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namespace Nether\Input;

use Nether;
use Exception;

class Filter {
this class provides a base filtering system for input data. it allows you to
define a source and then define specific filtering mechanisms for each field
if you so choose.

    $input = (new Nether\Input\Filter($_POST))
    ->Email(function($t){ return filter_var($t,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); })
    ->Hostname(function($t){ return preg_replace('//','',$t); });

    if(!$input->Email) {
        die('you need to supply a valid email, jerkface.');


    protected ?array
    $Dataset = NULL;
    the input source dataset that we will request.

    protected mixed
    $DefaultFunction = NULL;
    the default filter that will be applied to all requests that do not have
    a specific filter set.

    protected array
    $Functions = [];
    the filters that are to be applied.

    protected array
    $FunctionArgs = [];
    optional arguments for filter functions.

    protected bool
    $Case = FALSE;
    if this class should be case sensitive on the input keys. by default it is
    false because we often create html url variables with lowercase but want
    to be all pascal or camel in the server side.

    protected array
    $CacheData = [];
    data that has been processed before before.

    protected bool
    $Cache = TRUE;
    if caching is enabled.


    public function
    __Construct($Dataset=NULL,$Opt=NULL) {

        $Opt = new Nether\Object\Mapped($Opt,[
            'Case'  => FALSE,
            'Cache' => TRUE

        $this->Case = $Opt->Case;
        $this->Cache = $Opt->Cache;

        if($Dataset !== NULL)



    public function
    __Get($Key) {
    @argv string Key
    @return mixed|false

    fetch the value from the datastore automatically checking if it exists,
    returning the value if it does. if it does not exist we will return false.
    the false however is not a valid enough test if all you care about is
    knowing that the key existed, because you could store a null in a key. use
    the Exists() method if all you care about is that.

        $Value = NULL;
        $Args = NULL;
        $Result = NULL;


        throw new Exception('No dataset bound to this filter object yet.');

        $Key = $this->PrepareKey($Key);

        if($this->Cache && array_key_exists($Key,$this->CacheData))
        return $this->CacheData[$Key];


        $Value = array_key_exists($Key,$this->Dataset) ? $this->Dataset[$Key] : NULL;

        // return the value through the filtering method if one was defined.
        if(array_key_exists($Key,$this->Functions)) {
            $Args = $this->FunctionArgs[$Key];

            $Result = $this->Functions[$Key](
                ...($Args ?? [])

        // return the value through the default filter if one was defined.
        elseif(is_callable($this->DefaultFunction)) {
            $Result = call_user_func(

        // return the value in the end.
        else {
            $Result = $this->Raw($Key);


        $this->CacheData[$Key] = $Result;

        return $Result;

    public function
    __Set($Key,$Val) {
    @argv string Key, mixed Value
    @return mixed
    handle pushing data into the datastore.

        return $this->Dataset[$this->PrepareKey($Key)] = $Val;

    public function
    __Call($Key,$Argv) {
    @argv string Key, array Args

        $Key = $this->PrepareKey($Key);


        throw new Exception('no filter function was defined');

        throw new Exception('the filter must be callable.');

        $this->Functions[$Key] = $Argv[0];


        if(count($Argv) >= 2 && is_array($Argv[1]))
        $this->FunctionArgs[$Key] = $Argv[1];

        return $this;

    public function
    __Invoke($Key) {
    @argv array Input
    @return callable or false
    allow retrieval of a defined callback via the invoke syntax. returns
    boolean false if no callback was defined.

    * callable $this('Something');

    to fetch something that was defined as

    * $this->Something(callable);


        $Key = $this->PrepareKey($Key);

        return $this->Functions[$Key];

        return FALSE;


    public function
    Exists($Key) {
    @argv string Key
    @return bool
    determine if the specified key exists in the original dataset.

        return array_key_exists($this->PrepareKey($Key),$this->Dataset);

    public function
    Raw($Key) {
    @argv string Key
    @return mixed
    get the draw data without running through input filters.

        $Key = $this->PrepareKey($Key);

        return (array_key_exists($Key,$this->Dataset))?

    public function
    GetDataset() {
    @return array

        return $this->Dataset;

    public function
    SetDataset($Input) {
    @argv array Input
    @argv object Input
    @return $this

        if(is_array($Input) || is_object($Input)) {
            $this->Dataset = $this->PrepareDataset((array)$Input);

        throw new Exception('Dataset must be an array or object.');

        return $this;

    public function
    bool {
    @date 2020-06-17

        return $this->Cache;

    public function
    SetCache(bool $Input):
    self {
    @date 2020-06-17

        $this->Cache = $Input;
        return $this;

    public function
    self {
    @date 2020-06-17

        $this->CacheData = [];
        return $this;

    public function
    GetDefaultFunction() {
    @return callable

        return $this->DefaultFunction;

    public function
    SetDefaultFunction(callable $Func) {
    @argv callable Function
    @return $this

        $this->DefaultFunction = $Func;
        return $this;

    public function
    BindByArray(array $Input):
    static {
    @date 2022-06-20

        $Key = NULL;
        $Value = NULL;

        foreach($Input as $Key => $Value)

        return $this;


    protected function
    PrepareKey($Key) {
        return strtolower($Key);

        return $Key;

    protected function
    PrepareDataset($Data) {
        if(!$this->Case) {
            $New = [];

            foreach((array)$Data as $Key => $Val)
            $New[strtolower($Key)] = $Val;

            return $New;
        } else {
            return (array)$Data;
