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Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2014 Open Connectome Project (
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Created by Greg Kiar on 2016-05-11.
# Email:

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from collections import OrderedDict
from subprocess import Popen
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from ndmg.utils import loadGraphs

import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb
import networkx as nx
import pickle
import sys
import os

def compute_metrics(fs, outdir, atlas, verb=False):
    Given a set of files and a directory to put things, loads graphs and
    performs set of analyses on them, storing derivatives in a pickle format
    in the desired output location.

    Required parameters:
            - Dictionary of lists of files in each dataset
            - Path to derivative save location
            - Name of atlas of interest as it appears in the directory titles
    Optional parameters:
            - Toggles verbose output statements

    graphs = loadGraphs(fs, verb=verb)
    nodes = nx.number_of_nodes(graphs.values()[0])

    #  Number of non-zero edges (i.e. binary edge count)
    print("Computing: NNZ")
    nnz = OrderedDict((subj, len(nx.edges(graphs[subj]))) for subj in graphs)
    write(outdir, 'number_non_zeros', nnz, atlas)
    print("Sample Mean: %.2f" % np.mean(nnz.values()))

    #  Degree sequence
    print("Computing: Degree Sequence")
    total_deg = OrderedDict((subj, np.array([subj]).values()))
                            for subj in graphs)
    ipso_deg = OrderedDict()
    contra_deg = OrderedDict()
    for subj in graphs:  # TODO GK: remove forloop and use comprehension maybe?
        g = graphs[subj]
        N = len(g.nodes())
        LLnodes = g.nodes()[0:N/2]  # TODO GK: don't assume hemispheres
        LL = g.subgraph(LLnodes)
        LLdegs = [[n] for n in LLnodes]

        RRnodes = g.nodes()[N/2:N]  # TODO GK: don't assume hemispheres
        RR = g.subgraph(RRnodes)
        RRdegs = [[n] for n in RRnodes]

        LRnodes = g.nodes()
        ipso_list = LLdegs + RRdegs
        degs = [[n] for n in LRnodes]
        contra_deg[subj] = [a_i - b_i for a_i, b_i in zip(degs, ipso_list)]
        ipso_deg[subj] = ipso_list
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    deg = {'total_deg': total_deg,
           'ipso_deg': ipso_deg,
           'contra_deg': contra_deg}
    write(outdir, 'degree_distribution', deg, atlas)

    #  Edge Weights
    print("Computing: Edge Weight Sequence")
    temp_ew = OrderedDict((s, [graphs[s].get_edge_data(e[0], e[1])['weight']
                           for e in graphs[s].edges()]) for s in graphs)
    ew = temp_ew
    write(outdir, 'edge_weight', ew, atlas)

    #   Clustering Coefficients
    print("Computing: Clustering Coefficient Sequence")
    temp_cc = OrderedDict((subj, nx.clustering(graphs[subj]).values())
                          for subj in graphs)
    ccoefs = temp_cc
    write(outdir, 'clustering_coefficients', ccoefs, atlas)

    # Scan Statistic-1
    print("Computing: Max Local Statistic Sequence")
    temp_ss1 = scan_statistic(graphs, 1)
    ss1 = temp_ss1
    write(outdir, 'locality_statistic', ss1, atlas)

    # Eigen Values
    print("Computing: Eigen Value Sequence")
    laplac = OrderedDict((subj, nx.normalized_laplacian_matrix(graphs[subj]))
                         for subj in graphs)
    eigs = OrderedDict((subj, np.sort(np.linalg.eigvals(laplac[subj].A))[::-1])
                       for subj in graphs)
    write(outdir, 'eigen_sequence', eigs, atlas)
    print("Subject Maxes: " + ", ".join(["%.2f" % np.max(eigs[key])
                                         for key in eigs.keys()]))

