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.. _filer:

Upgrading django CMS blog

``djangocms-blog`` uses the ``ThumbnailOption`` model from ``cmsplugin-filer`` / ``django-filer``.

``ThumbnailOption`` model used to be in ``cmsplugin-filer`` up to version 1.0 included.

Since ``cmsplugin-filer`` 1.1 has been moved to ``django-filer`` (since version 1.2).

``djangocms-blog`` introduced compatibility shims to support both combinations.

Since ``djangocms-blog`` 1.0 the compatibility has been dropped and ``django-filer`` 1.3 is required
for ``djangocms-blog`` to work.

See below the migration path if you still use older versions of ``cmsplugin-filer`` / ``django-filer``.

Upgrading djangocms-blog from 0.9.x to 1.0

No specific migration path is needed:

* upgrade djangocms-blog to 1.0: ``pip install djangocms-blog>=1.0``
* remove ``cmsplugin_filer`` from ``INSTALLED_APPS``
* run migrations: ``python migrate``

Upgrading djangocms-blog from 0.8.x to 1.0

* migrate to ``djangocms-blog 0.8.12`` following instructions below
* upgrade djangocms-blog to 1.0: ``pip install djangocms-blog>=1.0``
* remove ``cmsplugin_filer`` from ``INSTALLED_APPS``
* run migrations: ``python migrate``

Upgrading cmsplugin-filer from 1.0 to 1.1

Due to changes in ``cmsplugin-filer`` / ``django-filer`` which moved
``ThumbnailOption`` model from the former to the latter, ``djangocms-blog``
must be migrated as well.

Migrating cmsplugin-filer to 1.1 and djangocms-blog up to 0.8.4

If you have djangocms-blog up to 0.8.4 (included) installed or you are upgrading from a previous
djangocms-blog version together with cmsplugin-filer upgrade, you can apply the migrations:

.. code-block:: python

    pip install cmsplugin-filer==1.1.3 django-filer==1.2.7 djangocms-blog==0.8.4
    python migrate

Migrating cmsplugin-filer to 1.1 and djangocms-blog 0.8.5+

If you already a djangocms-blog 0.8.5+ up to 0.8.11, upgrade to 0.8.11, then
you have to de-apply some blog migrations when doing the upgrade:

.. code-block:: python

    pip install djangocms-blog==0.8.11
    python migrate djangocms_blog 0017 ## reverse for these migration is a noop
    pip install cmsplugin-filer==1.1.3 django-filer==1.2.7
    python migrate

After this step you can upgrade to 0.8.12:

.. code-block:: python

    pip install djangocms-blog==0.8.12

.. note:: de-apply migration **before** upgrading cmsplugin-filer. If running before upgrade, the
          backward migration won't alter anything on the database, and it will allow the code
          to migrate ``ThumbnailOption`` from cmsplugin-filer to filer

.. note:: If you upgrade in a Django 1.10 environment, be sure to upgrade both packages
          at the same time to allow correct migration dependencies to be evaluated.