- unless @errors.nil?
%div.col-sm-10.offset-sm-2.enable-lists{style: "color:red;"}
%strong Errors On Form
- for error in @errors
- if error.is_a? Array
- error[1].each do |key, message|
= message
- else
= error
= hidden_field :submission, :ontology, value:
-# Description
%label{class: 'col-sm-2 col-form-label', for: "submission_description"}
%span.asterik *
= text_area(:submission, :description, rows: 5, value: @submission.description, required: true,
class: "form-control")
-# Format
%label{class: 'col-sm-2 col-form-label', for: "submission_hasOntologyLanguage"}
%span.asterik *
- ont_formats = ["OBO", "OWL", "UMLS", "SKOS"].sort
- selected = @submission.hasOntologyLanguage ? @submission.hasOntologyLanguage : "OWL"
-# TODO: Add/remove aria-describedby attribute for SKOS help text display
= select("submission", "hasOntologyLanguage", options_for_select(ont_formats, selected), {},
{class: 'form-control'})
SKOS vocabularies submitted to BioPortal must contain a minimum of one concept scheme and top concept |
assertion. Please refer to the NCBO wiki for a more |
<a href="", target="_blank">detailed explanation</a> |
with examples. |
= tag.button('Show advanced OWL options', id: 'collapseOWLOptions', class: 'btn btn-outline-secondary',
type: 'button', 'data-bs-toggle': 'collapse', 'data-bs-target': '#owl-options',
'aria-expanded': 'false', 'aria-controls': 'owl-options')
-# Optional property overrides for OWL ontologies
%p.lead Customize default property settings
-# Preferred name
%label{for: "submission_prefLabelProperty", class: 'col-sm-2 offset-sm-2 col-form-label-sm'} Preferred name
= text_field(:submission, :prefLabelProperty, value: @submission.prefLabelProperty,
class: "form-control form-control-sm", aria: {describedBy: "preferredNameHelpBlock"})
%div{id: 'preferredNameHelpBlock', class: 'form-text'}
Enter a property ID, or leave blank to use the default setting:
= link_to(nil, '', target: '_blank')
-# Synonym
%label{for: "submission_synonymProperty", class: 'col-sm-2 offset-sm-2 col-form-label-sm'} Synonym
= text_field(:submission, :synonymProperty, value: @submission.synonymProperty,
class: "form-control form-control-sm", aria: {describedBy: "synonymHelpBlock"})
%div{id: 'synonymHelpBlock', class: 'form-text'}
Enter a property ID, or leave blank to use the default setting:
= link_to(nil, '', target: '_blank')
-# Definition
%label{for: "submission_definitionProperty", class: 'col-sm-2 offset-sm-2 col-form-label-sm'} Definition
= text_field(:submission, :definitionProperty, value: @submission.definitionProperty,
class: "form-control form-control-sm", aria: {describedBy: "definitionHelpBlock"})
%div{id: 'definitionHelpBlock', class: 'form-text'}
Enter a property ID, or leave blank to use the default setting:
= link_to(nil, '', target: '_blank')
-# Author
%label{for: "submission_authorProperty", class: 'col-sm-2 offset-sm-2 col-form-label-sm'} Author
= text_field(:submission, :authorProperty, value: @submission.authorProperty,
class: "form-control form-control-sm", aria: {describedBy: "authorHelpBlock"})
%div{id: 'authorHelpBlock', class: 'form-text'}
Enter a property ID, or leave blank to use the default setting:
= link_to(nil, '', target: '_blank')
-# Obsolete classes
%p.lead Identify obsolete classes
-# Obsolete property
%label{for: "submission_obsoleteProperty", class: 'col-sm-2 offset-sm-2 col-form-label-sm'} Obsolete property
= text_field(:submission, :obsoleteProperty, value: @submission.obsoleteProperty,
class: "form-control form-control-sm", aria: {describedBy: "obsoleteHelpBlock"})
%div{id: 'obsoleteHelpBlock', class: 'form-text'}
Optionally enter a property ID that indicates obsolete status for ontology classes |
(the property value must be set to "true"). Note that by default, #{$SITE} checks for existence |
of the owl:deprecated property. |
-# Obsolete branch root
%label{for: "submission_obsoleteParent", class: 'col-sm-2 offset-sm-2 col-form-label-sm'} Obsolete branch root
= text_field(:submission, :obsoleteParent, value: @submission.obsoleteParent,
class: "form-control form-control-sm", aria: {describedBy: "obsoleteRootHelpBlock"})
%div{id: 'obsoleteRootHelpBlock', class: 'form-text'}
Optionally enter a class ID for the root of an obsolete branch. All classes in the branch will be marked as |
obsolete, with the exception of the root class. |
-# Version
%label{class: 'col-sm-2 col-form-label', for: "submission_version"} Version
= text_field(:submission, :version, value: @submission.version, class: 'form-control')
-# Natural language
%label{class: 'col-sm-2 col-form-label'} Language
= natural_language_selector(@submission)
%div{id: 'languageHelpBlock', class: 'form-text'}
Enter the language of the content of the ontology, i.e., English, French, etc.