    # Betweenness Centrality
    print("Computing: Betweenness Centrality Sequence")
    nxbc = nx.algorithms.betweenness_centrality  # For PEP8 line length...
    temp_bc = OrderedDict((subj, nxbc(graphs[subj]).values())
                          for subj in graphs)
    centrality = temp_bc
    write(outdir, 'betweenness_centrality', centrality, atlas)

    # Mean connectome
    print("Computing: Mean Connectome")
    adj = OrderedDict((subj, nx.adj_matrix(graphs[subj]).todense())
                      for subj in graphs)
    mat = np.zeros(adj.values()[0].shape)
    for subj in adj:
        mat += adj[subj]
    mat = mat/len(adj.keys())
    write(outdir, 'study_mean_connectome', mat, atlas)

def show_means(data):
    print("Subject Means: " + ", ".join(["%.2f" % np.mean(data[key])
                                         for key in data.keys()]))

def scan_statistic(mygs, i):
    Computes scan statistic-i on a set of graphs

    Required Parameters:
            - Dictionary of graphs
            - which scan statistic to compute
    ss = OrderedDict()
    for key in mygs.keys():
        g = mygs[key]
        tmp = np.array(())
        for n in g.nodes():
            sg = nx.ego_graph(g, n, radius=i)
            tmp = np.append(tmp, np.sum([sg.get_edge_data(e[0], e[1])['weight']
                            for e in sg.edges()]))
        ss[key] = tmp
    return ss

def density(data, nbins=500, rng=None):
    Computes density for metrics which return vectors

    Required parameters:
            - Dictionary of the vectors of data
    density = OrderedDict()
    xs = OrderedDict()
    for subj in data:
        hist = np.histogram(data[subj], nbins)
        hist = np.max(hist[0])
        dens = gaussian_kde(data[subj])
        if rng is not None:
            xs[subj] = np.linspace(rng[0], rng[1], nbins)
            xs[subj] = np.linspace(0, np.max(data[subj]), nbins)
        density[subj] = dens.evaluate(xs[subj])*np.max(data[subj]*hist)
    return {"xs": xs, "pdfs": density}

def write(outdir, metric, data, atlas):
    Write computed derivative to disk in a pickle file

    Required parameters:
            - Path to derivative save location
            - The value that was calculated
            - The results of this calculation
            - Name of atlas of interest as it appears in the directory titles
    with open(outdir + '/' + atlas + '_' + metric + '.pkl', 'wb') as of:
        pickle.dump({metric: data}, of)

def main():
    Argument parser and directory crawler. Takes organization and atlas
    information and produces a dictionary of file lists based on datasets
    of interest and then passes it off for processing.

    Required parameters:
            - Name of atlas of interest as it appears in the directory titles
            - Basepath for which data can be found directly inwards from
            - Path to derivative save location
    Optional parameters:
            - Determines file organization; whether graphs are stored as
              .../atlas/dataset/graphs or .../dataset/atlas/graphs. If the
              latter, use the flag.
            - Toggles verbose output statements
    parser = ArgumentParser(description="Computes Graph Metrics")
    parser.add_argument("atlas", action="store", help="atlas directory to use")
    parser.add_argument("indir", action="store", help="base directory loc")
    parser.add_argument("outdir", action="store", help="base directory loc")
    parser.add_argument("-f", "--fmt", action="store_true", help="Formatting \
                        flag. True if bc1, False if greg's laptop.")
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verb", action="store_true", help="")
    result = parser.parse_args()

    #  Sets up directory to crawl based on the system organization you're
    #  working on. Which organizations are pretty clear by the code, methinks..
    indir = result.indir
    atlas = result.atlas

    #  Crawls directories and creates a dictionary entry of file names for each
    #  dataset which we plan to process.
    fs = [indir + "/" + fl
          for root, dirs, files in os.walk(indir)
          for fl in files
          if fl.endswith(".graphml") or fl.endswith(".gpickle")]

    p = Popen("mkdir -p " + result.outdir, shell=True)
    #  The fun begins and now we load our graphs and process them.
    compute_metrics(fs, result.outdir, atlas, result.verb)

if __name__ == "__main__":