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Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2016 NeuroData (
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Created by Greg Kiar on 2017-02-02.
# Email:

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
import ndmg.utils as mgu
import ndmg
import sys
import os
import re
import csv
import boto3
import json
import ast

participant_templ = ''
group_templ = ''

def batch_submit(bucket, path, jobdir, credentials=None, state='session',
                 debug=False, dataset=None, log=False):
    Searches through an S3 bucket, gets all subject-ids, creates json files
    for each, submits batch jobs, and returns list of job ids to query status
    upon later.
    group = state == 'group'
    print("Getting list from s3://{}/{}/...".format(bucket, path))
    threads = crawl_bucket(bucket, path, group)

    print("Generating job for each subject...")
    jobs = create_json(bucket, path, threads, jobdir, group, credentials,
                       debug, dataset, log)

    print("Submitting jobs to the queue...")
    ids = submit_jobs(jobs, jobdir)

def crawl_bucket(bucket, path, group=False):
    Gets subject list for a given S3 bucket and path
    if group:
        cmd = 'aws s3 ls s3://{}/{}/graphs/'.format(bucket, path)
        out, err = mgu.execute_cmd(cmd)
        atlases = re.findall('PRE (.+)/', out)
        print("Atlas IDs: " + ", ".join(atlases))
        return atlases
        cmd = 'aws s3 ls s3://{}/{}/'.format(bucket, path)
        out, err = mgu.execute_cmd(cmd)
        subjs = re.findall('PRE sub-(.+)/', out)
        cmd = 'aws s3 ls s3://{}/{}/sub-{}/'
        seshs = OrderedDict()
        for subj in subjs:
            out, err = mgu.execute_cmd(cmd.format(bucket, path, subj))
            sesh = re.findall('ses-(.+)/', out)
            seshs[subj] = sesh if sesh != [] else [None]
        print("Session IDs: " + ", ".join([subj+'-'+sesh if sesh is not None
                                           else subj
                                           for subj in subjs
                                           for sesh in seshs[subj]]))
        return seshs

def create_json(bucket, path, threads, jobdir, group=False, credentials=None,
                debug=False, dataset=None, log=False):
    Takes parameters to make jsons
    mgu.execute_cmd("mkdir -p {}".format(jobdir))
    mgu.execute_cmd("mkdir -p {}/jobs/".format(jobdir))
    mgu.execute_cmd("mkdir -p {}/ids/".format(jobdir))
    if group:
        template = group_templ
        atlases = threads
        template = participant_templ
        seshs = threads

    if not os.path.isfile('{}/{}'.format(jobdir, template.split('/')[-1])):
        cmd = 'wget --quiet -P {} {}'.format(jobdir, template)

    with open('{}/{}'.format(jobdir, template.split('/')[-1]), 'r') as inf:
        template = json.load(inf)
    cmd = template['containerOverrides']['command']
    env = template['containerOverrides']['environment']

    if credentials is not None:
        cred = [line for line in csv.reader(open(credentials))]
        env[0]['value'] = [cred[1][idx]
                           for idx, val in enumerate(cred[0])
                           if "ID" in val][0]  # Adds public key ID to env
        env[1]['value'] = [cred[1][idx]
                           for idx, val in enumerate(cred[0])
                           if "Secret" in val][0]  # Adds secret key to env
        env = []
    template['containerOverrides']['environment'] = env

    jobs = list()
    cmd[4] = re.sub('(<BUCKET>)', bucket, cmd[4])
    cmd[6] = re.sub('(<PATH>)', path, cmd[6])

    if group:
        if dataset is not None:
            cmd[9] = re.sub('(<DATASET>)', dataset, cmd[9])
            cmd[9] = re.sub('(<DATASET>)', '', cmd[9])

        batlas = ['slab907', 'DS03231', 'DS06481', 'DS16784', 'DS72784']
        for atlas in atlases:
            if atlas in batlas:
                print("... Skipping {} parcellation".format(atlas))
            print("... Generating job for {} parcellation".format(atlas))
            job_cmd = deepcopy(cmd)
            job_cmd[11] = re.sub('(<ATLAS>)', atlas, job_cmd[11])
            if log:
                job_cmd += ['--log']
            if atlas == 'desikan':
                job_cmd += ['--hemispheres']

            job_json = deepcopy(template)
            ver = ndmg.version.replace('.', '-')
            if dataset:
                name = 'ndmg_{}_{}_{}'.format(ver, dataset, atlas)
                name = 'ndmg_{}_{}'.format(ver, atlas)
            job_json['jobName'] = name
            job_json['containerOverrides']['command'] = job_cmd
            job = os.path.join(jobdir, 'jobs', name+'.json')
            with open(job, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(job_json, outfile)
            jobs += [job]

        for subj in seshs.keys():
            print("... Generating job for sub-{}".format(subj))
            for sesh in seshs[subj]:
                job_cmd = deepcopy(cmd)
                job_cmd[8] = re.sub('(<SUBJ>)', subj, job_cmd[8])
                if sesh is not None:
                    job_cmd += [u'--session_label']
                    job_cmd += [u'{}'.format(sesh)]
                if debug:
                    job_cmd += [u'--debug']

