
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
# hits

A _simple & easy_ way to see how many people have _viewed_ your GitHub Repository.

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## Why?

We have a _few_ projects on GitHub ... <br />
_Sadly_, we ~~have~~ _had_ no idea how many people
are _reading/using_ the projects because GitHub only shares "[traffic](" stats 
for the [_past 14 days_]( and **not** in "***real time***".
(_unless people star/watch the repo_) Also, _manually_ checking who has viewed a 
project is _exceptionally_ tedious when you have more than a handful of projects.

We want to *know* the popularity of _each_ of our repos
to know what people are finding _useful_ and help us
decide where we need to be investing our time.

## What?

A simple way to add (*very basic*) analytics to your GitHub repos.

There are already *many* "badges" that people use in their repos.
See: [**repo-badges**]( <br />
But we haven't seen one that gives a "***hit counter***"
of the number of times a GitHub page has been viewed ... <br />
So, in today's mini project we're going to _create_ a _basic **Web Counter**_.

### What Data to Capture/Store?

The _first_ question we asked ourselves was:
What is the ***minimum possible*** amount of (_useful/unique_)
**info** we can store ***per visit*** (_to one of our projects_)?

1. **date + time** (_timestamp_) ***when*** 
the person visited the site/page. <br />

2. **url** being visited. i.e. which project was viewed.

3. **user-agent** the browser/device (_or "crawler"_) visiting the site/page

4. IP Address of the client. (_for checking uniqueness_)

5. **Language** of the person's web browser. 
_Note: While not "essential", we added **Browser Language** 
as the **5th** piece of data (when it is set/sent by the browser/device)
because it's **insightful** to know what language people are using
so that we can determine if we should be **translating**/"**localising**" 
our content._

### "Common Log Format" (CLF) ?

We initially _considered_ using the "Common Log Format" (CLF)
because it's well-known/understood.

An example log entry: 
``` user-identifier frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326

Real example:
``` Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) 007 [05/Aug/2017:16:50:51 -0000] "GET HTTP/1.0" 200 42247

The data makes sense when viewed as a table:

| IP Address of Client | User Identifier | User ID | Date+Imte of Request | Request "Verb" and URL of Request | HTTP Status Code | Size of Response |
| -------------|:-----------|:--|:------------:|:--------:|:--|--|--|
| | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) | 007 | [05/Aug/2017:16:50:51 -0000] | "GET HTTP/1.0" | 200 | 42247 |

On further reflection, we think the "Common Log Format" is _inneficient_ 
as it contains a lot of _duplicate_ and some _useless_ data.

We can do better.

### Alternative Log Format ("ALF")

From the CLF we can remove: 

+ **IP Address**, **User Identifier** and **User ID** can be condensed into a single hash (_see below_).
+ "**GET**"" - the word is implied by the service we are running (_we only accept GET requests_)
+ **Response size** is _irrelevant_ and will be the same for most requests.

| Timestamp     | URL | User Agent  | IP Address   | Language | Hit Count |
| ------------- |:------------|:------------|:------------:|:--------:|
| 1436570536950 | | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) | | EN-GB | 42 |

In the log entry (_example_) described above the first 3 bits of data will 
identify the "user" requesting the page/resource, so rather than duplicating the data in an inefficient string, we can _hash_ it!

Any repeating user-identifying data should be concactenated 

Log entries are stored as a (_"pipe" delimited_) `String` 
which can be parsed and re-formatted into any other format:  

1436570536950||Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5)||EN-US|42

### Reducing Storage (_Costs_)

If a person views _multiple_ pages, _three_ pieces of data are duplicated:
User Agent, IP Address and Language.
Rather than storing this data multiple times, we _hash_ the data 
and store the hash as a lookup.

#### Hash Long Repeating (Identical) Data

If we run the following `Browser|IP|Language` `String`:
'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5)||EN-US'
through a **SHA** hash function we get: `8HKg3NB5Cf` (_always_)<sup>1</sup>.

_Sample_ code:
var hash = require('./lib/hash.js');
var user_agent_string = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5)||EN-US';
var agent_hash = hash(user_agent_string, 10); // 8HKg3NB5Cf

<sup>1</sup>Note: SHA hash is _always_ 40 characters,
but we _truncate_ it because 10 alphanumeric characters (_selected from a set of 26 letters + 10 digits_)
means there are 36<sup>10</sup> = [3,656,158,440,062,976](
(_three and a half [**Quadrillion**](,656,158,440,062,976+in+english)_) 
possible strings which we consider "_enough_" entropy. 
(_if you disagree, tell us why in an 

#### Hit Data With Hash


## How?

Place a badge (*image*) in your repo `` so others can
can see how popular the page is and you can track it.

## _Run_ it Your_self_!

Download (clone) the code to your local machine:

git clone && cd hits

> Note: you will need to have Node.js running on your localhost.

Install dependencies:
npm install
Run locally:
npm run dev
Visit: http://localhost:8000/any/url/count.svg

# Data Storage

Recording the "hit" data is _essential_ 
for this app to _work_ and be _useful_.

We have built it to work with _two_ "data stores": 
Filesystem and Redis <!-- and PostgreSQL. --> <br />
> _**Note**: you only need **one** storage option to be available_.

## Filesystem

## Research

### User Agents

How many **user agents** (web browsers + crawlers) are there?
there *appear* to be ***fewer than a couple of thousand*** user agents.
which means we could store them using a numeric index; 1 - 3000

But, storing the user agents using a numeric index means we
need to perform a lookup on each hit which requires network IO ...
What if there was a way of *deriving* a `String` representation of the
the user-agent string ... oh, that's right, here's one I made earlier...

### Log Formats

+ Apache Log Sample:

### Node.js http module headers

## Running the Test Suite locally

The test suite includes tests for 3 databases
therefore running the tests on your `localhost` 
requires all 3 to be running.

Deploying and _using_ the app only requires _one_ 
of the databases to be available.