners/spinner_000000_16px.gif", style: "vertical-align: middle;")

      Please paste a paragraph of text or some keywords to use in calculating ontology recommendations.
      The sum of the weights must be greater than zero.
      All the weights must be greater or equal to zero.
      All the weights must be valid numeric values.
      The maximum ontologies per set must be a valid integer value.
      The maximum ontologies per set must be a number between 2 and 4.
      Problem getting recommendations, please try again.
      No recommendations found.
      There are no ontology sets recommended for the input provided. Please try the "Ontologies" output.
      Please use less than 500 words. If you need to annotate larger pieces of text you can use the Recommender Web Service.
