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Test Coverage
# frozen_string_literal: true

# Copyright 2016-2021 Copado NCS LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

require "kitchen/terraform/config_attribute"
require "kitchen/terraform/config_attribute_contract/systems"

module Kitchen
  module Terraform
    class ConfigAttribute
      # The value of the +systems+ key must be a sequence of systems.
      # If the +systems+ key is omitted then no tests will be executed.
      # A system is a mapping which is used to configure the execution of { InSpec tests}
      # against a system in the Terraform state. The keys of a system mapping correlate to the arguments and the
      # options of the { +inspec exec+} command-line interface
      # subcomamand.
      # ===== InSpec Profiles
      # All systems within the same { Kitchen suite} are by default
      # tested using the same { InSpec profile}. The profile must be
      # implemented in the directory located at `<Kitchen root>/test/integration/<suite name>`. This behaviour can be
      # overridden with the <code>profile_locations</code> key.
      # The values of any { Terraform variables} configured
      # with the driver's <code>variables</code> attribute and the values of any
      # { Terraform outputs} which exist in the Terraform state
      # are associated with equivalently named
      # { InSpec profile attributes}, prefixed with
      # <code>input_</code> or <code>output_</code>, respectively. The values of the outputs are also associated with
      # equivalently named profile attributes without any prefixes for backward compatibility. Output associations can
      # be overridden with the <code>attrs_outputs</code> key. For example, the value of a variable named `test` will
      # be associated with an attribute named `input_test`, and the value of an output named `test` will be associated
      # with an attribute named `output_test` as well as an attribute named `test`.
      # ===== Required Keys
      # The following keys must be included by every system.
      # ====== name
      # The value of the +name+ key is a scalar which is used to refer to the system for logging purposes.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: local
      # ====== backend
      # The value of the +backend+ key is a scalar which is used to select the
      # { InSpec backend} for connections to the system.
      # The scalar must match the name of one the available backends.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: docker
      # ===== Optional Keys
      # The following keys may be included by any system to alter the behaviour of InSpec. Any key which is omitted
      # will be associated with a default value as defined by InSpec except where otherwise noted.
      # ====== attrs
      # The value of the +attrs+ key is a sequence of scalars which is used to locate any
      # { InSpec profile attributes} files.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: local
      #         attrs:
      #           - /path/to/first_attributes.yml
      #           - /path/to/second_attributes.yml
      # ====== attrs_outputs
      # The value of the +attrs_outputs+ key is a mapping of scalars to scalars which is used to define
      # { InSpec profile attributes} with the values
      # of Terraform outputs.
      # The use of the +attrs_outputs+ key is only necessary to override the default definitions of profile attributes
      # with names and values equivalent to the outputs.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: local
      #         attrs_outputs:
      #           an_attribute_name: an_output_name
      # ====== backend_cache
      # The value of the +backend_cache+ key is a boolean which is used to toggle the caching of InSpec backend command
      # output.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: local
      #         backend_cache: false
      # ====== bastion_host
      # The value of the +bastion_host+ key is a scalar which is used as the hostname of a
      # { bastion host} to connect to before connecting to hosts in the
      # system.
      # The +bastion_host+ key must be used in combination with a backend which supports remote connections.
      # The +bastion_host_output+ key will take priority over the +bastion_host+ key.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         bastion_host: bastion-host.domain
      # ====== bastion_host_output
      # The value of the +bastion_host_output+ key is a scalar which is used to obtain the address of a bastion host in
      # the system from a Terraform output.
      # The scalar must match the name of an output with a value which is a string.
      # The +bastion_host_output+ key must be used in combination with a backend which enables remote connections.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         bastion_host_output: an_output
      # ====== bastion_port
      # The value of the +bastion_port+ key is an integer which is used as the port number to connect to on the bastion
      # host.
      # The +bastion_port+ key must be used in combination with the +bastion_host_output+ key or the +bastion_host+ key.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         bastion_host_output: an_output
