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.. _usage:


``django-app-enabler`` allow application supporting :ref:`addon_configuration` to be installed and configured automatically in the current django project.

.. _installation:


``pip install django-app-enabler``


* :ref:`apply \<path_to_json\> \<path_to_json\> <apply_cmd>`: Apply configuration from json files
* :ref:`enable \<module_name\> <enable_cmd>`: Configure an application
* :ref:`install \<package-name\> <install_cmd>`: Install and configure an application

Sample execution flow

.. code-block:: bash

    django-enabler install djangocms-blog~=1.2.1
    python migrate

After this the django application is configured and functional.

Additional configuration steps might be required according to the application
features and support level and must be documented by the application itself.

Alternatively you can execute the module itself:

.. code-block:: bash

    python -mapp_enabler install djangocms-blog~=1.2.1

.. _enable_cmd:

Application configuration

The core of ``django-app-enabler`` is its Django configuration patching engine.

The general concept is that once a django package is installed, ``app-enabler`` can be run from the project root and
the project is automatically updated with the minimal configuration required by the application to run (or any superset
of this definition).

Applied configurations are declared by the target application in a :ref:`addon_json` file included in the python package.


.. code-block:: bash

    django-enabler enable djangocms_blog

See :ref:`limitations` for limitations and caveats.

.. _apply_cmd:

Apply configurations

``django-app-enabler`` can also apply configuration from arbitrary json files not included in any Django application.

Each configuration file must comply with :ref:`extra_json`.

.. note:: Django ``settings`` and ``urlconf`` are patched unconditionally.
          No attempt to verify that applications declared in ``installed_apps``
          or added to the ``urlconf`` are available in the virtualenv is made.


.. code-block:: bash

    django-enabler apply /path/to/config1.json /path/to/config2.json

See :ref:`limitations` for limitations and caveats.

.. _install_cmd:

Application Installation

As a convenience ``django-app-enabler`` can execute ``pip install`` on your behalf, though step this is not required.

The ``install`` command will both install the package and enable it.

Installation is executed via the ``install`` command which a

.. code-block:: bash

    django-enabler install djangocms-blog~=1.2.0

.. note:: ``django-app-enabler`` is not intended as a replacement (or sidekick) of existing package / dependencies manager.
          The installation step is only intended as a convenience command for those not sticking to any specific workflow.
          If you are using anything than manual ``pip`` to install packages, please stick to it and just use :ref:`enable_cmd`.