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'use strict';

// required modules
const Validator = require('jsonschema').Validator;
const include = require('include')(__dirname);

// other files

const errors = require('./errors/patternErrorMessages.json');
const fileValidation = require('./fileValidation.js');

const v = new Validator();

 * Removes 'instance' from prop field of validation errors. Used to make fields human readable
 * @param  {string} prop - Prop field from validation error
 * @return {string}
function removeInstance(prop){

    let fixedProp = '';

    if (prop.indexOf('.') !== -1){

        fixedProp = prop.substring((prop.indexOf('.') + 1), (prop.length));


    return fixedProp;


 * Combines property and argument fields, if property exists, for missing field errors
 * @param  {string} property - Upper field to combine
 * @param  {string} argument - Field where error is.
 * @return {string}          - Concatination of property, '.', and argument
function combinePropArgument(property, argument){

    let field;
    if (property.length > 0){

        field = `${property}.${argument}`;

    else {

        field = argument;


    return field;

 * Creates error object which can be read by error message building function
 * @param {string} field             - Field where error occured at
 * @param {string} errorType         - Type of error returned
 * @param {string} expectedFieldType - Type that the field is expected to be
 * @param {string} enumMessage       - Enum message returned by validation
 * @param {string} dependency        - Fields that are a dependeny of field
 * @param {array} anyOfFields        - Array of strings of all field included in anyOf
 * @return Error object
function makeErrorObj(field, errorType, expectedFieldType, enumMessage, dependency, anyOfFields){
    const output = {
    let key;
    for (key in output){
        if (output[key] === null){
            delete output[key];
    return output;

let requiredFields = [];
 * Checks for additional required fields if a missing field has sub fields, stores these fields in requiredFields
 * @param  {Object} schema - schema to traverse in search for all required fields
function checkForExtraRequired(schema){
    const keys =;
    for (const key in keys){
        if ([key].type === 'object' && schema.required.includes(key)){
            const indexOfSuper = requiredFields.indexOf(key) + 1;

            requiredFields.splice(indexOfSuper, 0,[key]{
                return `${key}.${s}`;
/** Traverses schema object in search of all fields listed as required. Stores all fields in requiredFiles array. 
 * @param  {Object} schema - schema to traverse in search for all required fields
function getAllRequired(schema){
    const keys = Object.keys(schema);
        switch (key){
        case 'allOf':
        case 'properties':
        case 'required':
            requiredFields = requiredFields.concat(schema.required);
/** Traverses through schema to find field specified. Once found it executes a function on that field in the schema.
 * @param  {Object}   schema - schema to look for field in
 * @param  {Array}    field  - Array(String) containing the path to the field to find
 * @param  {Function} func   - Function to be run on the schema of field
function findField(schema, field, func){
    const fieldCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(field));
    const schemaKeys = Object.keys(schema);
        if (key === fieldCopy[0]){
            if (fieldCopy.length === 1){
            else {
                findField(schema[key], fieldCopy, func);
        else {
            switch (key){
            case 'allOf':
            case 'oneOf':
                    findField(sch, fieldCopy, func);
            case 'properties':
                findField(, fieldCopy, func);

 * Handles errors where a required field is missing.
 * @param  {Object} output           - Object used to keep track of any errors, will be outputted if any found
 * @param  {Array} output.errorArray - Array containing error objects which detail errors in schema
 * @param  {Array} result               - Array of all errors from schema validator
 * @param  {Number} counter          - Index of the current error
 * @param  {Object} schema           - schema which input is being validated against
function handleMissingError(output, result, counter, schema){

    requiredFields = [];
    const property = removeInstance(result[counter].property);
    const field = combinePropArgument(property, result[counter].argument);

    output.errorArray.push(makeErrorObj(field, 'missing'));
    findField(schema, field.split('.'), getAllRequired);
    for (const i in requiredFields){
        if (requiredFields.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            requiredFields[i] = `${field}.${requiredFields[i]}`;
        output.errorArray.push(makeErrorObj(requiredField, 'missing'));

 * Handles errors where a field is the wrong type.
 * @param  {Object} output           - Object used to keep track of any errors, will be outputted if any found
 * @param  {Array} output.errorArray - Array containing error objects which detail errors in schema
 * @param  {Array} result               - Array of all errors from schema validator
 * @param  {Number} counter          - Index of the current error
function handleTypeError(output, result, counter){

    const expectedType = result[counter].argument[0];
    const property = removeInstance(result[counter].property);
    output.errorArray.push(makeErrorObj(property, 'type', expectedType));


 * Handles errors where a field is formatted wrong.
 * @param  {Object} output           - Object used to keep track of any errors, will be outputted if any found
 * @param  {Array} output.errorArray - Array containing error objects which detail errors in schema
 * @param  {Array} result               - Array of all errors from schema validator
 * @param  {Number} counter          - Index of the current error
function handleFormatError(output, result, counter){

    const field = `${removeInstance(result[counter].property)}`;
    output.errorArray.push(makeErrorObj(field, 'format'));


