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.. _arguments:

Arguments reference

Required arguments

You must always provide the following argument when invoking **djangocms installer**:

* ``project_name``: Name of the project to be created

Optionally you can provide a project directory, otherwise a directory named after the project name
will be created in the current directory.

.. warning:: project directory dir is the main project directory (the one where ````
             will be created); by default the installer check if it's empty (minus hidden files)
             to ensure that you're running in a clean environment. If you want to use a
             non-empty directory use the ``-s`` flag;

Wizard arguments

The following arguments can be overridden in :ref:`wizard_mode`

* ``--db``, ``-d``: Database configuration (in URL format); use `dj-database-url`_
  syntax;  default: ``sqlite://localhost/project.db``
* ``--i18n``, ``-i``: Activate Django I18N / L10N setting; choices: ``yes|no``, default: ``yes``
* ``--use-tz``, ``-z``: Activate Django timezone support;  choices: ``yes|no``, default: ``yes``
* ``--timezone``, ``-t``: Optional default time zone, default: *local timezone*
* ``--reversion``, ``-e``: Install and configure reversion support, choices: ``yes|no``,
  default: ``yes``; this will ignored for 3.4 and higher versions of django CMS as support has
  been dropped upstream;
* ``--permissions``: Activate CMS permission management; choices: ``yes|no``, default: ``no``
* ``--languages``, ``-l``: Languages available for the project. Option can be provided multiple
  times, or as a comma separated list.
  Only language codes supported by Django can be used here;
  refer to `django source`_ for a list of supported codes.
* ``--django-version``: Django version;  choices: ``1.11|2.0|2.1|2.2|stable|lts``, default: ``stable```
* ``--cms-version``, ``-v``: django CMS version, choices: ``3.6|3.7|stable|lts|rc|develop``.
  default: ``stable``
* ``--bootstrap``: Use Bootstrap 4 theme, choices: ``yes|no``, default: ``no``
* ``--starting-page``: Load a starting page with examples (available for english language only)
  after installation, choices: ``yes|no``, default: ``no``
* ``--templates``: Use a custom directory as template source; is checked to be a valid path,
  otherwise the shipped templates are used

.. note:: Django ``stable`` keyword is expanded to latest released Django version supported by django CMS
.. note:: Django ``lts`` keyword is expanded to latest released Django LTS supported by django CMS
.. note:: django-cms ``stable`` keyword is expanded to latest released django-cms version
.. note:: django-cms ``lts`` keyword is expanded to latest released django-cms LTS version, or latest stable if LTS is not supported
.. warning:: if an unsupported combination of Django and django CMS version is selected, the
             wizard exits reporting the error.

Advanced options

The following options are not managed by the config wizard and are meant for
advanced usage:

* ``--no-input``, ``-q``: If given **djangocms installer** run in :ref:`batch_mode` (default behavior);
* ``--wizard``, ``-w``: If given **djangocms installer** run in :ref:`wizard_mode`;
* ``--parent-dir``, ``-p``: Optional project directory;
* ``--verbose``, : Provides output of the commands used to setup the project, namely ``pip`` and
* ``--filer``, ``-f``: Install and configure django-filer plugins; since 0.9 this is enabled by default
  and can't be disabled;
* ``--config-file``: Provides the configuration options via a ini file; see :ref:`ini_mode`;
* ``--config-dump``: Dumps the configuration in a format suitable for ``-config-file``
  option; see :ref:`ini_mode`;
* ``--dump-requirements``, ``-R``: Dumps the generated requirements to stdout
  and exits; see :ref:`dump_mode`;
* ``--requirements``, ``-r``: You can use a custom requirements files instead of the
  requirements provided by **djangocms installer**;
* ``--no-deps``, ``-n``: Don't install package dependencies;
* ``--no-plugins``: Don't install plugins;
* ``--no-db-driver``: Don't install database package;
* ``--no-sync``, ``-m``: Don't run syncdb / migrate after bootstrapping the project;
* ``--no-user``, ``-u``: Don't create the admin user;
* ``--utc``, : Use UTC as default timezone;
* ``--list-plugins``, ``-P``: List plugins that's going to be installed and
  configured for the project; this will not alter the virtualenv or create the
* ``--extra-settings``: Path to a file with extra variables to append to generated settings file.
  It doesn't need to be a Python file, its content is blindly copied in the project settings.
* ``--skip-empty-check``, ``-s``: Skip the check if the project dir contains files or directory;
  in case of error when setting up the project the existing directory will be preserved.
* ``--delete-project-dir``', ``-c``: Delete project directory on creation failure in :ref:`batch_mode`.

.. _dj-database-url:
.. _django source: