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 * fix gem dependencies to preserve Ruby v2.0.0 compatibility (@acant)
 * add --host flag for setting the address for the web interface (@acant)
 * fix unexpected exit when changing settings through web UI (@acant)

0.6.2 (July 5th 2016)

 * add dependencies on tilt and celluloid-io to ensure correct install (@acant)

0.6.1 (June 11th 2016)

 * fix stop command from hanging the daemon instead of stopping (@acant)

0.6.0 (June 10th 2016)

 * convert notification to use the Notiffany gem (@acant)
 * upgrade rugged gem (@acant)
 * fix missing dependency for the 'gitdocs open' command (@acant)
 * convert to use Celluloid and the listen gem, and remove the old guard and
   event-machine dependencies (@acant)


 * upgrade gems redcarpet, poltergeist (@acant)
 * add 'rake debug' task for development and debugging (@acant)
 * add a --verbose flag for starting gitdocs with more logging (@acant)
 * change the -D flag to --foreground for running gitdocs in the foreground (acant)

0.5.0 (May 2nd 2015)

 * upgrade gems activerecord, minitest, haml-lint, redcarpet (@acant)
 * convert web interface to use Sinatra instead of renee (@acant)
 * add rake task to run the web interface standalone using the shotgun gem (@acant)
 * add fenced code (and syntax highlighting) into Markdown parsing (@acant)

0.5.0.pre7 (August 3rd 2014)

 * UI improvements to repo browser (@acant)
 * upgrade dependencies (@acant)
 * add integration testing for repo browser (@acant)
 * include hidden files in directory listing (@acant)
 * refactor the server, cleanup file manipulation (@acant)
 * add fetch only syncing for repositories (@acant)
 * add sync status for reach repository in the CLI status (@acant)
 * fix display of hidden files in the web UI (@acant)

0.5.0.pre6 (May 24th 2014)

 * Remove the load_browser_on_startup config option (@acant)
 * Stop the addition of extra conflict markers (@acant)
 * Separate the commit and push methods in repository (@acant)

0.5.0.pre5 (May 14th 2014)

 * Cleanup behavior on empty commits
 * Improve pre-commit working directory change
 * More rugged / grit conversions
 * Update remote check to rugged
 * Re-write empty directory tagging to use Find

0.5.0.pre4 (April 15th 2014)

 * Fix a performance bug related to using Rugged for the "push" (@acant)

0.5.0.pre3 (3/30/2014)

 * Eliminate sleep from sync integration test (@acant)
 * More rugged git conversion this time for the "push"

0.5.0.pre2 (3/9/2014)

 * Convert to use rugged and Grit (@acant)
 * Removed automatically opening the UI on start (@aqtrans)

0.5.0.pre1 (11/25/2013)

 * Upgrade thin gem to v1.5.1 (@acant)
 * Add TravisCI configuration (@acant)
 * Rescue StandardError and better error notifications to fix crashes (@acant)
 * Reduce unexpected exists caused by repository and file system errors
 * Add notification of unexpected daemon exist
 * Add 'open' command to CLI for opening web app (@acant)
 * Drop support for Ruby 1.8 (@acant)
 * Code style updates (@acant)
 * Display file system watch method in status (@acant)

0.4.15 (8/29/2012)

  * Adds a 'new directory' function to front-end [thanks Kale Worsley]
  * Change 'New file' function to actually create a blank file [thanks Kale Worsley]
  * Fixes styling for ordered lists in preview

0.4.14 (1/14/2012)

  * Change file modes into tab style [thanks Kale Worsley]
  * Add ability to revert a file to a previous revision  [thanks Kale Worsley]
  * Add optional git commit message field to edit form [thanks Kale Worsley]

0.4.13 (1/11/2012)

  * Redirect to first share if there's only one
  * Render inline README for a directory
  * Front-end now lists folder sizes in directory listing [Thanks evan tatarka]

0.4.12 (1/05/2012)

  * Fixes incorrect padding style on rendered code blocks (thanks chris kempson)
  * Fixes encoding issues in markdown files
  * Tag documents as utf-8 in meta for web frontend (thanks chris kempson)

0.4.11 (1/04/2012)

  * Add line-height to code blocks in file displays
  * Fixes various browser inconsistencies (thanks evan tatarka)

0.4.10 (12/30/2011)

  * View revision history on the web front-end!

0.4.9 (12/30/2011)

  * Adds configuration for web port in settings
  * Adds support for 'add' and 'remove' shares in settings

0.4.8 (12/29/2011)

  * Only encode to utf-8 on ruby 1.9.x
  * Fixes so that settings form on the web front-end saves
  * Cleanup the front-end directory listing significantly
  * More robust EM reactor loop handling

0.4.7 (12/15/2011)

  * Re-throw exceptions from reactor loop
  * Socket testing moved to defer block

0.4.5, 0.4.6 (12/14/2011)

  * Enables logs in ~/.gitdocs/log for easier debugging
  * Fix issue with default sort order on web interface
  * Fixes major mime type detection issues
  * Fixes rendering issues

0.4.4 (12/14/2011)

  * Lock to eventmachine 1.0
  * Use mime-types over file for better platform support
  * Remove signal handling and just leverage EM start/stop
  * Adds table sorting and file+folder icons in web front-end

0.4.3 (12/13/2011)

  * Javascript fixes for front-end

0.4.2 (12/13/2011)

  * Fixes search on blank results case

0.4.1 (12/13/2011)

  * Adds a basic search to web front-end
  * Beginning of the work towards cross-platform notifications