 * Handles errors where a field is not one of the enum values.
 * @param  {Object} output            - Object used to keep track of any errors, will be outputted if any found
 * @param  {Array}  output.errorArray - Array containing error objects which detail errors in schema
 * @param  {Array}  result            - Array of all errors from schema validator
 * @param  {Number} counter           - Index of the current error
function handleEnumError(output, result, counter){

    const property = removeInstance(result[counter].property);
    output.errorArray.push(makeErrorObj(property, 'enum', null, result[counter].message));


 * Pulls the dependency of a certain field from the error message generated by the schema validator
 * @param  {Array}  result  - Array of all errors from schema validator
 * @param  {Number} counter - Index of the current error
function getDependency(result, counter){

    const stackMessage = result[counter].stack;
    const dependency = stackMessage.split(' property ')[1].split(' not ')[0];
    return dependency;


 * Handles errors where a field has a dependency which is not provided.
 * @param  {Object} output            - Object used to keep track of any errors, will be outputted if any found
 * @param  {Array}  output.errorArray - Array containing error objects which detail errors in schema
 * @param  {Array}  result            - Array of all errors from schema validator
 * @param  {Number} counter           - Index of the current error
function handleDependencyError(output, result, counter){

    const error = result[counter];
    const dependentField = removeInstance(error.argument);
    const schemaPath = removeInstance(;
    const dependency = `${schemaPath}.${getDependency(result, counter)}`;
    output.errorArray.push(makeErrorObj(dependentField, 'dependencies', null, null, dependency));


 * Creates error object for errors resulting from an anyOf section of the validation schema
 * @param {Object} errorTracking            - Error object containing all error to report and the error message to deliver.
 * @param {Array}  errorTracking.errorArray - Array contain all errors to report to user.
 * @param {Array}  result                   - Array of errors found during validation.
 * @param {Number} counter                  - Position in result that the current error being handled is.
function handleAnyOfError(errorTracking, result, counter){

    const error = result[counter];
    const property = removeInstance(;
    const requiredOptions = [];
        requiredOptions.push(combinePropArgument(property, fieldObj.required[0]));
    errorTracking.errorArray.push(makeErrorObj(null, 'anyOf', null, null, null, requiredOptions));

/** Get the schema to be used for validating user input
 * @param  {Object} pathData - All data from swagger for the path that has been run
 * @return {Object} schemas  - fullSchema is the full validation schemas for all permit types. schemaToUse is the validation schema for this route
function getValidationSchema(pathData){
    const fileToGet = `src/${pathData['x-validation'].split('#')[0]}`;
    const schemaToGet = pathData['x-validation'].split('#')[1];
    const applicationSchema = include(fileToGet);
    return {

/** Processes ValidationError into ErrorObj, extracting the info needed to create an error message
 * @param  {Array} - Array of ValidationErrors from validation
 * @param  {Array} - Array to store processed ErrorObjs in
function processErrors(errors, processedErrors, schema){
    const length = errors.length;
    let counter;
    for (counter = 0; counter < length; counter++){

        switch (errors[counter].name){
        case 'required':
            handleMissingError(processedErrors, errors, counter, schema);
        case 'type':
            handleTypeError(processedErrors, errors, counter);
        case 'format':
        case 'pattern':
            handleFormatError(processedErrors, errors, counter);
        case 'enum':
            handleEnumError(processedErrors, errors, counter);
        case 'dependencies':
            handleDependencyError(processedErrors, errors, counter);
        case 'anyOf':
            handleAnyOfError(processedErrors, errors, counter);

/** Validates the fields in user input
 * @param  {Object} body             - Input from user to be validated
 * @param  {Object} pathData         - All data from swagger for the path that has been run
 * @param  {Object} validationSchema - schema to be used for validating input, same as validation.json without refs
 * @return {Array}                   - Array of ValidationErrors from validation
function validateBody(body, pathData, validationSchema){
    const processedFieldErrors = {
    const schema = getValidationSchema(pathData);
    const applicationSchema = schema.fullSchema;
    const schemaToUse = schema.schemaToUse;
    let key;
    for (key in applicationSchema){
        if (applicationSchema.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            v.addSchema(applicationSchema[key], key);
    const val = v.validate(body, schemaToUse);
    const error = val.errors;
    if (error.length > 0){
        processErrors(error, processedFieldErrors, validationSchema);
    return processedFieldErrors;

 * Takes input like fieldOne and converts it to Field One so that it is easier to read
 * @param  {String} input - String to be made more readable
 * @return {String}       - More readble string
function makeFieldReadable(input){

    return input
    .replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1')
    .replace(/^./, function(str){
        return str.toUpperCase();
    .replace('Z I P', 'Zip')
    .replace('U R L', 'URL');