-# Status
%label{class: 'col-sm-2 col-form-label', for: "submission_status"}
%span.asterik *
- selected_status = @submission.status ? @submission.status : "alpha"
- status_options = ["alpha", "beta", "production", "retired"]
= select(:submission, :status, status_options, {selected: selected_status, required: true}, class: 'form-control')
-# Release date
%label{class: 'col-sm-2 col-form-label', for: 'datepicker'}
Release date
%span.asterik *
- release_date = @submission.released ? Date.parse(@submission.released) :
= text_field(:submission, :released, id: 'datepicker', value: "#{l(release_date, format: :month_day_year)}",
required: true, class: 'form-control', readonly: 'readonly')
%i{class: 'fas fa-calendar-alt fa-lg', 'aria-hidden': 'true'}
-# Location
%div.fieldset{id: '#submissionLocation', class: 'row mb-3'}
%legend{class: 'col-form-label col-sm-2 pt-0'}
%span.asterik *
- if !@masterFileOptions
- checked = @ontology.summaryOnly
= radio_button(:submission, :isRemote, 3, :onclick=>"$('.hidden_field').hide();", checked: checked,
aria: {describedBy: "metadataHelpBlock"}, class: "form-check-input")
%label.form-check-label{for: "submission_isRemote_3"}
Metadata only
%div{id: 'metadataHelpBlock', class: 'form-text'}
Allow users to view and search your ontology metadata, but not its classes and properties.
- checked = !(@submission.pullLocation.nil? || @submission.pullLocation.empty?)
= radio_button(:submission, :isRemote, 1, :onclick=>"location_toggle('remote');", checked: checked,
aria: {describedBy: "loadFromURLHelpBlock"}, class: "form-check-input")
%label.form-check-label{for: "submission_isRemote_1"}
Load from URL
%div{id: 'loadFromURLHelpBlock', class: 'form-text'}
New versions loaded on a nightly basis
- display = (checked and "" or "display:none;")
%div{id: 'remote', class: 'hidden_field mt-2', style: display}
= text_field(:submission, :pullLocation, value: @submission.pullLocation,
aria: {describedBy: "enterURLHelpBlock"}, class: "form-control")
%div{id: 'enterURLHelpBlock', class: 'form-text'}
Enter a URL, including the name of your ontology source file, e.g.,
- checked = (!@ontology.summaryOnly) && @submission.pullLocation.nil?
= radio_button(:submission, :isRemote, 0, :onclick=>"location_toggle('upload');", checked: checked,
class: "form-check-input")
%label.form-check-label{for: "submission_isRemote_0"}
Upload local file
- display = (checked and "" or "display:none;")
%div.hidden_field#upload{style: display}
= f.file_field(:filePath, class: "mt-2")
- else
-# TODO: Has this section of code actually been tested?
= radio_button :submission, :isRemote, 0, :onclick=>"location_toggle('upload');", checked: true
Upload Local File
%span{:style => "font-size:11px;"} (choose a file on your local file system to upload)
- display = (checked and "" or "display:none;")
%div#upload{style: display}
= f.file_field :filePath, required: true
="masterFileName", @masterFileOptions, { include_blank: "Select primary file from zip contents", required: true}, {style: "border-color: red;"})
-# Contact(s)
%label{class: 'col-sm-2 col-form-label'}
%span.asterik *
- if && > 0
- do |contact, i|
- if i == 0
-# Contact div
%label Name
= text_field :submission, :"contact[#{i}][name]", value: contact["name"], class: "form-control flex-grow-1 mx-2"
%label Email
= text_field :submission, :"contact[#{i}][email]", value: contact["email"], class: "form-control flex-grow-1 mx-2"
%i{class: "fas fa-plus fa-lg", aria: {hidden: "true"}}
- else
-# Secondary contacts need to be offset by 2 columns, and have a delete button.
%label Name
= text_field :submission, :"contact[#{i}][name]", value: contact["name"], class: "form-control flex-grow-1 mx-2"
%label Email
= text_field :submission, :"contact[#{i}][email]", value: contact["email"], class: "form-control flex-grow-1 mx-2"
%i{class: "fas fa-plus fa-lg", aria: {hidden: "true"}}
%i{class: "fas fa-minus fa-lg", aria: {hidden: "true"}}
- else
%label Name:
= text_field :submission, :"contact[0][name]", class: "form-control flex-grow-1 mx-2"
%label Email:
= text_field :submission, :"contact[0][email]", class: "form-control flex-grow-1 mx-2"
%i{class: "fas fa-plus fa-lg", aria: {hidden: "true"}}
-# Home page
%label{class: 'col-sm-2 col-form-label', for: "submission_homepage"} Homepage
= text_field(:submission, :homepage, value: @submission.homepage, class: "form-control",
aria: {describedBy: "homepageHelpBlock"})
%div{id: 'homepageHelpBlock', class: 'form-text'} Enter a URL for the main page of your ontology
-# Documentation page
%label{class: 'col-sm-2 col-form-label', for: "submission_documentation"} Documentation
= text_field(:submission, :documentation, value: @submission.documentation, class: "form-control",
aria: {describedBy: "docsHelpBlock"})
%div{id: 'docsHelpBlock', class: 'form-text'} Enter a URL for a page that provides ontology documentation
-# Publications page
%label{class: 'col-sm-2 col-form-label', for: "submission_publication"} Publications
= text_field(:submission, :publication, value: @submission.publication, class: "form-control",
aria: {describedBy: "pubsHelpBlock"})
%div{id: 'pubsHelpBlock', class: 'form-text'} Enter a URL for a page that lists publications about your ontology
%label.col-form-label.fst-italic * Fields marked with an asterisk are required.
= submit_tag button_text, class: "btn btn-primary me-1"
= link_to "Cancel", ontology_path(@ontology.acronym), class: "btn btn-primary"