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Test Coverage
    "name": "James",
    "url": "https://github.com/ndious/James",
    "opensource": "https://github.com/ndious/James",
    "description": "Super autonomous website content spy.",
    "techs": ["PHP7"],
    "status": "online",
    "work": "Conception and development."
    "name": "NaturaBuy",
    "url": "https://www.naturabuy.fr",
    "description": "Hunting and fishing french Marketplace.",
    "techs": ["PHP5", "PHP7", "JavaScript", "CSS", "MySQL"],
    "status": "online",
    "company": "NaturaBuy",
    "work": "Conception, development and Debbuging."
    "name": "NaturaBuy iOS App",
    "url": "https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/naturabuy/id689759509",
    "description": "NaturaBuy iOS Application.",
    "techs": ["PHP7"],
    "status": "online",
    "company": "NaturaBuy",
    "work": "Conception and development."
    "name": "BSFP",
    "url": "https://github.com/bsfp",
    "opensource": "https://github.com/bsfp",
    "description": "PHP independant micro components.",
    "techs": ["PHP7"],
    "status": "online",
    "work": "Conception and development."
    "name": "the.12.gy",
    "url": "https://ndufreche.netlify.com/",
    "opensource": "https://github.com/ndious/the.12.gy",
    "description": "Personal website.",
    "techs": ["React", "Redux", "React-Router", "React-Bootstrap"],
    "status": "online",
    "work": "Conception, development, graphism and integration."
    "name": "console.scope",
    "url": "https://github.com/ndious/console-scope",
    "opensource": "https://github.com/ndious/console-scope",
    "description": "Little enhancement for the JavaScript console tool.",
    "techs": ["JavaScript"],
    "status": "online",
    "work": "Conception, development."
    "name": "Tiimber",
    "url": "https://github.com/ndious/tiimber",
    "opensource": "https://github.com/ndufreche/tiimber",
    "description": "Framework Views/Actions creation in php.",
    "techs": ["PHP7", "ReactPHP", "Symfony-Router"],
    "status": "development",
    "work": "Conception and development."
    "name": "Houra",
    "url": "https://gitub.com/hapipip/houra",
    "opensource": "https://gitub.com/hapipip/houra",
    "description": "NodeJs Framework builder, based on docker-compose configuration file.",
    "techs": ["NodeJS", "HapiJS"],
    "status": "conception",
    "work": "Conception et development in collaboration with a coworkeur."
    "name": "Redlist",
    "url": "https://redlist.github.io",
    "opensource": "https://gitub.com/redlist/redlist.github.io",
    "description": "Quick project realized in 3 days to help friend for learn JavaScript/Stylus/Pug/SW.",
    "techs": ["JavaScript", "Stylus", "Pug", "ServiceWorker", "materialize", "jQuery"],
    "status": "online",
    "work": "Conception, development, graphism et integration."
    "name": "Takaclic",
    "url": "https://www.takaclic.com",
    "description": "B2C Plateform for tourrism professional.",
    "techs": ["PHP", "materialize", "jQuery"],
    "status": "online",
    "work": "Development, graphism et intsgration."
    "name": "Jiink",
    "url": "https://jiink.io",
    "opensource": "https://github.com/ndious/jinc",
    "description": "Mutli-Application support to retreive friend.",
    "techs": ["JavaScript"],
    "status": "broken",
    "work": "Conception et development."
    "name": "BFM TV - RMC - 01 NET",
    "url": "http://www.bfmtv.com/",
    "description": "French actuality web-site",
    "techs": ["BackBee"],
    "status": "online",
    "company": "Lp Digital",
    "work": " CMS optimisation, data transfert, create a plugin to connect all mobil apps and technical equips fromations."
    "name": "BackBee",
    "url": "http://www.backbee.com/",
    "opensource": "https://github.com/backbee",
    "description": "Open source CMS.",
    "techs": ["Symfony", "jQuery", "Backbones", "JSClass"],
    "status": "online",
    "company": "Lp Digital",
    "work": "Back-end and Front-end development, unit test integration, work process and team management."
    "name": "Wansquare",
    "url": "http://www.wansquare.com/",
    "description": "Specialized web site around economy and finances, for professional.",
    "techs": ["BackBee"],
    "status": "online",
    "company": "Lp Digital",
    "work": "Development, create a integrated CRM and emailing system."
    "name": "Le revenu",
    "url": "http://www.lerevenu.com/",
    "description": "Web site specialized in financial investments.",
    "techs": ["BackBuilder"],
    "status": "offline",
    "company": "Lp Digital",
    "work": "Debug and optimisation."