      #         bastion_port: 1234
      # ====== bastion_user
      # The value of the +bastion_user+ key is a scalar which is used as the username for authentication with the
      # bastion host.
      # The +bastion_user+ key must be used in combination with the +bastion_host_output+ key or the +bastion_host+ key.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         bastion_host_output: an_output
      #         bastion_user: bastion-user
      # ====== controls
      # The value of the +controls+ key is a sequence of scalars which is used to select for execution against the
      # system a subset of the { InSpec controls} of the profile.
      # The use of the +controls+ key is only necessary if the system should not be tested with all of the controls of # the profile.
      # The scalars must match the names of the controls, not the names of the control files.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: first system
      #         backend: local
      #         controls:
      #           - first control
      #           - third control
      #       - name: second system
      #         backend: local
      #         controls:
      #           - second control
      #           - fourth control
      # ====== enable_password
      # The value of the +enable_password+ key is a scalar which is used as the password for authentication with a
      # Cisco IOS device in enable mode.
      # The +enable_password+ key must be used in combination with <tt>backend: ssh</tt>.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         enable_password: Cisc0!
      # ====== hosts
      # The value of the +hosts+ key is a sequence of scalars which is used as addresses of hosts in the system.
      # The +hosts+ key must be used in combination with a backend which enables remote connections.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         hosts:
      #           - hostname.domainname
      # ====== hosts_output
      # The value of the +hosts_output+ key is a scalar which is used to obtain the addresses of hosts in the system
      # from a Terraform output.
      # The scalar must match the name of an output with a value which is a string or an array of strings.
      # The +hosts_output+ key must be used in combination with a backend which enables remote connections.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         hosts_output: an_output
      # ====== key_files
      # The value of the +key_files+ key is a sequence of scalars which is used to locate key files (also known as
      # identity files) for { Secure Shell (SSH) authentication} with hosts in the
      # Terraform state.
      # The +key_files+ key must be used in combination with <tt>backend: ssh</tt>.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         key_files:
      #           - /path/to/first/key/file
      #           - /path/to/second/key/file
      # ====== password
      # The value of the +password+ key is a scalar which is used as the password for authentication with hosts in the
      # system.
      # The +password+ key must be used in combination with a backend which supports password authentication.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         password: Th3P455I5Th3W0rd
      # ====== path
      # The value of the +path+ key is a scalar which is used as the login path when connecting to a host in the system.
      # The +path+ key must be used in combination with <tt>backend: winrm</tt>.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: winrm
      #         path: /login
      # ====== port
      # The value of the +port+ key is an integer which is used as the port number when connecting via SSH to the hosts
      # of the system.
      # The +port+ key must be used in combination with <tt>backend: ssh</tt>.
      # If the +port+ key is omitted then the value of the +port+ key of the Test Kitchen transport will be used.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         port: 1234
      # ====== profile_locations
      # The value of the <code>profile_locations</code> key is a sequence of scalars which is used to locate
      # { InSpec profiles} containing the controls to be executed against
      # the system. This key corresponds to the LOCATIONS argument of <code>inspec exec</code>.
      # The default value contains a single scalar which assumes that a profile exists locally for the associated
      # { Kitchen suite} at
      # <code><KITCHEN ROOT>/test/integration/<KITCHEN SUITE NAME></code>.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: local
      #         profile_locations:
      #           - supermarket://username/linux-baseline
      #           - /path/to/profile
      #           - /path/to/a_test.rb
      # ====== proxy_command
      # The value of the +proxy_command+ key is a scalar which is used as a proxy command when connecting to a host via
      # SSH.
      # The +proxy_command+ key must be used in combination with <tt>backend: ssh</tt>.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         proxy_command: ssh root@ -W %h:%p
      # ====== reporter
      # The value of the +reporter+ key is a sequence of scalars which is used to select the
      # { InSpec reporters}
      # for reporting test output.
