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# Welcome

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This is the code of [](, an event calendar for geeks in various cities.

* If you want to contribute, check out our [Code of Conduct]( and [Contribution Guide](
* If you find a bug, please report it on our [tracker](
* We discuss features and problems in our Slack.

## Scope of :mag_right:

When you want to add an event to [](, we feature the following topics:

* Programming (in any language)
* Nerd-Culture (like Star Wars, Ponies, Gaming, Comics...)
* Software Development Methods and Software Engineering
* Electronics and Robots
* Networking

If you want to help us in extending the calendar to your city, [open an issue](, so we can get you started!

## Getting Started :point_right:

We use Docker and Docker Compose for development. Therefore you need to follow the following steps to develop for

* Install Docker and Docker Compose
    * If you’re using macOS, install [Docker for Mac](
    * If you’re using Windows, install [Docker for Windows](
    * If you’re using Linux, install [Docker]( and [Docker Compose](
* Clone this repository
* In the folder now run `./bin/setup`

You are now ready to go :smile: The app should be available at [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000). If that's not the case, please ping us on Slack :smile:

If you want to start your app again later, run `docker-compose up`. For all other commands you want to run, you always prefix them with `docker-compose run --rm web`. A few examples:

* Run all tests with `docker-compose run --rm web rake`
* Run the migrations with `docker-compose run --rm web rake db:migrate`
* Generate a model `MyModel` with `docker-compose run --rm web rails generate model MyModel`

## Contributing to :tada:

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor [Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

Learn everything about Contributing in our []( :heart:

## Exception Tracking :bug:

We use [bugsnag]( for exception tracking. When an exception occurs on our live page, this will create a ticket in Github.

## Communication :speech_balloon:

If you want to drink from the firehose (and see a lot of GIFs) join us in our [Slack room]( Just ping us [on Twitter]( or send an email to and we will add you.