                job_json = deepcopy(template)
                ver = ndmg.version.replace('.', '-')
                if dataset:
                    name = 'ndmg_{}_{}_sub-{}'.format(ver, dataset, subj)
                    name = 'ndmg_{}_sub-{}'.format(ver, subj)
                if sesh is not None:
                    name = '{}_ses-{}'.format(name, sesh)
                job_json['jobName'] = name
                job_json['containerOverrides']['command'] = job_cmd
                job = os.path.join(jobdir, 'jobs', name+'.json')
                with open(job, 'w') as outfile:
                    json.dump(job_json, outfile)
                jobs += [job]
    return jobs

def submit_jobs(jobs, jobdir):
    Give list of jobs to submit, submits them to AWS Batch
    cmd_template = 'aws batch submit-job --cli-input-json file://{}'

    for job in jobs:
        cmd = cmd_template.format(job)
        print("... Submitting job {}...".format(job))
        out, err = mgu.execute_cmd(cmd)
        submission = ast.literal_eval(out)
        print("Job Name: {}, Job ID: {}".format(submission['jobName'],
        sub_file = os.path.join(jobdir, 'ids', submission['jobName']+'.json')
        with open(sub_file, 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump(submission, outfile)
    return 0

def get_status(jobdir, jobid=None):
    Given list of jobs, returns status of each.
    cmd_template = 'aws batch describe-jobs --jobs {}'

    if jobid is None:
        print("Describing jobs in {}/ids/...".format(jobdir))
        jobs = os.listdir(jobdir+'/ids/')
        for job in jobs:
            with open('{}/ids/{}'.format(jobdir, job), 'r') as inf:
                submission = json.load(inf)
            cmd = cmd_template.format(submission['jobId'])
            print("... Checking job {}...".format(submission['jobName']))
            out, err = mgu.execute_cmd(cmd)
            status = re.findall('"status": "([A-Za-z]+)",', out)[0]
            print("... ... Status: {}".format(status))
        return 0
        print("Describing job id {}...".format(jobid))
        cmd = cmd_template.format(jobid)
        out, err = mgu.execute_cmd(cmd)
        status = re.findall('"status": "([A-Za-z]+)",', out)[0]
        print("... Status: {}".format(status))
        return status

def kill_jobs(jobdir, reason='"Killing job"'):
    Given a list of jobs, kills them all.
    cmd_template1 = 'aws batch cancel-job --job-id {} --reason {}'
    cmd_template2 = 'aws batch terminate-job --job-id {} --reason {}'

    print("Canelling/Terminating jobs in {}/ids/...".format(jobdir))
    jobs = os.listdir(jobdir+'/ids/')
    for job in jobs:
        with open('{}/ids/{}'.format(jobdir, job), 'r') as inf:
            submission = json.load(inf)
        jid = submission['jobId']
        name = submission['jobName']
        status = get_status(jobdir, jid)
        if status in ['SUCCEEDED', 'FAILED']:
            print("... No action needed for {}...".format(name))
        elif status in ['SUBMITTED', 'PENDING', 'RUNNABLE']:
            cmd = cmd_template1.format(jid, reason)
            print("... Cancelling job {}...".format(name))
            out, err = mgu.execute_cmd(cmd)
        elif status in ['STARTING', 'RUNNING']:
            cmd = cmd_template2.format(jid, reason)
            print("... Terminating job {}...".format(name))
            out, err = mgu.execute_cmd(cmd)
            print("... Unknown status??")

def main():
    parser = ArgumentParser(description="This is an end-to-end connectome \
                            estimation pipeline from sMRI and DTI images")

    parser.add_argument('state', choices=['session',
                                          'kill'], default='paricipant',
                        help='determines the function to be performed by '
                        'this function.')
    parser.add_argument('--bucket', help='The S3 bucket with the input dataset'
                        ' formatted according to the BIDS standard.')
    parser.add_argument('--bidsdir', help='The directory where the dataset'
                        ' lives on the S3 bucket should be stored. If you'
                        ' level analysis this folder should be prepopulated'
                        ' with the results of the participant level analysis.')
    parser.add_argument('--jobdir', action='store', help='Dir of batch jobs to'
                        ' generate/check up on.')
    parser.add_argument('--credentials', action='store', help='AWS formatted'
                        ' csv of credentials.')
    parser.add_argument('--log', action='store_true', help='flag to indicate'
                        ' log plotting in group analysis.', default=False)
    parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='flag to store '
                        'temp files along the path of processing.',
    parser.add_argument('--dataset', action='store', help='Dataset name')
    result = parser.parse_args()

    bucket = result.bucket
    path = result.bidsdir
    path = path.strip('/') if path is not None else path
    debug = result.debug
    state = result.state
    creds = result.credentials
    jobdir = result.jobdir
    dset = result.dataset
    log = result.log

    if jobdir is None:
        jobdir = './'

    if (bucket is None or path is None) and \
       (state != 'status' and state != 'kill'):
        sys.exit('Requires either path to bucket and data, or the status flag'
                 ' and job IDs to query.\n  Try:\n    ndmg_cloud --help')

    if state == 'status':
        print("Checking job status...")
    elif state == 'kill':
        print("Killing jobs...")
    elif state == 'group' or state == 'session':
        print("Beginning batch submission process...")
        batch_submit(bucket, path, jobdir, creds, state, debug, dset, log)


if __name__ == "__main__":