      # The scalars must match the names of the available reporters.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: local
      #         reporter:
      #           - cli
      #           - documentation
      # ====== self_signed
      # The value of the +self_signed+ key is a boolean which is used to toggle permission for self-signed certificates
      # during testing of Windows hosts.
      # The +self_signed+ key must be used in combination with <tt>backend: winrm</tt>.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: winrm
      #         self_signed: true
      # ====== shell
      # The value of the +shell+ key is a boolean which is used to toggle the use of a subshell when executing tests on
      # hosts in the system.
      # The +shell+ key is only effective for a system which has Unix-like hosts.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         hosts_output: an_output
      #         shell: true
      # ====== shell_command
      # The value of the +shell_command+ key is a scalar which is used to override the default shell command used to
      # instantiate a subshell.
      # The +shell_command+ key must be used in combination with <tt>shell: true</tt>.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         hosts_output: an_output
      #         shell: true
      #         shell_command: /bin/ksh
      # ====== shell_options
      # The value of the +shell_options+ key is a scalar which is used to provide options to the subshell.
      # The +shell_options+ key must be used in combination with <tt>shell: true</tt>.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         hosts_output: an_output
      #         shell: true
      #         shell_options: -v
      # ====== show_progress
      # The value of the +show_progress+ key is a boolean which is used to toggle the display of progress while tests
      # are executing.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: local
      #         show_progress: false
      # ====== ssl
      # The value of the +ssl+ key is a boolean which is used to toggle the use of
      # { Transport Layer Security (TLS)} when connecting to
      # hosts in the system. InSpec's reference to Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a misnomer as that protocol has been
      # deprecated in favour of TLS.
      # The +ssl+ key must be used in combination with <tt>backend: winrm</tt>.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: winrm
      #         ssl: true
      # ====== sudo
      # The value of the +sudo+ key is a boolean which is used to toggle the use of
      # { sudo} for obtaining superuser permissions when executing tests on hosts in
      # the system.
      # The +sudo+ key is only effective for a system which has Unix-like hosts.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         hosts_output: an_output
      #         sudo: true
      # ====== sudo_command
      # The value of the +sudo_command+ key is a scalar which is used to override the default command used to
      # invoke sudo.
      # The +sudo_command+ key must be used in combination with <tt>sudo: true</tt>.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         hosts_output: an_output
      #         sudo: true
      #         sudo_command: /bin/sudo
      # ====== sudo_options
      # The value of the +sudo_options+ key is a scalar which is used to provide options to the sudo command.
      # The +sudo_options+ key must be used in combination with <tt>sudo: true</tt>.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         hosts_output: an_output
      #         sudo: true
      #         sudo_options: -u admin
      # ====== sudo_password
      # The value of the +sudo_password+ key is a scalar which is used as the password for authentication with the sudo
      # command.
      # The +sudo_password+ key must be used in combination with <tt>sudo: true</tt>.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         hosts_output: an_output
      #         sudo: true
      #         sudo_password: Th3P455I5Th3W0rd
      # ====== user
      # The value of the +user+ key is a scalar which is used as the username for authentication with hosts in the
      # system.
      # The +user+ key must be used in combination with a backend which supports user authentication.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: ssh
      #         user: tester
      # ====== vendor_cache
      # The value of the +vendor_cache+ key is a scalar which is used as the pathname of the directory in which InSpec
      # will cache dependencies of the profile.
      # <em>Example kitchen.yml</em>
      #   verifier:
      #     name: terraform
      #     systems:
      #       - name: a system
      #         backend: local
      #         vendor_cache: /opt/inspec-cache
      module Systems
          attribute: :systems,
          default_value: lambda do
        ).apply config_attribute: self

        # #doctor_config_systems validates the systems configuration.
        # @return [Boolean] +true+ if any errors are found; +false+ if no errors are found.
        def doctor_config_systems
          errors = false

          if config_systems.empty?
            errors = true
            logger.error "systems is empty"
