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namespace Lyte\XML;
 * Improvements to XMLWriter
class XMLWriter extends \XMLWriter {
     * If we are translating the character encoding
    private $sourceCharacterEncoding = null;

     * We will optionally translate from a source character encoding other than
     * UTF-8 as the built in XMLWriter does not
    public function setSourceCharacterEncoding($encoding) {
        // Windows-1252 is a superset of iso-8859-1 and they are commonly
        // misslabled
        if (strtolower($encoding) == 'iso-8859-1')
            $encoding = 'Windows-1252';

        $this->sourceCharacterEncoding = $encoding;

     * Translate character encoding using the previously supplied encoding to
     * setSourceCharacterEncoding()
    public function translateEncoding($data) {
        if ($this->sourceCharacterEncoding === null)
            return $data;

        return iconv($this->sourceCharacterEncoding, 'utf-8', $data);

     * Write content out within a CDATA encoded block                        
    public function writeCData($content) {                                   
        // This approach is fairly well documented: 
        // Basically because we can't nest the CDATA tags (because a CDATA block can't contain 
        // the literal "]]>") we find occurances of "]]>" split it in to "]]" and ">" then     
        // close and reopen a new CDATA block in between.                                  
        $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]]]><![CDATA[>', $content);
        $content = $this->translateEncoding($content);
        return parent::writeCData($content);
    } // writeCData()

     * Writes a full element tag.
    public function writeElement($name, $content = '') {
        $name = $this->translateEncoding($name);
        $content = $this->translateEncoding($content);
        return parent::writeElement($name, $content);

     * Writes a full attribute.
    public function writeAttribute($name, $value) {
        $name = $this->translateEncoding($name);
        $value = $this->translateEncoding($value);
        return parent::writeAttribute($name, $value);

     * Starts an element.
    public function startElement($name) {
        $name = $this->translateEncoding($name);
        return parent::startElement($name);

     * Writes a text.
    public function text($content) {
        $content = $this->translateEncoding($content);
        return parent::text($content);

     * Writes a raw xml text.
    public function writeRaw($content) {
        $content = $this->translateEncoding($content);
        return parent::writeRaw($content);