
View on GitHub


2 days
Test Coverage
import json
import warnings
from datetime import date

from django.apps import apps
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured

from .settings import get_setting

# This global variable is used to cache schemas for visited models to avoid recursion errors when traversing
# when parent and its children has a reference to each other
# When one objects if visited, its schema is put there, in a key generated from its pk
# By adding here visited items, it can be used as a local cache, to stop recursion
visited = {}

class FullUrlMixin:
    Provides a few convenience methods to retrieve the full URL (which includes protocol and domain) of an object.

    If possible, :py:meth:`django.http.request.HttpRequest.build_absolute_uri` is used

    def get_domain(self):
        Discover the current website domain

        and :ref:`META_SITE_DOMAIN`
        (in this order) are used

        :return: domain URL
            use_site = self.use_sites
        except AttributeError:
            use_site = get_setting("USE_SITES")

        if use_site:
                Site = apps.get_model("sites.Site")
                    return Site.objects.get_current(self.request).domain
                except AttributeError:
                    return Site.objects.get_current().domain
            except LookupError:
                raise ImproperlyConfigured("Add django.contrib.sites to INSTALLED_APPS because META_USE_SITES is True")
        if not get_setting("SITE_DOMAIN"):
            raise ImproperlyConfigured("META_SITE_DOMAIN is not set")
        return get_setting("SITE_DOMAIN")

    def get_protocol(self):
        Discover the current website protocol from :ref:`META_SITE_PROTOCOL`

        :return: http or https depending on :ref:`META_SITE_PROTOCOL`
        if not get_setting("SITE_PROTOCOL"):
            raise ImproperlyConfigured("META_SITE_PROTOCOL is not set")
        return get_setting("SITE_PROTOCOL")

    def _get_full_url(self, url):
        Build the full URL (protocol and domain included) for the URL given as argument

        :param url: absolute (domain-less) URL
        :return: full url
            return self.request.build_absolute_uri(url)
        except AttributeError:
        if not url:
            return None
        if url.startswith("http"):
            return url
        meta_protocol = self.get_protocol()
        domain = self.get_domain()
        separator = "://"
        if url.startswith("//"):
            separator = ":"
            domain = ""
        elif not url.startswith("/"):
            url = "/%s" % url
        if domain.startswith("http"):
            meta_protocol = ""
            separator = ""
        return "{meta_protocol}{separator}{domain}{url}".format(
            meta_protocol=meta_protocol, separator=separator, domain=domain, url=url

class Meta(FullUrlMixin):
    Helper for building context meta object

    _keywords = []
    _url = None
    _image = None
    _image_object = None
    _schema = {}
    Base types definition.

    It's a dictionary containing all the properties for the described objects.

    See :ref:`a sample implementation <schema._schema>`.
    request = None
    _obj = None
    Linked :py:class:`~meta.models.ModelMeta` instance (if Meta is generated from a ModelMeta object)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.request = kwargs.get("request", None)
        self.use_sites = kwargs.get("use_sites", get_setting("USE_SITES"))
        self.title = kwargs.get("title")
        self.og_title = kwargs.get("og_title")
        self.twitter_title = kwargs.get("twitter_title")
        self.schemaorg_title = kwargs.get("schemaorg_title")
        self.schemaorg_description = kwargs.get("schemaorg_description")
        self.description = kwargs.get("description")
        self.extra_props = kwargs.get("extra_props")
        self.extra_custom_props = kwargs.get("extra_custom_props")
        self.custom_namespace = kwargs.get("custom_namespace", get_setting("OG_NAMESPACES"))
        self.keywords = kwargs.get("keywords")
        self.url = kwargs.get("url")
        self.image = kwargs.get("image")
        self.image_object = kwargs.get("image_object")
        self.image_width = kwargs.get("image_width")
        self.image_height = kwargs.get("image_height")
        self.object_type = kwargs.get("object_type", get_setting("SITE_TYPE"))
        self.site_name = kwargs.get("site_name", get_setting("SITE_NAME"))
        self.twitter_site = kwargs.get("twitter_site")
        self.twitter_creator = kwargs.get("twitter_creator")
        self.twitter_type = kwargs.get("twitter_type", kwargs.get("twitter_card", get_setting("TWITTER_TYPE")))
        self.twitter_card = self.twitter_type
        self.facebook_app_id = kwargs.get("facebook_app_id")
        self.locale = kwargs.get("locale")
        self.use_og = kwargs.get("use_og", get_setting("USE_OG_PROPERTIES"))
        self.use_twitter = kwargs.get("use_twitter", get_setting("USE_TWITTER_PROPERTIES"))
        self.use_facebook = kwargs.get("use_facebook", get_setting("USE_FACEBOOK_PROPERTIES"))
        self.use_schemaorg = kwargs.get("use_schemaorg", get_setting("USE_SCHEMAORG_PROPERTIES"))
        self.use_json_ld = kwargs.get("use_json_ld", get_setting("USE_JSON_LD_SCHEMA"))
        self.use_title_tag = kwargs.get("use_title_tag", get_setting("USE_TITLE_TAG"))
        self.schemaorg_type = kwargs.get("schemaorg_type", get_setting("SCHEMAORG_TYPE"))
        self.fb_pages = kwargs.get("fb_pages", get_setting("FB_PAGES"))
        self.og_app_id = kwargs.get("og_app_id", get_setting("FB_APPID"))
        self._schema = kwargs.get("schema", {})
        self._obj = kwargs.get("obj", {})

