
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
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    <h2 class="bg-teal white h-25 tc ttu f1 lh-title lh-solid mt0 pa2 pb3 mb0 pb0">
      <a href="" >
        <img src="" alt="Hit Count" class="pa0 ba bw1 b--white">
    <h4 class="mt0 tc fw5 f5 teal pa2 mb0">
      The <em>easy</em> way to know how many people are 
      <strong><em>viewing</em></strong> your GitHub projects!
    <h2 class="mt0 fw5 tc f2 bg-teal white pa2"><em>How?</em></h2>
    <div id="how" class="dn">  
      <table class="collapse pv2 ph3 w-100">
        <tr class="">
          <td class="pv2 ph3 w-40">
            Input your <strong class="fw5">GitHub Username</strong>
            (<em> <strong class="u">or</strong> org name</em>):
          <td class="pv2 ph3 w-40">
            <input class="input-reset f4 pa2 ba bw1 mr5 w-80" type="text" 
            id="username" name="username" placeholder="username" autofocus>
        <tr class="">
          <td class="pv2 ph3 w-40">
            Input the <strong class="fw5">GitHub Project/Repository</strong> 
          <td class="pv2 ph3 w-40">
            <input class="input-reset f4 pa2 ba bw1 mr5 w-80" type="text" 
            id="repo" name="repo" placeholder="repo/project">
      <h3 class="mt3 fw5 tc db f3 bg-teal white pa2">Your Badge <em>Markdown:</em></h3>
    <pre id="badge" class="pl2 fw4 ba bw1 pa3 ma2" style="white-space: pre-wrap; word-break: keep-all;">
    <p class="pl2" id="nojs">
      Using the above markdown as a template, <br />
      <em>Replace</em> the <strong class="code">{username}</strong> with <em>your</em> GitHub username <br />
      <em>Replace</em> the <strong class="code">{repo}</strong> with the repo name.
    <p class="pl2">
    <em>Copy</em> the markdown snippet and <em>Paste</em> it into your 
    <strong class="code"></strong> file <br />
      to start tracking the view count on your GitHub project!
    <h2 class="mt0 fw5 tc f4 bg-teal white pa2 mt5"><em>Recently</em> Viewed Projects (<em>tracked by Hits</em>)</h2>
    <div class="h5 pl2" id='hits'>
      <div style="display:none">Dummy Child Node for insertBefore to work</div>
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        color: #4DB6AC;
      .bg-teal {
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      body { /* dwyl font */
        font-family: "Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
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