<?phpnamespace Lyte\XML;/** * Some generalised decorating behaviour */class XMLDecorator { /** * What we're currently decorating */ protected $decorated = null; public function __construct($obj = null) { $this->decorated = $this->undecorate($obj); } /** * Make the underlying decorated node accessible */ public function getDecorated() { return $this->decorated; } /** * Catch calls to us and pass through to our decorated object */ public function __call($name, $origArgs) { $args = array(); // check through the arguments and undecorate anything before passing through foreach ($origArgs as $arg) { $args []= $this->undecorate($arg); } $ret = call_user_func_array(array($this->decorated, $name), $args); return $this->decorate($ret); } /** * Decorate one of the XML classes back to a LyteXML class */ public function decorate($obj) { // convert certain classes back to their decorated versions if ($obj instanceof \DOMDocument) return new DOMDocument($obj); if ($obj instanceof \DOMElement) return new DOMElement($obj); if ($obj instanceof \DOMNode) return new DOMNode($obj); if ($obj instanceof \DOMNodeList) return new DOMNodeList($obj);Avoid too many `return` statements within this method. return $obj; } /** * Reverse decoration (if applied) */ public function undecorate($obj) { if ($obj instanceof XMLDecorator) return $obj->decorated; else return $obj; } /** * Catch references to properties and pass them through to the decorated * DOMDocument */ public function __get($name) { return $this->decorate($this->decorated->$name); }}