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Test Coverage
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

package apache

type (
    serverStatus struct {
        // ExtendedStatus
        Total struct {
            // Total number of accesses.
            Accesses *int64 `stm:"accesses"`
            // Total number of byte count served.
            // This metric reflects the bytes that should have been served,
            // which is not necessarily equal to the bytes actually (successfully) served.
            KBytes *int64 `stm:"kBytes"`
        } `stm:"total"`
        Averages struct {
            //Average number of requests per second.
            ReqPerSec *float64 `stm:"req_per_sec,100000,1"`
            // Average number of bytes served per second.
            BytesPerSec *float64 `stm:"bytes_per_sec,100000,1"`
            // Average number of bytes per request.
            BytesPerReq *float64 `stm:"bytes_per_req,100000,1"`
        } `stm:""`
        Uptime *int64 `stm:"uptime"`

        Workers struct {
            // Total number of busy worker threads/processes.
            // A worker is considered “busy” if it is in any of the following states:
            // reading, writing, keep-alive, logging, closing, or gracefully finishing.
            Busy *int64 `stm:"busy_workers"`
            // Total number of idle worker threads/processes.
            // An “idle” worker is not in any of the busy states.
            Idle *int64 `stm:"idle_workers"`
        } `stm:""`
        Connections struct {
            Total *int64 `stm:"total"`
            Async struct {
                // Number of async connections in writing state (only applicable to event MPM).
                Writing *int64 `stm:"writing"`
                // Number of async connections in keep-alive state (only applicable to event MPM).
                KeepAlive *int64 `stm:"keep_alive"`
                // Number of async connections in closing state (only applicable to event MPM).
                Closing *int64 `stm:"closing"`
            } `stm:"async"`
        } `stm:"conns"`
        Scoreboard *scoreboard `stm:"scoreboard"`
    scoreboard struct {
        Waiting     int64 `stm:"waiting"`
        Starting    int64 `stm:"starting"`
        Reading     int64 `stm:"reading"`
        Sending     int64 `stm:"sending"`
        KeepAlive   int64 `stm:"keepalive"`
        DNSLookup   int64 `stm:"dns_lookup"`
        Closing     int64 `stm:"closing"`
        Logging     int64 `stm:"logging"`
        Finishing   int64 `stm:"finishing"`
        IdleCleanup int64 `stm:"idle_cleanup"`
        Open        int64 `stm:"open"`