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5 hrs
Test Coverage
import Kuromoji from 'kuromoji';

interface AnalyzedToken {
  /** Surface form of the token */
  surface: string;
  /** Number of syllables */
  syllables: number;
  /** Whether the token is haiku */
  continue: boolean;

 * MatsuoBasho provides utilities for haiku
 * Original algorithm was desined by 🙏
export class MatsuoBasho {
  protected ignoreSymbols = /[\[\]「」『』]/g;
  protected voicelessChars = /[ァィゥェォャュョ]/g;
  protected kana = /[ァ-ヴー]/g;
  protected notKana = /[^ァ-ヴー]/g;

   * @param rules Array of number which represents rule for the haiku, like [5, 7, 5]
   * @param dictionaryPath Path to dictionary for Kuromoji
  constructor(public rules: number[], public dictionaryPath: string) {}

   * countChars return count of characters with ignoring japanese small letters.
   * @param string String to count
   * @return The result
  protected countSyllables(string: string): number {
    const formattedString = string
      .replace(this.voicelessChars, '')
      .replace(this.notKana, '');

    return formattedString.length;

   * canBeHeader returns true when the kind of the word
   * is possible to be leading of sentence.
   * @param token Token to check
   * @return The result
  protected canBeHeader(token: Kuromoji.Token): boolean {
    const posForHeader = [

    if (
      posForHeader.includes(token.pos) &&
      token.pos_detail_1 !== '非自立' &&
      token.pos_detail_1 !== '接尾'
    ) {
      return true;
    if (token.pos === '動詞' && token.pos_detail_1 !== '接尾') {
      return true;
    if (token.pos === 'カスタム人名' || token.pos === 'カスタム名詞') {
      return true;

    return false;

   * canBeFooter returns true when the kind of the word
   * is possible to be ending of mora
   * @param token Token to check
   * @return The result
  protected canBeFooter(token: Kuromoji.Token): boolean {
    return (
      token.pos_detail_1 !== '非自立' &&
      !/^連用/.test(token.conjugated_form) &&
      token.conjugated_form !== '未然形'

   * isSpace returns true when the specified token was a space
   * @param token Token to check
   * @return The result
  protected isSpace(token: Kuromoji.Token): boolean {
    return token.pos_detail_1 === '空白';

   * Provides the next token when next() called,
   * Sequence will be reset if `true` specified in the argument
   * @param tokens Tokens to generate
   * @return Iterable of tokens
  protected *tokensIterableGenerator(
    tokens: Kuromoji.Token[],
  ): Iterator<Kuromoji.Token, void, true | undefined> {
    let index = 0;
    let lastIndex = 0;

    while (tokens[index]) {
      const reset = yield tokens[index];

      if (reset) {
        lastIndex += 1;
        index = lastIndex;
      } else {
        index += 1;

   * Analyze a token with Kuromoji
   * @param token Token to analyze
   * @param rule Rule for the mora
   * @param positionInMora Position of mora in the rule
   * @param positionInHaiku Position of rule in the haiku
   * @param syllables Sum of syllables of mora
  protected analyzeToken(
    token: Kuromoji.Token,
    rule: number,
    positionInMora: number,
    positionInHaiku: number,
    syllables: number,
  ): AnalyzedToken {
    const reading = this.kana.test(token.surface_form)
      ? token.surface_form
      : token.pronunciation;

    if (this.isSpace(token) || token.surface_form === '、') {
      return { continue: true, syllables: 0, surface: '' };

    if (
      // Readingless word
      !reading ||
      // Check if excess
      rule < syllables + this.countSyllables(reading) ||
      // Check is the word beginning of mora and is it suitable
      (positionInMora === 0 && !this.canBeHeader(token)) ||
      // Check is the word ending of haiku and is it suitable
      (positionInHaiku + 1 === this.rules.length &&
        syllables + this.countSyllables(reading) === rule &&
    ) {
      return { continue: false, syllables: 0, surface: '' };

    return {
      syllables: this.countSyllables(reading),
      surface: token.surface_form,
      continue: true,

   * Find a mora from tokens
   * @param tokens Iterable of tokens to find
   * @param rule Rule for the mora
   * @param positionInHaiku position of mora in the rule of haiku
  protected findMora(
    tokens: Iterator<Kuromoji.Token, void, boolean | undefined>,
    rule: number,
    positionInHaiku: number,
  ): string | null {
    let syllables = 0;
    let surfaces = '';
    let position = 0;

    while (syllables < rule) {
      const { value: token, done } =;

      if (done) {
        return null;

      if (typeof token === 'object') {
        const analyzedToken = this.analyzeToken(

        if (!analyzedToken.continue) {
          return null;

        syllables += analyzedToken.syllables;
        surfaces += analyzedToken.surface;
        position += 1;

    if (syllables === rule) {
      return surfaces;

    return null;

   * Find a haiku on specified sentence
   * @param text Sentence to find
   * @return Haiku splited by rules
  public async findHaiku(text: string): Promise<string[] | undefined> {
    let matches: string[] = [];
    const validatedText = text.replace(this.ignoreSymbols, '');

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      Kuromoji.builder({ dicPath: this.dictionaryPath }).build(
        (error, tokenizer) => {
          if (error) {
            reject('findHaiku: Error occured while loading dictionaly');

          const tokens = this.tokensIterableGenerator(
          let position = 0;

          while (matches.length < this.rules.length) {
            const rule = this.rules[position];
            const mora = this.findMora(tokens, rule, position);

            if (!mora) {
              matches = [];
              position = 0;
              const { done } =;
              if (done) break;

            position += 1;

          resolve(matches.length === this.rules.length ? matches : undefined);