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# moxai

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Moxai (mɒks-eɪ) - [Express Middleware]( for API mocks using [Open API Initiative (OAI)](

* [Installation](#installation)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Options](#options)
  * [dir](#dir)
  * [file](#file)
  * [random](#random)
* [Testing](#testing)
  * [Scripts](#scripts)
  * [Test Data](#test-data)
* [Dependencies](#dependencies)
  * [Modules](#modules)
  * [Application](#application)
  * [Package](#package)
  * [Dependency Trackers](#dependency-trackers)
* [Contact](#contact)
  * [Point of Contact](#point-of-contact)
  * [Notifications](#notifications)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)
* [License](#license)

## Installation

This is a [Node.js]( module available through the [npm registry]( Installation is done using the [`npm install` command](

npm install moxai --save

## Usage

Setup as standard [third-party middleware]( which requires Express and mounting on a route, such as _'/mocks'_.

var express = require('express');
var moxai = require('moxai');
var app = express();

app.use('/mocks', moxai());

app.listen(8000, function () {
  console.log('Express web server with Moxai listening on port 8000');

## Options

Options are passed as an object to moxai and all arguments are optional. 

var opts = {
 'dir': 'mocks',
 'file': 'api',
 'random': false

app.use('/mocks', moxai(opts));


| Option | Type | Default | Argument | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| dir | string | mocks | optional | The directory location of OAI files relative to parent directory. |
| file | string | api | optional | The name of OAI JSON file. Must be located within directory location. |
| random | boolean | false | optional | Use random output for regex values in OAI JSON file. |

### dir

The directory where the files are stored.  This is relative to the parent directory and the default is _mocks_. In most applications, simply add a _mocks_ directory in the root of the application.

├── mocks/
├── app.js|index.js
└── package.json

### file

The file of the OAI (formerly Swagger) JSON file to use. This is compatible with OAI [version 2.0]( This must have a .json extension and the default is _api_, therefore the default file is _api.json_. The file must be in the designated [directory](#dir), which defaults to _mocks_.  

├── mocks/
    └── api.json
├── app.js|index.js
└── package.json

Mock output should be in the response examples section of the OAI JSON. This should be the exact JSON output expected by the mock API request.

  "swagger": "2.0",
  "paths": {
    "/api/": {
      "get": {
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "examples": {
              "application/json": {
                "key": "value"

### random

Randomizes the output from the OAI JSON using regular expressions. Only randomizes values that are valid regex and are enclosed in forward slashes (/).  Back slashes (\\) must be escaped by using double backslash (\\\\). Ignores any flags such as /i (ignore case) and /g (global). If error with regex, then will output original string.

  "swagger": "2.0",
  "paths": {
    "/api/": {
      "get": {
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "examples": {
              "application/json": {
                "alphanumeric": "/^[a-z0-9]{2,10}$/",
                "titlecase": "/^[A-Z][a-z]{4,16}$/",
                "phonenumber": "/^[1-9]\\d{2}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}/",
                "integer": "/[0-9]{1,7}/",
                "boolean": "/true|false/",
                "ignore": "/[[[ignore/"

## Testing

### Scripts

* `npm test` to run [Mocha]( unit tests.
* `npm run coverage` for [Istanbul]( code coverage. *Results in `/coverage` folder.*
* `npm run lint` for [ESLint]( static code analysis. *Results in `/lint` folder.*
* `npm run docs` to run [JSDoc]( code documentation. *Results in `/docs` folder*

### Test Data

* Files: Test [JSON]( files are stored in [test/mocks](test/mocks) directory

## Dependencies

### Modules

* Matchstick: [matchstick]( >= [1.2.x](
* RandExp: [randexp]( >= [0.4.x](
* Traverse: [traverse]( >= [0.6.x](

### Application

* Runtime: [Node.js]( >= [4.x](
* Engine: [NPM]( >= [4.x](
* Framework: [Express.js]( >= [4.x](

### Package

* [package.json](package.json)
* [npm-shrinkwrap.json](npm-shrinkwrap.json)

### Dependency Trackers

* [Gemnasium](
* [VersionEye](
* [Bithound](

## Contact

### Point of Contact

You can report issues and submit questions by opening a new [Issue]( in GitHub.

### Notifications

You can [Watch]( this repo to receive notifications from GitHub when a new issue is posted, when an existing issue’s status is updated, and when a pull request is created.

## Contributing

See [CONTRIBUTING]( for additional information.

## Acknowledgements

This open source project was developed for the [U.S. Forest Service]( [ePermit API]( project under the General Services Administration ([GSA]( Technology Transformation Service ([TTS]( [18F]( Agile Delivery Services Blanket Purchase Agreement ([Agile BPA]( Moxai is a testing dependency for the ePermit API which used this package as a temporary, placeholder mock API. Moxai is published as an independent [npm package]( that can be used with any [Express]( application. 

## License

This project is in the worldwide [public domain]( As stated in [CONTRIBUTING](

> This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the [CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication](
> All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.