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namespace Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\UQL;

use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\DataSource\Configuration\Field;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\DataSource\Configuration\FieldInterface;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\DataSource\DataSourceInterface;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\Extension\ContextAwareUqlFunction;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\Extension\ContextFactory;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\Extension\Exception\FunctionNotFoundException;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\Extension\UqlExtensionContainer;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\Extension\UqlFunctionInterface;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\Query\Filter;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\Query\FilterCondition;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\Query\FilterConditionFactory;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\UQL\AST\ASTArray;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\UQL\AST\ASTAssertion;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\UQL\AST\ASTFunctionCall;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\UQL\AST\ASTGroup;
use Netdudes\DataSourceryBundle\UQL\Exception\UQLInterpreterException;

 * Class Interpreter
 * The Interpreter transforms the generic Abstract Syntax Tree into Filters
class Interpreter
     * @var UqlExtensionContainer
    private $extensionContainer;

     * @var DataSourceInterface
    private $dataSource;

     * @var array
    private $dataSourceElements;

     * @var bool
    private $caseSensitive;

     * @var FilterConditionFactory
    private $filterConditionFactory;

     * @var ContextFactory
    private $contextFactory;

     * Constructor needs the columns descriptor to figure out appropriate filtering methods
     * and translate identifiers.
     * @param UqlExtensionContainer  $extensionContainer
     * @param DataSourceInterface    $dataSource
     * @param FilterConditionFactory $filterConditionFactory
     * @param ContextFactory         $contextFactory
     * @param bool                   $caseSensitive
    public function __construct(
        UqlExtensionContainer $extensionContainer,
        DataSourceInterface $dataSource,
        FilterConditionFactory $filterConditionFactory,
        ContextFactory $contextFactory,
        $caseSensitive = true
    ) {
        $this->extensionContainer = $extensionContainer;
        $this->dataSource = $dataSource;
        $this->filterConditionFactory = $filterConditionFactory;
        $this->contextFactory = $contextFactory;
        $this->caseSensitive = $caseSensitive;

        // Cache an array of data sources (name => object pairs) for reference during the interpretation
        $this->dataSourceElements = array_combine(
                function (FieldInterface $element) use ($caseSensitive) {
                    return $caseSensitive ? $element->getUniqueName() : strtolower($element->getUniqueName());

     * Generate the filter objects corresponding to a UQL string.
     * @param string $uql
     * @return Filter
    public function interpret($uql)
        if (empty(trim($uql))) {
            return new Filter();

        $parser = new Parser();
        $AST = $parser->parse($uql);

        return $this->buildFilter($AST);

     * Helper method: matches filtering operators to valid UQL operators
     * in order to do Filter to UQL transformations
     * @param string $method
     * @throws UQLInterpreterException
     * @return string
    public static function methodToUQLOperator($method)
        $translationMap = [
            FilterCondition::METHOD_STRING_EQ => "=",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_STRING_LIKE => "~",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_STRING_NEQ => "!=",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_NUMERIC_GT => ">",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_NUMERIC_GTE => ">=",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_NUMERIC_EQ => "=",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_NUMERIC_LTE => "<=",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_NUMERIC_LT => "<",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_NUMERIC_NEQ => "!=",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_IN => "in",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_NIN => "not in",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_BOOLEAN => "is",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_DATETIME_GT => "after",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_DATETIME_GTE => "after or at",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_DATETIME_EQ => "at",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_DATETIME_LTE => "before or at",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_DATETIME_LT => "before",
            FilterCondition::METHOD_DATETIME_NEQ => "not at",

        if (isset($translationMap[$method])) {
            return $translationMap[$method];

        throw new UQLInterpreterException("Can't translate filtering method '$method'' into a valid UQL operator");

     * Transforms a subtree of the AST into a concrete filter definition.
     * This function recursively builds all sub-trees.
     * @param ASTGroup|ASTAssertion|mixed $astSubtree
     * TODO: This looks like it should not be public (it is only used in tests).
     * We could move it and it's dependencies to its own class so that it can be tested
     * @return Filter
     * @throws \Exception
    public function buildFilter($astSubtree)
        if ($astSubtree instanceof ASTGroup) {
            return $this->buildFilterFromASTGroup($astSubtree);

        if ($astSubtree instanceof ASTAssertion) {
            $filterCondition = $this->buildFilterConditionFromASTAssertion($astSubtree);
            // Single filter. Wrap into dummy filter collection for consistency.
            $filter = new Filter();
            $filter[] = $filterCondition;

            return $filter;

        throw new UQLInterpreterException('Unexpected Abstract Syntax Tree element');

     * Translate <operator> tokens into Filter Methods.
     * @param string         $token
     * @param FieldInterface $dataSourceElement
     * @throws UQLInterpreterException
     * @return mixed
    public function translateOperator($token, FieldInterface $dataSourceElement)
        $translationTable = [
            "T_OP_LT" => [
            "T_OP_LTE" => [
            "T_OP_EQ" => [
            "T_OP_GTE" => [
            "T_OP_GT" => [
            "T_OP_NEQ" => [
            "T_OP_LIKE" => [
            "T_OP_IN" => [
            "T_OP_NIN" => [

        if (!isset($translationTable[$token])) {
            throw new UQLInterpreterException('Unable to translate token ' . $token . ' to a valid filtering method. Unknown token.');
        $possibleMethods = $translationTable[$token];

