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Test Coverage
# This is a sample configuration file

###################################### Base2CSV ######################################

## required, location of strings files (FILENAMES)
filenames: ["test/data/test_en.strings", "test/data/test_fr.strings"]

## optional
# headers: ["Constants", "English", "French"] # override headers of columns, default is name of input files and 'Variables' for reference
# csv_filename: "testconfig.csv"              # location of output file
# dryrun: true                                # prints out content of hash without writing file

###################################### CSV2Base ######################################

## required
filename: test/data/test_data.csv    # CSV file (CSV_FILENAME) to convert from or name of file in Google Drive
langs:                               # Languages to convert. i.e. English:en
  English: "en"

## optional
# fetch: true                        # set to true to get file(filename) from google drive
# excluded_states: ["Images", "Xib"] # Exclude rows with given state
# comments_column: 4                 # Position of column for comments if any
# state_column: 3                    # Position of column for state if any
# keys_column: 0                     # Position of column for keys
# default_lang: "English"            # Header name of column containing fallback value if value is empty
# output_dir: "resources/"           # Path of output files
# output_basenames:                  # Basename of output files
#  - Localizable
#  - info
# ignore_lang_path: true             # does not care about lang component path. i.e: en.lproj/
# sheet: 0                           # Index of worksheet to download. First index is 0.
# macros_filename: Babelish.h        # File to output the defines of localized strings
# stripping: false                     # Strips values inside the spreadsheet

###################################### General ######################################

# csv_separator: ','                 # CSV column separator character, uses ',' by default