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# React Image Turntable

Display a set of images as a draggable 360 degree turntable.

[![React Image Turntable with rotating car](](

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener, noreferrer">

### [👉 &nbsp; Try the demo &nbsp;👈](


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## Features

- Accessible
- Responsive & fluid with intrinsic sizing
- Supports keyboard navigation
- Teeny Tiny (less than 1kb gzipped)
- Zero dependencies
- Type safe

## Install

npm i react-image-turntable
# Or
yarn add react-image-turntable
# Or
pnpm i react-image-turntable

## Usage

### Props

| Props                 | Type       | Required | Default Value | Description                                                                  |
| --------------------- | :--------- | :------: | :------------ | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `images`              | `string[]` |    ✓     | `undefined`   | List of image `src` attributes.                                              |
| `initialImageIndex`   | `number`   |          | `0`           | Index of image to show first.                                                |
| `movementSensitivity` | `number`   |          | `20`          | The amount a "drag" has to move before an image changes to next or previous. |

### Example

import React from 'react';
import { ReactImageTurntable } from 'react-image-turntable';

const images = [

export const Turntable = () => <ReactImageTurntable images={images} />;

Also see the [example code](./example) in the repo.

### Custom Styling

The library uses the first image passed to intrinsically size the component, it also exports following
`className`s to apply custom styles when needed.

| `className`                | Purpose                                                              |
| :------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `CLASS_NAME_IMG`           | Base class for images.                                               |
| `CLASS_NAME_IMG_PRIMARY`   | Class of first rendered image (sets the size of the main component). |
| `CLASS_NAME_IMG_SECONDARY` | Class of subsequent images.                                          |


## Contributing

See the [contributing guide](./ to get started.


## Browser Support

The library is built for `ES2021`.

## Notes

- It's recommended you use a minimum of 24-36 for a smooth experience
- Legacy [v2.5.4 Demo](
- Original version by [@andrewmcoupe](