    def keywords(self):
        return self._keywords

    def keywords(self, keywords):
        if keywords is None:
            kws = get_setting("DEFAULT_KEYWORDS")
            if not hasattr(keywords, "__iter__"):
                # Not iterable
                raise ValueError("Keywords must be an iterable")
            kws = list(keywords)
            if get_setting("INCLUDE_KEYWORDS"):
                kws += get_setting("INCLUDE_KEYWORDS")
        seen = set()
        seen_add = seen.add
        self._keywords = [k for k in kws if k not in seen and not seen_add(k)]

    def get_full_url(self, url):
        return self._get_full_url(url)

    def url(self):
        return self._url

    def url(self, url):
        self._url = self._get_full_url(url)

    def _normalize_media_url(self, url):
        if not url.startswith("http") and not url.startswith("/"):
            url = "{}{}".format(get_setting("IMAGE_URL"), url)
        return self.get_full_url(url)

    def image(self):
        if self.image_object:
            return self.image_object.get("url")
        return self._image

    def image(self, image):
        if image is None and get_setting("DEFAULT_IMAGE"):
            image = get_setting("DEFAULT_IMAGE")
        if image:
            self._image = self._normalize_media_url(image)

    def image_object(self):
        return self._image_object

    def image_object(self, image):
            if image:
                image["url"] = self._normalize_media_url(image.get("url", None))
                if self.get_protocol() == "https":
                    secure_fallback_url = image.get("secure_url", image.get("url", None))
                    image["secure_url"] = self._normalize_media_url(secure_fallback_url)
                    if image["secure_url"].startswith("http://"):
                        image["secure_url"] = image["secure_url"].replace("http://", "https://")
                self._image_object = image
        except KeyError:
            self._image_object = None

    def schema(self):
        """ object description.

        Items in the schema are converted in a format suitable of json encoding at this stage:

        * instances of :py:class:`~meta.views.Meta` as their schema
        * dates as isoformat
        * iterables and dicts are processed depth-first to process their items

        If no type is set :py:attr:`~meta.views.Meta.schemaorg_type` is used

        :return: dict
        from meta.models import ModelMeta

        def process_item(item):
            if isinstance(item, Meta):
                return item.schema
            if isinstance(item, ModelMeta):
                # if not cached, object schema is generated and put into local cache
                if item._local_key not in visited:
                    visited[item._local_key] = item.as_meta(self.request).schema
                return visited[item._local_key]
            elif isinstance(item, date):
                return item.isoformat()
            elif isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple):
                return [process_item(value) for value in item]
            elif isinstance(item, dict):
                return {itemkey: process_item(itemvalue) for itemkey, itemvalue in item.items()}
            return item

        schema = {}
        # object is immediately set here to recursion
        # if we are visiting parent -> child relation, we don't need the pointer
        # back up
        if isinstance(self._obj, ModelMeta):
            visited[self._obj._local_key] = None
        for key, val in self._schema.items():
            schema[key] = process_item(val)
        if "@type" not in schema:
            schema["@type"] = self.schemaorg_type
        # after generating the full schema, we can save it in the local cache for future uses
        if isinstance(self._obj, ModelMeta):
            visited[self._obj._local_key] = schema
        return schema