        // See if any of the methods is the default of the data type
        $dataType = $dataSourceElement->getDataType();
        foreach ($possibleMethods as $possibleMethod) {
            if ($possibleMethod === $dataType->getDefaultFilterMethod()) {
                return $possibleMethod;

        // Else, just accept the first one in the available methods
        foreach ($possibleMethods as $possibleMethod) {
            if (in_array($possibleMethod, $dataType->getAvailableFilterMethods())) {
                return $possibleMethod;

        throw new UQLInterpreterException('Unable to translate token ' . $token . ' to a valid filtering method. No methods are valid for the data type "' . $dataType->getName() . '" for data element "' . $dataSourceElement->getUniqueName() . '"');

     * Translate Lexer <logic> tokens into Filter Condition Types.
     * @param $token
     * @return string
     * @throws \Exception
    private function translateLogic($token)
        $translationTable = [
            "T_LOGIC_AND" => Filter::CONDITION_TYPE_AND,
            "T_LOGIC_OR" => Filter::CONDITION_TYPE_OR,
            "T_LOGIC_XOR" => Filter::CONDITION_TYPE_XOR,

        if (isset($translationTable[$token])) {
            return $translationTable[$token];

        throw new \Exception('Unable to translate token ' . $token . ' to a valid filter condition type.');

     * Trim and clean up the value to be set in the filter.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @return mixed
    private function parseValue($value)
        if (is_bool($value)) {
            return $value ? "1" : "0";

        return trim($value, "\"'");

     * @param ASTFunctionCall $functionCall
     * @return mixed
     * @throws FunctionNotFoundException
     * @throws UQLInterpreterException
    private function callFunction(ASTFunctionCall $functionCall)
        $functionName = $functionCall->getFunctionName();
        $function = $this->extensionContainer->getFunction($functionName);
        $arguments = $this->getFunctionArguments($functionCall, $function);

        try {
            return $function->call($arguments);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new UQLInterpreterException("The execution of function '$functionName' failed. Please check the arguments are valid. (" . $e->getMessage() . ")");

     * @param array $elements
     * @return array
    private function parseArray($elements)
        $array = [];
        foreach ($elements as $element) {
            $array[] = $this->parseValue($element);

        return $array;

     * @param string $identifier
     * @return Field
     * @throws UQLInterpreterException
    private function matchDataSourceElement($identifier)
        if (!$this->caseSensitive) {
            $identifier = strtolower($identifier);

        if (!isset($this->dataSourceElements[$identifier])) {
            throw new UQLInterpreterException('Unknown filtering element "' . $identifier . '"');

        return $this->dataSourceElements[$identifier];

     * @param ASTAssertion $astSubtree
     * @throws UQLInterpreterException
     * @return array|mixed
    private function getValue(ASTAssertion $astSubtree)
        $value = $astSubtree->getValue();
        $operator = $astSubtree->getOperator();

        if ($value instanceof ASTFunctionCall) {
            return $this->callFunction($value);

        if (in_array($operator, ['T_OP_IN', 'T_OP_NIN'])) {
            if (!($value instanceof ASTArray)) {
                throw new UQLInterpreterException('Only arrays are valid arguments for IN / NOT IN statements');

            return $this->parseArray($value->getElements());

        if (null === $value) {
            if (!in_array($operator, ['T_OP_EQ', 'T_OP_NEQ'])) {
                throw new UQLInterpreterException('Only IS / IS NOT operator can be used to compare against null value');

            return null;

        return $this->parseValue($value);

     * @param ASTAssertion $astSubtree
     * @throws UQLInterpreterException
     * @return FilterCondition
    private function buildFilterConditionFromASTAssertion(ASTAssertion $astSubtree)
        $field = $this->matchDataSourceElement($astSubtree->getIdentifier());
        $method = $this->translateOperator($astSubtree->getOperator(), $field);
        $value = $this->getValue($astSubtree);

        return $this->filterConditionFactory->create($field, $method, $value);

     * @param ASTGroup $astSubtree
     * @throws UQLInterpreterException
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return Filter
    private function buildFilterFromASTGroup(ASTGroup $astSubtree)
        $filter = new Filter();
        $condition = $this->translateLogic($astSubtree->getLogic());
        foreach ($astSubtree->getElements() as $element) {
            if ($element instanceof ASTGroup) {
                $filter[] = $this->buildFilterFromASTGroup($element);
            if ($element instanceof ASTAssertion) {
                $filter[] = $this->buildFilterConditionFromASTAssertion($element);

        return $filter;

     * @param ASTFunctionCall      $functionCall
     * @param UqlFunctionInterface $function
     * @return array
    private function getFunctionArguments(ASTFunctionCall $functionCall, $function)
        $arguments = $functionCall->getArguments();

        if ($function instanceof ContextAwareUqlFunction) {
            $context = $this->contextFactory->create($this->dataSource->getEntityClass());
            array_unshift($arguments, $context);

        return $arguments;