    "name": "Keltravo",
    "url": "http://www.keltravo.com/",
    "description": "B2C web site dedicated to the professional relationship of buildings and individuals",
    "techs": ["Framework Maison"],
    "status": "online",
    "company": "Alten SIR",
    "work": "Debugging and creation of new business modules."
    "name": "Sources Intérieur",
    "url": "http://www.sources-interieur.com/",
    "description": "E-commerce that sale of interior products created by designers.",
    "techs": ["Magento", "jQuery"],
    "status": "online",
    "company": "PixelCookers",
    "work": "Technical conception, light modifcations of Magento, grafism integration and server configuration."
    "name": "Sofys",
    "url": "http://www.sofys-traiteur.com/",
    "description": "E-commerce that sale of catering trays and buffets.",
    "techs": ["Magento", "jQuery", "Less"],
    "status": "online",
    "company": "PixelCookers",
    "work": "Technical conception, light modifcations of Magento, creating customs pages for specific products, grafism integration and server configuration."
    "name": "Brands on air",
    "url": "http://www.brandsonair.com/",
    "description": "E-commerce that sale of objects of all kinds having a relationship with television and cinema.",
    "techs": ["Magento", "Zend", "jQuery"],
    "status": "online",
    "company": "PixelCookers",
    "work": "Integrate an e-commerce web site into the existing site, total CMS modifications, technical design, graphical integration, debugging of the previous platform."
    "name": "Créer mon livre",
    "url": "http://www.creermonlivre.com/",
    "description": "E-commerce that sales of personalized books.",
    "techs": ["Magento", "Symfony", "jQuery", "Less", "Twitter Bootstrap"],
    "status": "online",
    "company": "PixelCookers",
    "work": "Make a twinning between the Magento and Symfony platforms, e-commerce technical design, graphic integration, creation of a plugin anything slider, multiple cms modification."
    "name": "BMLoc",
    "url": "http://www.bm-loc.fr/",
    "description": "E-commerce for the rental of construction site equipment.",
    "techs": ["Magento"],
    "status": "online",
    "company": "PixelCookers",
    "work": "Debbuging and integration of little features."
    "name": "Des filles à la vanille",
    "url": "http://www.desfillesalavanille.com/",
    "description": "E-commerce that sales of cosmetics and women's clothing for individuals and professionals.",
    "techs": ["Magento"],
    "status": "online",
    "company": "PixelCookers",
    "work": "Debbuging and integration of little features."
    "name": "Dans tous nos cartons",
    "description": "E-commerce that sale of second-hand baby items",
    "techs": ["Magento", "jQuery", "Less"],
    "status": "offline",
    "company": "PixelCookers",
    "work": "Technical conception, modifcations of Magento and grafism integration"
    "name": "Tec parts",
    "url": "http://www.tec-parts.fr/",
    "description": "E-commerce that sale of bulbs and balls of car glass wipers for individuals and professionals",
    "techs": ["Magento", "jQuery", "Less"],
    "status": "offline",
    "company": "PixelCookers",
    "work": "Update of the previous version, technical design, multiple CMS modification"
    "name": "MMO Pizza",
    "url": "http://www.mmopizza.com/",
    "description": "Social network  dedicated to massively multiplayer video games",
    "techs": ["Symfony 1.4", "jQuery", "Less"],
    "status": "offline",
    "company": "PixelCookers",
    "work": "Improvement of the sfZnForum plugin and graphical integration, implementation of the unit tests, improvement of the raid module and user sheet, design and development of a CMS guild plugin with its own plugin and dependency management system, creation of a Plugin for the integration of Markitup, debugging symfony embed form and various evolutions."
    "name": "Duosun",
    "url": "http://duosun.12.gy/",
    "description": "Site showcase for Duosun solar gutter.",
    "techs": ["Zend", "jQuery", "Less", "Twitter Bootstrap"],
    "status": "online",
    "work": "Site design and development, server configuration."
    "name": "C’est quoi le luxe",
    "url": "http://cql.12.gy/",
    "description": "Fun site on the theme of your vision of luxury.",
    "techs": ["Zend", "jQuery", "Less"],
    "status": "offline",
    "work": "Web site design, design, development and integration, server configuration."
    "name": "Géomagna",
    "url": "geomagna.12.gy",
    "description": "Race geolocated by smartphone via browser and creation of the event site.",
    "techs": ["Zend", "jQuery", "Less"],
    "status": "offline",
    "work": "Site design, development and integration, infographics, posters, server configuration"
    "name": "Aditu Intranet",
    "description": "Intranet site to facilitate server farm management",
    "techs": ["Symfony1.2", "jQuery"],
    "status": "offline",
    "company": "Aditu",
    "work": "Site design, design, development and integration"