 * Takes input like fieldOne.fieldTwo and converts it to Field One/Field Two to make it easier to read
 * @param  {String} input - path to field which has error
 * @return {String}       - human readable path to errored field
function makePathReadable(input){

    if (typeof input === 'string'){
        const parts = input.split('.');
        const readableParts = [];
        let readablePath = '';
        readablePath = readableParts.shift();
            readablePath = `${readablePath}/${part}`;
        return readablePath;
    else {
        return false;


 * Creates error message for format errors
 * @param  {String} fullPath - path to field where error is at
 * @return {String}          - error message to be given to user
function buildFormatErrorMessage(fullPath){
    const field = fullPath.substring(fullPath.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
    const readablePath = makePathReadable(fullPath);
    const errorMessage = `${readablePath}${errors[field]}`;
    return errorMessage;


 * Creates error message for anyOf errors
 * @param  {array} anyOfFields - list of fields, at least one being required.
 * @return {string}
function makeAnyOfMessage(anyOfFields){
    if (anyOfFields){
        let output, count = 1;
        const length = anyOfFields.length;
        output = `${makePathReadable(anyOfFields[0])}`;
        while (count < length) {
            const field = anyOfFields[count];
            output = `${output} or ${makePathReadable(field)}`;
            count ++;
        return output;
    else {
        return false;

 * Combines all errors into one string which can be used to determine where all errors are at
 * @param  {Array} errorMessages - Array of error objects
 * @return {String}              - Error message containing all errors
function concatErrors(errorMessages){

    let output = '';
        output = `${output}${message} `;
    output = output.trim();
    return output;

 * Creates error messages for all field errors
 * @param  {Object}  output            - Error object containing all error to report and the error message to deliver.
 * @param  {Array}   output.errorArray - Array contain all errors to report to user.
 * @param  {Object} error              - error object to be processed
 * @param  {Array}  messages           - Array of all error messages to be returned
 * @return {String}                    - All field error messages concated together
function generateErrorMesage(output){

    let errorMessage = '';
    const messages = [];

        const missing = `${makePathReadable(error.field)} is a required field.`;
        const type = `${makePathReadable(error.field)} is expected to be type '${error.expectedFieldType}'.`;
        const enumMessage = `${makePathReadable(error.field)} ${error.enumMessage}.`;
        const dependencies = `Having ${makePathReadable(error.field)} requires that ${makePathReadable(error.dependency)} be provided.`;
        const anyOf = `Either ${makeAnyOfMessage(error.anyOfFields)} is a required field.`;
        const length = `${makePathReadable(error.field)} is too long, must be ${error.expectedFieldType} chracters or shorter`;

        switch (error.errorType){
        case 'missing':
            error.message = missing;
        case 'type':
            error.message = type;
        case 'format':
        case 'pattern':
            error.message = buildFormatErrorMessage(error.field);
        case 'enum':
            error.message = enumMessage;
        case 'dependencies':
            error.message = dependencies;
        case 'anyOf':
            error.message = anyOf;
        case 'length':
            error.message = length;
            fileValidation.generateFileErrors(output, error, messages);
    errorMessage = concatErrors(messages);
    return errorMessage;


 * Checks the length of all fields with a maxLength field in schema
 * @param  {Object} schema                          - Section of the validation schema being used
 * @param  {Object} input                           - User input being validated
 * @param  {Object} processedFieldErrors            - Current object containing errors
 * @param  {Array}  processedFieldErrors.errorArray - Array of all errors found so far
 * @param  {String} path                            - Path to field being checked
 * @return {Array}                                  - Array of error objects representing all errors found so far
function checkFieldLengths(schema, input, processedFieldErrors, path){
    const keys = Object.keys(schema);
        switch (key){
        case 'allOf':
        case 'anyOf':
                checkFieldLengths(sch, input, processedFieldErrors, path);
        case 'properties':
            checkFieldLengths(, input, processedFieldErrors, path);
            let field;
            if (path === ''){
                field = `${key}`;
            else {
                field = `${path}.${key}`;
            if (schema[key].type === 'object'){
                if (input[key]){
                    checkFieldLengths(schema[key], input[key], processedFieldErrors, field);
            else if (schema[key].fromIntake){
                if (input){
                    const maxLength = schema[key].maxLength;
                    const fieldLength = `${input[key]}`.length;

                    if (maxLength < fieldLength){
                        processedFieldErrors.errorArray.push(makeErrorObj(field, 'length', maxLength));


    return processedFieldErrors;

