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### Understand the alert

This alert, `anomalies_anomaly_flags`, is triggered when the Netdata Agent detects more than 10 anomalies in the past 2 minutes. Anomalies are events or observations that are significantly different from the majority of the data, raising suspicions about potential issues.

### What does an anomaly mean?

An anomaly is an unusual pattern, behavior, or event in your system's operations. These occurrences are typically unexpected and can be either positive or negative. In the context of this alert, the anomalies are most likely related to performance issues, such as a sudden spike in CPU usage, disk I/O, or network activity.

### Troubleshoot the alert

1. Identify the source of the anomalies:
   To understand the cause of these anomalies, you should examine the various charts in Netdata dashboard for potential performance issues. Look for sudden spikes, drops, or other irregular patterns in CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, and network activity.
2. Check for any application or system errors:

   Review system and application log files to detect any errors or warnings that may be related to the anomalies. Be sure to check logs of your applications, services, and databases for any error messages or unusual behavior.
3. Monitor resource usage:
   You can use the Anomalies tab in Netdata to dive deeper into what could be triggering anomalies in your infrastructure.
4. Adjust thresholds or address the underlying issue:

   If the anomalies are due to normal variations in your system's operation or expected spikes in resource usage, consider adjusting the threshold for this alert to avoid false positives. If the anomalies indicate an actual problem or point to a misconfiguration, take appropriate action to address the root cause.
5. Observe the results:

   After implementing changes or adjustments, continue monitoring the system using Netdata and other tools to ensure the anomalies are resolved and do not persist.