    def schema(self, schema):
        self._schema = schema

    def as_json_ld(self):
        Convert the schema to json-ld

        :return: json
        data = self.schema
        data["@context"] = ""
        return json.dumps(data)

class MetadataMixin(FullUrlMixin):
    Django CBV mixin to prepare metadata for the view context

    meta_class = Meta
    context_meta_name = "meta"

    title = None
    og_title = None
    twitter_title = None
    schemaorg_title = None
    schemaorg_description = None
    description = None
    extra_props = None
    extra_custom_props = None
    custom_namespace = None
    keywords = []
    url = None
    image = None
    image_object = None
    object_type = None
    site_name = None
    twitter_site = None
    twitter_creator = None
    twitter_type = None
    facebook_app_id = None
    locale = None
    use_sites = False
    use_og = False
    use_title_tag = False
    schemaorg_type = None
    schema = {}

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.use_sites = get_setting("USE_SITES")
        self.use_og = get_setting("USE_OG_PROPERTIES")
        self.use_title_tag = get_setting("USE_TITLE_TAG")

    def get_meta_class(self):
        return self.meta_class

    def get_protocol(self):
        return get_setting("SITE_PROTOCOL")

    def get_domain(self):
        return get_setting("SITE_DOMAIN")

    def get_meta_title(self, context=None):
        return self.title

    def get_meta_og_title(self, context=None):
        return self.og_title

    def get_meta_twitter_title(self, context=None):
        return self.twitter_title

    def get_meta_schemaorg_title(self, context=None):
        return self.schemaorg_title

    def get_meta_schemaorg_description(self, context=None):
        return self.schemaorg_description

    def get_meta_description(self, context=None):
        return self.description

    def get_meta_keywords(self, context=None):
        return self.keywords

    def get_meta_url(self, context=None):
        return self.url

    def get_meta_image(self, context=None):
        if self.image_object and self.image_object.get("url", None):
            return self.image_object["url"]
        return self.image

    def get_meta_image_object(self, context=None):
        return self.image_object

    def get_meta_object_type(self, context=None):
        return self.object_type or get_setting("SITE_TYPE")

    def get_meta_site_name(self, context=None):
        return self.site_name or get_setting("SITE_NAME")

    def get_meta_extra_props(self, context=None):
        return self.extra_props

    def get_meta_extra_custom_props(self, context=None):
        return self.extra_custom_props

    def get_meta_custom_namespace(self, context=None):
        return self.custom_namespace or get_setting("OG_NAMESPACES")

    def get_meta_twitter_site(self, context=None):
        return self.twitter_site

    def get_meta_twitter_creator(self, context=None):
        return self.twitter_creator

    def twitter_card(self):
        warnings.warn("twitter_card attribute will be removed in version 3.0", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        return self.twitter_type

    def twitter_card(self, value):
        warnings.warn("twitter_card attribute will be removed in version 3.0", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        self.twitter_type = value

    def get_meta_twitter_card(self, context=None):
            "get_meta_twitter_card attribute will be removed in version 3.0", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2
        return self.twitter_type

    def get_meta_twitter_type(self, context=None):
        return self.twitter_type

    def get_meta_facebook_app_id(self, context=None):
        return self.facebook_app_id

    def get_meta_schemaorg_type(self, context=None):
        return self.schemaorg_type

    def get_meta_locale(self, context=None):
        return self.locale

    def get_schema(self, context=None):
        The generic API to retrieve the full structure for the view.

        By default it returns the :py:attr:`schema`. You can reimplement this method
        to build the structure at runtime. See :ref:`a sample implementation <schema.get_schema>`.

        :param context: view context
        :return: dictionary
        return self.schema

    def get_schema_property(self, schema_type, property, context=None):
        The generic API to retrieve the attribute value for a generic schema type

        This is just a stub that **must** be implemented

        :param schema_type: name of the schema type
        :param property: name of the property
        :param context: view context
        :return: property value
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_meta(self, context=None):
        return self.get_meta_class()(

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context[self.context_meta_name] = self.get_meta(context=context)
        return context