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> **ATTENTION**: This is currently in development. Please wait for the stable release.
> You are looking for the next version of SulatCMS currently developed right now.

# SulatCMS [![Maintainability](](
Simple plugin-driven Headless CMS for JAMstack sites.

## Features
1. **Platform-agnostic** - Edit your markdown posts from your local filesystem, git, WordPress, and etc.
2. **Plugin-driven** - From content manipulation to publishing your content, they are all handled by plugins.
3. **Barebones** - A Sulat installation with no plugins only weighs about `60kb` compared to previous version.
4. **Powered by [Mithril](** - A tiny, complete out-of-the box Javascript library makes Sulat slim and fast.

## Install
To start, install Sulat via NPM/Yarn or

yarn add
or you can embed it directly

<!-- Place the javascript file before the <body> closing tag -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="">

### Usage

To get started, initialize first the CMS by invoking the `initialize` function. If you are setting up in the browser without any build tools, you can access it through `window.sulat`.

    el: document.getElementById("sulat"),
    auth: "netlify", // if you are using authentication, you need to set the default provider.
    plugins: [
        //... plugins goes here.
Once you set up and install all the plugins, you're good to go!

## Plugins
What makes SulatCMS unique is the first-class support of plugins. Plugins what makes the CMS functionable from content management to authentication.

### Creating a plugin
SulatCMS plugins are just regular functions returning a single plugin object. The plugin object contains metadata for the plugin (name and etc.) as well as it's event functions both for the CMS and authentication management.

function myFirstPlugin(options) {
    return {
        name: "my-first-plugin",
        events: {
            onInit() {
                console.log("Hello " +;

### Using the plugin
You can simply add the plugin to the CMS's config:
    // ...
    plugins: [myFirstPlugin({
        name: "Bob"
As soon as the as the CMS is loaded, the plugins are automatically loaded. In this case, our plugin executes after the CMS has been fully loaded.

## Development Notes
- Plugin system now implemented. I'm gonna think first what set of APIs will be implemented.

## Pre-launch plans
- [x] ~~Make Github and Gitlab as default platforms~~
   - **Note:** Login only works on Netlify sites. Still working on making it usable for non-Netlify sites.
- [x] ~~Implement few API's for plugins~
- [ ] Cleanup the UI
- [x] Target file size should be atleast between *100-300kb*

## Contribute
To start:

$ npm install

To develop:

$ npm run dev

To build for production:

$ npm run build


&copy; 2018 [nedpals](