 * Checks that individualIsCitizen field is present if application is a temp-outfitters application and it is for an individual
 * @param  {Object} input                - User input
 * @param  {Object} processedFieldErrors - Object containing all errors from the validation process
 * @return {Object}                      - processedFieldErrors with any errors from this validation step added to it
function checkForIndividualIsCitizen(input, processedFieldErrors){
    if (input.tempOutfitterFields && input.applicantInfo){
        if (!input.applicantInfo.orgType || input.applicantInfo.orgType.toUpperCase() === 'PERSON'){
            if ((typeof input.tempOutfitterFields.individualIsCitizen) !== 'boolean'){
                processedFieldErrors.errorArray.push(makeErrorObj('tempOutfitterFields.individualIsCitizen', 'missing'));
    return processedFieldErrors;

 * Checks that smallBusiness field is present if application is a temp-outfitters application and it is not for an individual
 * @param  {Object} input                - User input
 * @param  {Object} processedFieldErrors - Object containing all errors from the validation process
 * @return {Object}                      - processedFieldErrors with any errors from this validation step added to it
function checkForSmallBusiness(input, processedFieldErrors){
    if (input.tempOutfitterFields && input.applicantInfo){
        if (input.applicantInfo.orgType && input.applicantInfo.orgType.toUpperCase() !== 'PERSON'){
            if ((typeof input.tempOutfitterFields.smallBusiness) !== 'boolean'){
                processedFieldErrors.errorArray.push(makeErrorObj('tempOutfitterFields.smallBusiness', 'missing'));
    return processedFieldErrors;

 * Checks that organizationName field is present if application is not for an individual
 * @param  {Object} input                - User input
 * @param  {Object} processedFieldErrors - Object containing all errors from the validation process
 * @return {Object}                      - processedFieldErrors with any errors from this validation step added to it
function checkForOrgName(input, processedFieldErrors){
    if (input.applicantInfo){
        if (input.applicantInfo.orgType && input.applicantInfo.orgType.toUpperCase() !== 'PERSON'){
            if (!input.applicantInfo.organizationName || input.applicantInfo.organizationName.length <= 0){
                processedFieldErrors.errorArray.push(makeErrorObj('applicantInfo.organizationName', 'missing'));
    return processedFieldErrors;

 * Additional validation checks that can't be defined in the validation schema
 * @param  {Object} validationSchema     - schema to be used for validating input, same as validation.json without refs
 * @param  {Object} input                - User input
 * @param  {Object} processedFieldErrors - Object containing an array of error objects for every error with fields
 * @return {Object}                      - processedFieldErrors with any errors from these validation steps added to it
function additionalValidation(validationSchema, input, processedFieldErrors){
    processedFieldErrors = checkFieldLengths(validationSchema, input, processedFieldErrors, '');
    processedFieldErrors = checkForOrgName(input, processedFieldErrors);
    processedFieldErrors = checkForIndividualIsCitizen(input, processedFieldErrors);
    processedFieldErrors = checkForSmallBusiness(input, processedFieldErrors);
    return processedFieldErrors;

 * Drives validation of fields
 * @param  {Object} body             - User input
 * @param  {Object} pathData         - information about path
 * @param  {Object} validationSchema - schema to be used for validating input, same as validation.json without refs
 * @return {Object}                  - Object containing an array of error objects for every error with fields
function getFieldValidationErrors(body, pathData, validationSchema){

    let processedFieldErrors = validateBody(body, pathData, validationSchema);
    processedFieldErrors = additionalValidation(validationSchema, body, processedFieldErrors, '');

    return processedFieldErrors;

module.exports.removeInstance = removeInstance;
module.exports.combinePropArgument = combinePropArgument;
module.exports.makeErrorObj = makeErrorObj;
module.exports.getAllRequired = getAllRequired;
module.exports.findField = findField;
module.exports.handleMissingError = handleMissingError;
module.exports.handleTypeError = handleTypeError;
module.exports.handleFormatError = handleFormatError;
module.exports.handleEnumError = handleEnumError;
module.exports.getDependency = getDependency;
module.exports.handleDependencyError = handleDependencyError;
module.exports.handleAnyOfError = handleAnyOfError;
module.exports.getValidationSchema = getValidationSchema;
module.exports.validateBody = validateBody;
module.exports.processErrors = processErrors;
module.exports.makeFieldReadable = makeFieldReadable;
module.exports.makePathReadable = makePathReadable;
module.exports.buildFormatErrorMessage = buildFormatErrorMessage;
module.exports.makeAnyOfMessage = makeAnyOfMessage;
module.exports.concatErrors = concatErrors;
module.exports.generateErrorMesage = generateErrorMesage;
module.exports.getFieldValidationErrors = getFieldValidationErrors;
module.exports.checkForSmallBusiness = checkForSmallBusiness;
module.exports.checkForIndividualIsCitizen = checkForIndividualIsCitizen;
module.exports.checkForOrgName = checkForOrgName;